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Grade 6 Social Science
Geography Skills
Name the 5 themes of Geography.
Describe the characteristics of the five themes of geography.
Geography continued
Identify lines of longitude and latitude throughout the world.
Distinguish the difference between lines of latitude and longitude.
Identify world divisions into hemispheres.
Identify world time zones.
Produce a map with map essentials i.e. compass rose.
Differentiate map styles.
Define geographic terms.
Early Humans and Societies
Define primary and secondary sources.
Identify and name examples of primary and secondary sources.
Identify artifacts.
Describe the job of an archaeologist.
Compare and contrast history and prehistory.
Define Ice Age.
Classify Stone Age tools.
Identify the various types of early man.
Identify how hunter-gatherer societies developed language, art, and
Describe why people moved out of Africa as the Earths climate
Identify how farming changed society and how people lived.
Define civilization.
Name and describe the seven characteristics of a civilization.
Mesopotamia and the Fertile
Locate and identify countries throughout the Middle East using map
Locate and identify bodies of water in the Middle East.
Label environment and geography of the Fertile Crescent.
Identify how the rivers of Southwest Asia supported the growth of
Explain how new farming techniques led to the growth of cities.
State how the Sumerians created the worlds first advanced society.
Describe the role religion played in Sumerian society.
Compare and contrast polytheism and monotheism.
Recognize the Sumerian inventions and how they changed Sumerian
Identify Gilgamesh and his importance
Describe Gilgamesh’s journey.
Define Hammurabi and Hammurabis Code.
Explain why the Phoenicians alphabet was important.
Identify the importance of the Nile River in ancient Egypt.
Locate geographical areas of importance in Egypt
Describe the effect of irrigation in ancient Egypt.
Explain the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Explain the purpose of pyramids and how a pyramid was built.
Describe and recreate Egypt’s social pyramid.
Describe the religion of ancient Egypt.
Identify Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Identify and explain the importance of hieroglyphic writing.
Compare and contrast the three ancient Egyptian kingdoms
Summarize important people in ancient Egyptian society.
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Analyze the kingdom of Kush and the development of civilization.
Civilizations in India and
Describe the geography of India.
Recognize how Indian civilization first developed on the Indus
Describe Hinduism and its influence on society.
Describe Buddhism and its influence on society.
Compare and contrast the empires of Mauryas and the Guptas.
Critique the ancient Indian contributions to the arts and sciences.
Name the important achievements of ancient India.
Describe the geography of China.
Compare and contrast ancient Chinese writing and current Chinese
Identify Confucius and his role in creating Confucianism.
Define the philosophy of Daoism and Legalism.
Explain how trade routes led to the exchange of new products and
ideas among China, Rome, and other peoples. Discuss how the
period of Disunion was followed by reunification by rulers of the
Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties.
Compare and contrast Buddhism (500BC) to Buddhism (400-845
Recognize how the Tang and Song dynasties were periods of cultural
and technological accomplishments.
Compare and contrast the Yuan and Ming dynasties.
Name the Chinese dynasties and be able to explain why they are
important and achievements.
Ancient Greece
Identify Greece’s geography and its influence on the development of
Greek civilization.
Discuss trading cultures developed in Greek civilizations i.e. Minoan
and Mycenaean.
Define city-states and describe their influence/importance.
Examine various government types of ancient Athens.
Explain how ancient Greeks created great myths and works of
literature that influence the way we speak and write.
Point out that Greeks created myths t explain the world.
Identify Greek gods/goddesses.
Relate how ancient Greek literature provides some of the worlds
greatest poems and stories i.e. Homer.
Evaluate how over time the Persians came to rule great empire
which eventually brought them into conflict with the Greeks i.e.
Persian Wars.
Compare and contrast the two most powerful city-states in ancient
Greece, Athens and Sparta.
Summarize how Alexander the Great built a huge empire that helped
spread Greek cultures.
Explain the cause and effect of the Trojan War, and what happened
throughout the course of the war.
Categorize the ancient Greek contributions in the arts, philosophy,
and science.
Design a temple using knowledge of Greek architecture.
Ancient Rome
Discuss how the geography of Italy made land travel difficult but
helped the Romans prosper.
