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Dr. Meredith Katz ([email protected]) (Please put SOCY 673 in subject line)
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 pm or by appointment| 231 Founders Hall (827 W. Franklin)
(I know some of you taking this course are on campus, so please feel free to stop by)
Public Sociology Inspiration
"If we aren't doing public sociology, we're just talking to each other. To claim to study society and to say
that you needn't bother to make your work relevant or accessible to social members--well, that seems
to me just plain insane."--Sharon Hays, Streisand Professor of Contemporary Gender Studies, University
of Southern California
“A public sociologist is a public intellectual who applies sociological ideas and findings to social issues
about which sociology has something to say.”—Herbert Gans
"Once we acknowledge the sharp divisions in our society, we have to decide which publics we want to
work with. I propose … that we strive to address the public and political problems of people at the lower
end of the many hierarchies that define our society."—Frances Fox Piven, past president of the
American Sociological Association
Course Description
In this course, you will have an opportunity to reflect on public sociology, as well as to produce public
sociological work. Some of the major questions we will address in this class include: what/who is the
sociological audience? What is the relationship between academia and public intellectual life? How does
the internet influence the availability of publics? How does our style of writing determine our
relationship to different publics?
As an online course, we will collaborate as a community of learners on our course webpage to teach one
another, and also to share our reflections and thoughts about what we’re learning. This course will
involve five major components: blogs and reflections on readings; creation of a digital meta-resource of
public sociologists (nothing of this nature exists…yet!); the creation of a virtual timeline about a topic of
interest to you related to public sociology; the creation of individual ePortfolios, the creation of your
“public face” and finally, a final paper.
Course Objectives
To develop an understanding of the value and historical contribution of public sociology
To investigate and problematize the distinction between sociology and public sociology
To create open-access online archives about public sociology/sociologists
To develop skills to be able to translate sociological knowledge outside academia
Badgett, M.V. Lee. 2016. The Public Professor: How to Use Your Research to Change the World. New
York: NYU Press.
Clawson, Dan, Robert Zussman, Joya Misra, Naomi Gerstel, Randall Stokes, and Douglas Anderton. 2007.
Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-First
Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Loeb, Paul. 2010. Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times. New York: St. Martin’s
Additional readings are linked off this syllabus.
There are four main assignments for this class. Detailed instructions and guidelines will be posted for
each of these assignments on the course webpage.
8 total blogs (due weekly by Wednesday at noon, and responses by Friday at midnight); 30%
Timeline of public sociology (due April 17); 10%
Individual ePortfolios (due Friday April 24th); 10%
Organizational assessment or public sociologist paper (due Friday May 1st); 50%
Note about Online Assignments:
In this course, there is a fair amount of creation of material online. I recognize that we all come to the
table with differing degrees of knowledge and skills regarding online proficiencies. In the course
RamPages site, there will be a section for trouble-shooting, in which I hope you all will pose questions
(and help each other answer them) about the assignments.
Online Preparation to do ASAP:
Create a RamPages Site: Go to and select create an account (you should login using your
VCU eID but you can use a different password). If you are having difficulty, please consult the
troubleshooting page. Please use your name as a name for the site—that will be an easy way for us all to
see one another and for you to use this webpage as the foundation for your ePortfolio (NOTE: after you
name your site, you cannot change it!). Also, please remember to keep the default privacy setting open
so we can see each other’s sites (this means your site is accessible to anyone who has the url, so please
keep your comments and visuals professional). If you already have a RamPages site from another
graduate course, you can continue to use it for this course, though please note this course will require
specific components, including an ePortfolio.
The course readings are organized by weeks of the semester. You are responsible for reading everything
posted here and/or that is from your texts. By Wednesday at noon of each week, you should post a blog
response to the weekly course readings. In total, you must post 8 blogs and respond to two classmates
blogs four times. Those comments must be completed by Friday at midnight of the same week. Think of
this as an online conversation you’re having with one another. Your blogs should be approximately 750
words (3 typed pages) and should not merely be a summary of the course readings. I want you to
critically reflect on the readings—do you agree? Have you seen research to the contrary of the reading?
