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Name: _______________________________________________
Period: ___
Mass, Weight, and Gravity
Or go to Mrs. Vaughn’s website, and under the “Mass vs. Weight” tab on the left, go to the
“Mass vs. Weight presentation”
1) What is mass?
2) What is weight?
3) What is a similarity between mass and weight?
4) What are two differences between mass and weight?
5) What is gravity?
6) What two factors affect how much gravity two objects exert on each other?
7) True/False: The Earth is pulled toward you even as you are pulled toward the Earth.
8) Who is more attracted to the Earth: a person at sea level or a person in a plane several thousand
feet up? Explain.
Search: “PhET Gravity and Orbits”
Click on the model section to begin
Turn on the “Gravity Force” arrow. You may also want the “Path” turned on
9) What direction is the force of gravity always pointing?
10) “The force of gravity is affected by mass of two objects.” Using the simulation, verify this
statement. Explain how you “proved” it.
11) “The force of gravity is affected by the distance between two objects.” Using the simulation,
verify this statement. Explain how you “proved” it.
12) Which has a greater effect: adjusting the mass of the planet or the mass of the star? Why do
you think this is?
13) The star does not move much in the simulation compared to the planet. Explain, using mass and
gravity, why this is.
14) What happens to the path of the planet when you turn gravity off? (Be specific on the shape of
the path)