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Biology 2330: Lecture Test Five
Multiple Choice. Read each question thoroughly before answering. From the choices available, choose the answer
that is the most correct. Place all answers on the accompanying answer sheet.
1. Blood vessels that absorb the water and solutes leaving the filtrate of the nephron’s tubules are called the
a. collecting duct
b. vasa recta
c. distal tubule
d. Bowman’s capsule
2. The digestive enzyme, pancreatic lipase,
is secreted by the pancreas to cut the peptide bonds between amino acids of a protein.
participates in the chemical conversion of fats into monoglycerides and fatty acids.
is one of two enzymes present in saliva.
is deactivated by the neutral pH environment of the small intestine.
cleaves disaccharides from starches like amylose.
3. Which of the following is not a general function of the kidney?
a. regulation of blood volume
c. regulation of red blood cell synthesis
e. stimulation of gastric secretions
b. regulation of solute concentration of the blood
d. elimination of cellular wastes
4. Saliva provides all of the following functions to digestion except
lubricate the bolus to ease its movement through the esophagus.
begin the enzymatic breakdown of protein into polypeptides.
begin disinfection of food-borne bacteria using lysozymes.
begin the enzymatic breakdown of amylase into disaccharides.
add moisture necessary to allow for chemoreception of flavor molecules.
5. T/F. Ureters use peristaltic contractions to propel urine to the bladder.
6. The epiglottis
initiates swallowing by opening the upper esophageal sphincter.
relaxes at the time of defecation.
closes the glottis during swallowing.
generates action potentials to moderate the micturition reflex.
7. A tubule contains a fluid with a concentration of 300 mOsm/kg. Unlike the kidney’s tubules, the cells of the tubule in
this question present no barrier to the passage of solutes or water; water and solutes are free to move into and out of
the tubule. The fluid in the interstitial space surrounding the tubule has a concentration of 600 mOsm/kg. Which way
will water move?
a. into the tubule fluid from the interstitial fluid
b. into the interstitial fluid from the tubule fluid
c. into the interstitial fluid only if ADH is present
8. Using the same information provided in Question 7, which way will a solute like Na + move?
a. into the tubule fluid from the interstitial fluid
b. into the interstitial fluid from the tubule fluid
c. into the interstitial fluid only if ADH is present
9. Using the same information provided in Question 7, which fluid contains the greater amount of solute?
a. interstitial fluid
b. tubule fluid
10. The nerves controlling secretions of the gastrointestinal glands are located in the
a. myentric plexus
b. muscularis
c. submucosa
d. serosa
e. mucosa
11. The control over osmosis in the _______ of the nephron controls the volume and concentration of urine.
a. Bowman’s capsule
d. ascending loop of Henle
b. proximal convoluted tubule
e. distal convoluted tubule
c. descending loop of Henle
12. The rugae of the stomach
consist of three smooth muscle layers: circular, longitudinal, and oblique.
produce histamine to stimulate the production of HCl.
allow the stomach wall to stretch without tearing.
remain closed until the pressure of peristaltic waves opens them.
13. Which of the following ions appears critical to the cotransport of substances out of the filtrate and into the tubular
a. Cl-
b. Na+
c. K+
d. HCO3-
e. none of the choices
14. The cephalic phase of gastric secretion is stimulated by
the presence of lipids and stomach acid in the duodenum.
the presence of food in the stomach.
stretch receptors in the rectum.
sensory input to the central nervous system.
all of these stimulate the cephalic phase.
15. What causes fluids and solutes filtered into Bowman’s capsule to return to the glomerulus?
plasma proteins that are remain in the glomerulus due to their size
blood colloid osmotic pressure
capsule pressure
all of the choices are correct
16. If the glomerular capillary pressure is 40 mmHg, the capsule pressure is 10 mmHg, and the blood colloid osmotic
pressure within the glomerulus is 30 mmHg, the filtration pressure is _____ mmHg.
a. -20
b. 0
c. 20
d. 60
e. 80
17. Which of the following does not enter the filtrate in Bowman’s capsule?
a. Na+
b. plasma proteins like fibrinogen
c. glucose
d. amino acids
e. K+
18. The serosa of the alimentary tract
a. is also called the myenteric plexus.
c. is responsible for the peristaltic and segmental muscle contractions.
b. is the outermost tunic of the tract.
d. contains intestinal glands and crypts.