How would you use this reading to implement or advance public sociology? These by no means are an
exhaustive list of questions, but should get you started. I’ve provided specific blog prompts per week, as
Note: This course schedule is subject to change based on course progress/student interest. Additionally,
there may be videos posted that you should watch in addition to the readings.
WEEK OF JANUARY 16: Introduction to Public Sociology
The Public Professor, Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 1-44)
What is Public Sociology? Why and How it Should be Made Stronger, Ragnvald Kallenberg
For Public Sociology, 2004 American Sociological Association Presidential Address, Michael Burawoy
ASSIGNMENT: Post on Blackboard discussion board anything you know about Public Sociology, your
expectations for the course, and/or any questions you may have. Additionally, I want everyone to
identify an area or a topic of public sociology you are interested in pursuing or a social issue that you
think public sociology could contribute to (this could be your line of research, etc. We will gear this
course towards the application of that topic in a public realm). Due by Sunday, January 22.
WEEK OF JANUARY 23: Introduction Continued
Listen to University of Michigan Podcast on “The Strong Case for Sociology in Public Sociology”
Public Sociology; Introduction by Robert Zussman and Joya Misra (pp. 3-22)
Breaking Down the Otherness of Applied Sociology, Zuleyka Zevallos
The Promise and Perils of Public Sociology, Karen Sternheimer
ASSIGNMENT: Blog post regarding the first two weeks’ readings. You may opt (although this is not
required) to concentrate on how public sociology is being defined, as well as the need for it within the
discipline. Do you agree? What is one (or more) particular current events/social issues that you see
public sociology contributing to the discussion of (or currently absent from?). Make sure to reference
specific readings in your argument and to see the guidelines for blog posts.
WEEK OF JANUARY 30: Professionalization of Sociology
The Public Professor, Chapter 5 (pp. 91-112)
Discipline and Punish—Public Sociology in an Age of Professionalization, Arlene Stein
Truth Telling and Intellectual Activism, Patricia Hill Collins
How Academics Can Become Relevant, Nathan Jurgenson
ASSIGNMENT: Blog post regarding this weeks’ readings. You may opt (although this is not required) to
discuss this controversy of academic relevance—are academics relevant? Are sociologists relevant? In
addition, you should search the internet for who you consider to be 3 prominent public sociologists
(could be current and/or in the past). You should note what you think distinguishes them as “public”
sociologists, and post this in a separate post on your blog as well. Your descriptions should each be at
least a paragraph long and accessible to other students. Once someone is taken, you can’t reuse them,
so get the posts done early!
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 6: Institutionalizing Public Sociology
Public Sociology; Public Sociology and the End of Society by Alain Touraine (pp. 67-78); Stalled at the
Altar? by Sharon Hays (pp. 79-90); If I were the Goddess of Sociological Things by Judith Stacey (pp. 91100); and Going Public by Patricia Hill Collins (pp. 101-113)
ASSIGNMENT: For this weeks’ blog post, I’d like for you to take a position either agreeing or disagreeing
with the authors of this weeks’ readings regarding the critique of Burawoy’s notion of public sociology
(reading from the first week). So this week’s posting is not topically optional. Use the readings to
support your argument.
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 13: Digital Revolution in the Academy
The Public Professor, Chapters 6 and 7 (pp.113-165)
The Future of Open Access: Why Has Academia Not Embraced the Revolution?
So You Want to Blog: Academic Edition, Liana Silva
The (Coming) Social Media Revolution in the Academy, Joe Feagin and Jesse Daniels
Should Every Sociologist Blog?, Philip Cohen
So You Want to Start an Academic Blog? 4 Tips Before You Start
ASSIGNMENT: For this weeks’ blog post, implement some of the how-to’s mentioned in the above
articles. This will also be useful as you develop your ePortfolio and your public online presence. What
are your thoughts on this—should all sociologists blog? Do we all need to have an online presence? If so,
do we leave anyone out of the conversation? Again, use the readings (and/or any of the prior readings)
to support your argument.
