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Mountain Building Study Guide
Name ________________________________________________________________
Answer the following in complete sentences unless it is asking for a list or there is only one line
to write on.
1. Describe completely the following folds:
a. Anticline ___________________________________________________________________
b. Syncline ___________________________________________________________________
2. What causes a fold to occur in the rock layer?
3. What places stress on the rocks of tectonic plates?
4. What is meant by the term deformation?
5. If the geology of an area is dominated by tensional tectonic forces, what two types of
mountains would you expect to find?
6. Describe completely the following types of faults:
a. Strike-slip fault ___________________________________________________________________
b. Normal fault ___________________________________________________________________
c. Reverse fault ___________________________________________________________________
7. Explain completely the following terms in regards to faults:
a. Shear stress ___________________________________________________________________
b. Tension ___________________________________________________________________
c. Compression ___________________________________________________________________
8. What is meant by the term “failed rift system”?
9. Over long periods of time, tectonic forces can cause rocks to fold. What kind of stress
causes folding?
10.Describe the following types of mountains completely. Be sure to explain how they are
formed and what tectonic plate boundaries they are usually associated with.
a. Folded mountains ___________________________________________________________________
b. Volcanic mountains ___________________________________________________________________
c. Fault-block mountains ___________________________________________________________________
11.What happens to rocks during deformation?
12.Explain the following terms:
a. Fault Plane ___________________________________________________________________
b. Hanging Wall ___________________________________________________________________
c. Foot Wall ___________________________________________________________________
13.What happens when stress causes a normal fault?
14.What kind of movement occurs along a reverse fault?
15.In an anticline, where are the youngest and oldest layers of rock found?
16.In a syncline, where are the youngest and oldest layers of rock found?
17.Explain how forces from tectonic plate movement can build these three types of
mountains : folded mountains, fault-block mountains, and volcanic mountains.