19. Filtration in the renal corpuscle occurs across the
a. juxtaglomerular cells.
d. macula densa.
b. tubule cells.
e. renal calyx.
c. glomerular endothelium and filtration slits.
20. T/F. All of the secretions into the gastrointestinal tract total about 25 liters daily.
21. Lacteals in intestinal villi
a. transport absorbed fats.
c. secrete secretin and cholecystokinin.
b. rhythmically sway to help propel the chyme.
d. are removed during colonoscopy procedures.
22. The majority of nutrient absorption from the chyme occurs in the
a. proximal small intestine.
b. stomach.
c. distal small intestine.
d. colon.
23. Pancreatic enzymes are _____________; intestinal enzymes are _______________.
a. released into the lumen of the intestine; located in the plasma membranes of intestinal epithelium.
b. located in the plasma membranes of intestinal epithelium; released into the lumen of the intestine.
c. lipases and nucleases; carbohydrases and proteases.
24. Acidic chyme in the duodenum stimulates the release of _________ into the circulatory system. This hormone
stimulates secretions of alkaline pancreatic juice.
a. gastric inhibitory polypeptide
b. bile
c. secretin
d. gastrin
e. nuclease
25. Bile’s role in digestion is
a. as a protease.
b. as a carbohydrase.
c. as a lipase.
d. emulsification of fat.
26. What is the source of bile secretion?
a. gall bladder
b. pancreas
c. lacteals
d. glycogen
e. liver
27. What is the initiator of the defecation reflex?
a. flatus
b. cholecystokinin
c. rectal wall stretch
d. Politics
e. internal bladder pressure
28. This contraction of the intestinal muscularis mixes food with digestive juices and exposes foodstuffs to enzymes
present in the intestinal mucosa.
a. segmentation
b. peristalsis
c. deglutition
d. detrusor tone
29. During the intestinal phase of gastric secretion,
duodenal hormones inhibit gastric secretions.
stomach distention stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
mass movements occur to clear the stomach of chyme.
peristalsis in the esophagus is inhibited.
30. Pepsin
is secreted as pepsinogen.
is activated by the acidic environmental of the stomach’s lumen.
is a proteolytic enzyme or protease.
is deactivated in the duodenum.
all of the choices are correct.
31. The second to second blood pressure in the glomerulus is controlled by
a. angiotensin II.
b. ADH .
c. vasoconstriction and dilation in the afferent and efferent arteriole.
32. T/F. The kidney actively excretes H+ to help control blood pH.
33. Processes occurring in the nephron can be categorized into filtration, tubular reabsorption and
a. tubular osmosis.
b. collecting.
c. tubular schmubular.
d. tubular secretion.
34. Which of the following is not a function of the stomach?
absorption of amino acids, monosaccharides, and fatty acids
disinfection of food-borne bacteria
storage of food
secretion of gastric juice
mixing of food with digestive juices
35. The greatest volume of water is reabsorbed from the filtrate by the
a. distal convoluted tubule
d. ascending loop of Henle
b. proximal convoluted tubule
c. descending loop of Henle
36. Name the enzyme in the following reaction. CO2 + H2O + carbonic anhydrase ------------> H+ + HCO3- + carbonic
a. CO2
c. H+
b. H2O
e. HCO3-
d. carbonic anhydrase
37. Gastric glands
are lined with epithelial cells that produce enzymes, hormones, and HCl.
are located in the mucosa of the stomach.
secrete an inactive form of pepsin to protect the mucosa from digestion.
secrete into the lumen of the stomach via gastric pits.
all of these choices are correct.
