Download amounts to almost a third of all the electricity the

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ENV Sci 15 Lecture 14
• Energy Update!
• Homework Help
• Terra and Luna
Wind Farm Bird Deaths vs Fossil Fuel
& Nuclear Power Bird Deaths
The Avian and Wildlife Costs of
Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power
Benjamin K. Sovacool
Wind farms killed about 573,000 birds in the U.S. last
year, according to the Wildlife Society.
“In 2002, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimated that
communication towers kill 4 million to 5 million per year,
cars kill roughly 60 million, cats kill hundreds of
millions,” Amy Grace, a wind industry analyst for
Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said today in by e-mail.
Five Striking Concepts for Harnessing the Sea's Power
Sea "snakes," special buoys, and mechanical carpets are aimed at
making wave energy viable
The constantly churning oceans that cover most of the
Earth offer an inexhaustible source of clean energy. The
amount of recoverable energy embedded along the
continental shelf of the United States, for example,
amounts to almost a third of all the electricity the country
uses in one year, according to estimates from the Electric
Power Research Institute,
"It's emission-free power and it's located close to where
most of the population lives," said Sean O'Neill, president
of the Gaithersburg, M-based Ocean Renewable Energy
Coalition (OREC).
A serpentine power-generation device from Pelamis is
set to be deployed in the United Kingdom and Portugal.
Regions with the greatest geothermal energy potential, indicated in darker
gray, tend to be located along geological plate boundaries.
Geothermal gradient in the continental United States. Note the preponderance of
geothermal resources in the western states.
Bathers enjoy geothermally heated waters in Iceland’s Blue Lagoon.
Geothermal hot water melts snow from walkways in Klamath Falls, Oregon. An
antifreeze solution heated with water from geothermal wells first passes
through buildings in the city’s central district, then through sub-walkway
Essential features of a geothermal power plant using steam from a vapor-dominated
geothermal resource.
A geothermal power plant at Geysers, California.
Binary-cycle geothermal power plant at Mammoth Lakes, California. The plant transfers heat
from geothermal water at 170°C to its working fluid, isopentane, which boils at 28°C. Four
separate units produce a total of 40 MW of electric power. The plant was designed to blend
with its scenic surroundings, and the closed-loop binary cycle minimizes emissions.
Closed-loop ground-source heat-pump system using buried pipes.
What causes the tides in
the ocean?
Tides result from the variation in the Moon’s
gravity (arrows). In an ideal ocean-covered
Earth, there would be two tidal bulges on
opposite sides of the planet. Bulges shown are
greatly exaggerated.
Canada’s Bay of Fundy has the world’s highest tides. Shown here are Hopewell Rocks,
photographed at low and high tide.
An undersea turbine for tidal power generation.
This snakelike device
generates 750 kW of
electrical power as it
flexes in the ocean
waves. “Wave
farms” consisting of
several of these
units are linked to
the shore with a
single cable laid on
the sea floor.