Download Q. 1. Give two examples to biomes. Ans. (1) Desert (2) Rain forest Q

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Q. 1. Give two examples to biomes.
Ans. (1) Desert
(2) Rain forest
Q. 2. How are the major biomes on earth formed?
Ans. The major biomes are formed due to annual variation in the precipitation in a region.
Q. 3. How are varieties of habitats formed in a biome?
Ans. The variations at regional and local levels within a biome leads to the formation of habitats.
Q. 4. How does the temperature affect the organisms?
Ans. Temperature affects the enzymes kinetics and through this it affects the basal metabolism of
the individual.
Q.5. If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium, will the fish be able to survive?
Why or why not?
Ans. It will not able to survive because of low salinity of water. It will lead to osmotic problems
and keep intaking water inside its body cells.
Q.6. Define phenotypic adaptation. Give one example.
Ans. The adaptation shown by organism that is restricted to its body only is phenotypic
adaptation. It is temporary in nature e.g. escaping temperature rises by avoiding it and going to
Q.7. Most living organisms can not survive at temperature above 45°C. How are some
microbes able to live in habitats with temperature exceeding 100°C?
Ans. The microbes living in hydrothermal vents (100°C) have adapted themselves metabolically.
Q.8. List the attributes that populations but not individuals possess.
Ans. Population attributes are—
(1) Per capita birth and death rates.
(2) Sex ratio.
Q. 9. Mention the various growth status of the human population as shown by age
Ans. (1) Expanding,
(2) Stable,
(3) Declining.
Q. 10. Define Darwin fitness (high r value).
Ans. When the populations evolve to maximise their reproductive fitness in the habitat in which
they live is called Darwin fitness (high r value).
Q. 11. Mention the two values needed to calculate the population size/density at a given
Ans. Per capita births, per capita deaths.
Q. 12. If the population density (W) is at time t, then its density at, time t +1 will
represented by which equation?
Ans. N t+1=N,+ [(B + 1)-(D + E)]
Q. 13. Mention the equation for representing exponential growth at a given unit time
Ans. rN =dN/ dt
Q. 15. When the responses are limiting the growth, the growth is represented by which
equation? Mention it.
Ans. dN/ dt= rN K N/ K
Q. 15. When do we get growth curves— J and S shaped, when plotted against population
density and unit time?
Ans. J-shaped growth curve is obtained when the responses are not limiting growth. S-shaped
growth curve is obtained when the responses are limiting.
Q. 16. Mention when the growth plot is exponential and logistic?
Ans. The growth plot is exponential when responses are not limiting growth and it is logistic
when responses are limiting the growth.
Q. 17. Name important defence mechanisms in plants against herbivores?
Ans. (1) Thorns,
(2) Storage of highly poisonous chemicals.
Q. 18. Define competition.
When the fitness of one species (in terms or V the intrensic rate of increase) is significantly
lower in the presence of another species is called competition.
Q. 19. What is brood parasitism?
The laying of eggs by a parasitic bird in the nest of its host and lets it to incubate is called brood
Q. 10. Define Co-evolution.
Ans. The changes that help one species to evolve against the other is equally balanced by the
other species that depends on the first by changes in itself is called co-evolution, i.e. both evolve
Q. 21. How are pollinators rewarded by plants/flowers?
Ans. Pollinators get nector or other kind of food in reward of the act of pollination.
Q. 22. Which type of association is—
Sea anemone with down fish. Ans. Commensalism.
Q. 23. Mention the association type shown by pollinators and plants.
Ans. Mutualism.
Q. 24. What is the ecological principle behind the biological control method of managing
the pest insects?
Ans. Predation.
Q. 25. List the various abiotic environmental factors.
Ans. Temperature, Water, Soil, Light. .
Q. 26. Select the statement which explains best parasitism.
(a) One organism is benefited.
(b) Both organisms are benefited.
(c) One organism is benefited, other is not affected.
(d)One organism is benefited , other is affected.
Ans. (d) One organism is benefited, other is affected.