38. Juxtamedullary nephrons differ from cortical nephrons
in their ability to produce a concentrated urine.
in the location of their loops of Henle in the kidney.
in the length of their loops of Henle.
both a. and b. are correct
a, b, and c are correct
39. In which of the following places within the gastrointestinal tract is the epithelium of the mucosa stratified?
a. anal canal
b. stomach
c. duodenum
d. jejunum
e. ascending colon
40. Which of the following hormones is produced by the pituitary gland to control the volume of urine produced, blood
volume and blood pressure?
a. antidiuretic hormone
b. atrial natriuretic hormone
c. aldosterone
d. renin
41. Which of the following is considered an “accessory” organ of digestion?
a. stomach
b. esophagus
c. rectum
d. duodenum
e. none of the choices
42. The parasympathetic nervous system influences digestion by
a. relaxing smooth muscle.
b. stimulating peristalsis and digestive secretions.
c. constricting sphincters.
43. T/F. Tight junctions prevent fluids and ions from leaking between the epithelial cells of the renal tubules.
44. The compact ball of capillaries in a nephron is called the
a. nephron loop.
d. glomerulus.
b. peritubular plexus.
e. vasa recta.
c. renal corpuscle.
45. The sphincter between the stomach and the duodenum is the
a. pyloric sphincter.
c. ileocecal sphincter.
b. gastroesophageal sphincter.
d. hepatopancreatic sphincter.
46. Which of the following is not an enzyme?
a. amylase
b. secretin
c. pepsin
d. chymotripsin
e. lipase
47. The substance in question 46 that is not an enzyme is
a. a zymogen.
d. a neurotransmitter.
b. a nutrient.
e. a hormone.
c. an emulsifier.
48. Which of the following solutes present in the filtrate is only partially reabsorbed in order to help maintain the
medullary concentration gradient?
a. amino acids
b. urea
c. plasma proteins
d. water
49. Which portion of the nephron possesses cells with a brush border and many mitochondria?
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. proximal tubule
c. loop of Henle
d. distal tubule
Matching Terms. Match the letters of the definitions to the appropriate numbered terms or match as indicated. Place
all answers on the attached answer sheet. No definitions are used more than once.
Enteric plexus
Nitrogenous waste
Visceral peritoneum
Glomerular filtration rate
Brush border
Chief cells
Tubular maximum
A layer of the gastrointestinal tract.
‘Pockets’ in the wall of the colon created by the lack of longitudinal muscle there.
Lines the abdominal cavity.
A kidney tubule cell.
Urea is an example.
Stimulates the production of dilute urine.
About 21% per day.
Secrete HCl into the gastric juices.
A form of mechanical breakdown of food.
Stimulates the production of concentrated urine.
A liver cell.
Located outside of the peritoneal cavity
The highest concentration of a solute in the filtrate that can be completely reabsorbed.
The nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract.
Fat ‘tags’ on the outer surface of the colon.
Secrete pepsinogen into the gastric juices.
About 180 l/day.
A muscular or elastic tissue valve controlling the flow of liquids.
Histologically the same as the serosa or adventitia.
Another name for the microvilli of the intestinal epithelium.
Your mother told you not to do this.
Written Answer. Prepare a written answer to the following questions. Use separate sheets of paper as necessary.
Place your name on all separate sheets.
61. Explain the differences between the words bolus, chyme, and feces.
62. The inner lining of the small intestine is folded (plicae circulares) and contains many villi. The inner lining of the
large intestine is smooth. Why the difference?
63. What is countercurrent exchange? How does it function in maintaining a high solute concentration in the renal
64. The presence of blood cells, large amounts of protein, or glucose in urine suggest the presence of injury or
disease. Why aren’t these components of blood normal constituents of urine?
65. Explain why fatty bowel movements result from the absence of bile or pancreatic juice.
66. How does blood pressure affect the nephron’s ability to produce urine? Under what conditions will the nephron
stop producing urine altogether?