Explain why Romulus and Remus are important to the history of
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Discuss Roman government and society
Compare and contrast the Roman Republic with the US government
Compare and contrast the Roman Republic with Athenian
Explain why the Romans displayed the law of the Twelve Tables in
Identify the accomplishments o Spartacus, Hannibal, Julius Caesar,
and Augustus Caesar Explain why Julius Caesar was important to
Roman history
Critique how the later period of the Roman Republic was marked by
wars of expansion and political crises
Evaluate the Roman achievements in science, engineering,
architecture, art literature, and law
Demonstrate how Christianity grew in popularity and eventually
became the official religion of ancient Rome
Discuss Pompeii and the relevance it has on the archaeological
findings of Ancient Rome
Explain what factors contributed to the fall of Rome
April 2007
Explain how geography shaped life in Japan.
Discuss Japanese culture experienced a golden age during the Heian
period of the 800s to the 1100s.
Distinguish how Japan developed a military society.
The Early Americas
Locate and label the various civilizations in ancient Mesoamerica
using Central/South America using map essentials.
Discuss how the Maya developed and advanced civilization in
Discuss how the Incas created an empire with a strong central
government in South America.
Analyze how life in the Inca empire was influenced by social
structure, religion, and the Incas cultural achievements. Discuss how
Pizarro conquered the Incas and took control of the region in 1537.
Middle Ages
Interdisciplinary Unit
Locate countries throughout Europe.
Identify capitals of European countries.
Identify the major bodies of water in Europe.
Explain who Charlemagne was and list his interests.
Explain Charlemagne's attitude towards education.
Explain what "Charlemagne" means.
Describe what Charlemagne did for the country of France.
Name where the Vikings came from.
Explain what the Vikings did to the seacoast towns they went to.
Explain who the Berserkers were
Discuss the life and history of Leif Erickson and the principles and
ideals he fostered.
Define feudalism, peasant, lord, noble, and vassal.
Describe what life was like in a feudalistic society.
List the ranking of the people in a feudalistic society.
Describe the different levels involved becoming a knight.
Explain the significance of a shield.
Tell who in the Medieval society could become a knight.
Explain the purpose of a castle.
Describe the inside of a castle.
Tell who lived within the walls of the castle.
Explain the Great Schism.
Describe the role of the Church in Medieval times.
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Explain the role of the pope in Medieval times.
Explain the purpose of cathedrals.
Identify the different parts of a cathedral.
Tell how long it took for a cathedral to get built.
Name the important events of the different Crusades.
Explain the reason the Crusades happened in the Middle Ages.
List the important people involved in the Crusades.
Name five important changes that occurred as a result of the
Describe the daily life of the Middle Ages: city dwellers, peasants,
recreational activities, literature, science, artists, minorities, and
Describe symptoms of the Black Death.
Name the other word for the Black Death.
Describe how the Black Death affected the population in Europe
during the Middle Ages.
Explain what happened to people who got the Black Death.
Explain how the Black Death could have possibly spread like it did
during the Middle Ages.
Tell what the Magna Carta was and be able to explain the impact it
had on Europe during the Middle Ages.
State who was politically responsible for the Magna Carta.
Identify the significance of the Magna Carta to the US government.
Identify neighboring countries and bodies of water of a chosen
Draw map of a country including major cities and the capital.
May 2007
Identify Lorenzo de'Medici.
Explain the role of patrons during the Renaissance.
Describe de'Medici's accomplishments.
Name some of Michelangelo's most famous works of art.
Describe the Sistine Chapel.
Describe what it was like for Michelangelo to create the paintings in
the Sistine Chapel.
Name some of da Vinci's most famous paintings.
Explain how da Vinci was ahead of his time.
Describe da Vinci's contributions towards science.
Identify Martin Luther.
Describe his protest.
Explain why the printing press was a major invention during the
Describe the effects of the Reformation on Europe.
Explain what the Reformation was.
Identify Elizabeth I and her achievements.
Explain why the defeat of the Spanish Armada was important.
Describe some legends about Elizabeth.
Define: monarchy, absolute monarchy, and constitutional monarchy.
Compare and contrast the English Bill of Rights with the United
States' Bill of Rights.
Identify William Shakespeare.
Name some of Shakespeare’s greatest plays written.
Explain what the Globe was.
Explain why the theater is important to the Renaissance time period.
June 2007
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