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Antebellum Study Guide Many events and circumstances between 1820 and 1860 set the stage for the Civil War. What is this time period prior to and leading up to the Civil War known as? 2.
Which term is used to describe the process by which people are denied their rights and treated unfairly? 3.
Eli Whitney invented which tool that helped revolutionize agriculture in the South? 4.
Between 1790 and 1820, there was a shift in the slave population. What happened to the slave population during that time? 5.
Following the American Revolution, what competition developed between the Upcountry and Lowcountry? 6.
For what reason was the capital of South Carolina moved? Which of the following refers to the theory that the Union is a compact among the states and that a state has the right to override a federal law? 7.
Which of the following is true regarding the Missouri Compromise? 9.
For what reason did Southerners oppose protective tariffs? 10.
During this period of our nation’s growth, many people believed in “states’ rights”. What did supporters of “states’ rights” believe? 11.
One of the most famous African American leaders during the 1800s spoke against slavery and worked for its nullification. Who was this African American leader? 12.
For what is Denmark Vesey best known? 13.
As a result of the Tariff of 1832, what did John C. Calhoun support? 14.
Which of the following was part of the Dred Scott decision? 15.
Who won the election in 1860 becoming the 16th president of the United States? 16.
What was the direct result of the outcome of the 1860 election to the presidency? 17.
Included as part of the Compromise of 1850 Southerners got a new Fugitive Slave Law, how did the northern states react to this law? 18.
Republican Abraham Lincoln campaigned on a platform of “free soil”. What was the idea behind the “free Soil” platform? 19.
Which state was first to formally withdraw from the Union? 20.
The development of industry in the north attracted European immigrant to jobs there. Why was this problematic for the south as far as politics were concerned? 21.
The cotton gin separated the cotton fibers from the cotton seeds. Why did the cotton gin increase the need for slaves? 22.
Why did northern politicians agree to vote in favor of the Kansas-­‐Nebraska Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise line? 23.
Because the Kansas-­‐Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise line, how would it now be decided whether states in these territories would be free or slave? 24.
What was one effect of the execution of John Brown? (8-­‐4.3) Which of the following is a reason why the plantation system developed in the southeastern region of the United States? (8-­‐
1.5) 26.
The immediate result of the Nullification crisis was the reduction of a federal tariff; however, the crisis had a much more significant impact. Which statement below best summarizes that impact? 27.
For what reason did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that congress could not prohibit someone from taking a slave into free territory? 28.
The Articles of Confederation and the theory of nullification were both attempts to: 29.
One of the most controversial parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law. Why did this law anger people in the North? 30.
In 1852, SC called a convention in which the Cooperationists and Fire-­‐Eaters argued about the state’s future. What was the central focus of the convention? 31.
What were the two political groups that struggled to gain control in South Carolina during the 1850s? 32.
Who was the first – and only – President of the Confederate States of America? 33.
Which of the following describes the stance Lincoln took on slavery during the 1860 presidential election? 34.
At times, the United States government has passed protective tariffs to 35.
From 1820 to 1865, the debates over nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of slavery into the new territories concerned the constitutional issue of the: 36.
During the 19th century, many Americans believed in Manifest Destiny. Which of the following gives the best description of this idea?