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 20 : Academy and/or Activism
Soul of a Citizen, Chapters 1-3 (pp. 21-81)
How Sociologists Made Themselves Irrelevant, Orlando Patterson
Why Activism and Academia Don’t Mix, Fabio Rojas
Academic Freedom and Tenure
Passenger Removed from Jet Blue after Ivanka Trump Tirade
Additional reading: I want you to find three readings linked from the course blogs and read three
readings and address them in your blog post this week.
ASSIGNMENT: Blog regarding this weeks’ readings (including blog posts). Something to possibly blog on
could be this distinction between the academy and activism. Is it a false dichotomy? Should all
academics be activists? What about sociologists? Did this CUNY professor in the Ivanka Trump
encounter overstep his bounds on Twitter? Should he be protected?
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27: Public(s) Sociology
Soul of a Citizen, Chapters 4-6 (pp. 82-160)
Public Sociology; Speaking to Publics by William Julius Wilson (pp. 117-123); Do We Need a Public
Sociology? By Lynn Smith-Lovin (pp. 124-134); Speaking Truth to the Public, and Indirectly to Power by
Arthur Stinchcombe (pp. 135-144); The Strength of Weak Politics by Douglas Massey (p. 145-157)
Should Writing for the Public Count For Tenure?
ASSIGNMENT: For this weeks’ blog, you may choose to consider how public sociology has been defined
through the course readings so far. What does it mean to engage multiple publics? Who is the “public”
being spoken about with public sociology? Additionally, you should begin developing your Timeline for
public sociology (detailed instructions posted on course webpage).
ASSIGNMENT: Take a break!
WEEK OF MARCH 13: Public or Politicized Sociology?
Soul of a Citizen, Chapter 7-8 (pp. 161-227)
Public Sociology; From Public Sociology to Politicized Sociologist by Frances Fox Piven (pp. 158-166)
Can Power from Below Change the World? Frances Fox Piven
Passion Through the Profession: Being both Activist and Academic, Cathleen Burnett (linked off
Additional reading: I want you to find three readings linked from the course blogs and read three
readings and address them in your blog post this week.
ASSIGNMENT: Blog regarding this week’s readings is fairly open. Have you started to re-conceptualize
what it means to be a sociologist, an academic, an activist by this point in the semester? Is sociology
inherently political and should sociologists take political stands? What does public sociology mean? Just
an option for blogging. Remember to rely upon the readings for specific citations.
WEEK OF MARCH 20: Public Sociologists and Contemporary Social Problems
Soul of a Citizen, Chapter 9-11 (pp. 228-315)
The Outside Game, Adam Gopnick
ASSIGNMENT: Blog about the weeks’ readings. You are free to choose any direction, as always, but may
want to consider how sociological knowledge and/or insight was beneficial in these examples, or could
have been.
WEEK OF MARCH 27: Unresolved Distinctions
Soul of a Citizen, Chapter 12 (pp. 316-353)
Public Sociology; The Sociologist and the Public Sphere by Immanuel Wallerstein (pp. 169-175); About
Public Sociology by Orlando Patterson (pp. 176-194); For Humanist Sociology by Andrew Abbott (pp.
ASSIGNMENT: Blog about this weeks’ readings. How do you see these readings connecting with what
you’ve already read?
WEEK OF APRIL 3: Whose Public Sociology?
Public Sociology; Whose Public Sociology? By Evelyn Nakano Glenn (pp. 213-230); A Journalist’s Plea by
Barbara Ehrenreich (pp. 231-238)
Academic Blogging: Minority Scholars Cannot Afford to be Silent
Additional reading: I want you to find three readings linked from the course blogs and read three
readings and address them in your blog post this week.
ASSIGNMENT: Make sure this weeks’ blog post addresses the blogs you read, in addition to the required
reading. Reminder Timeline Assignment April 17, at midnight.
WEEK OF APRIL 10 : Media literacy in an age of all things public
How to Spot Fake News
How Do You Deal with a Problem Like Fake News?
Misleading Axes on Graphs
Food Stamp Fraud (case study)
Musicians and Mortality (case study)
ASSIGNMENT: For your blog post, you can feel free to write a critical analysis of these articles and case
studies. In addition, I want you to create your own “fake” news using this website. Make it believable, but also fake. Then upload it to your course blog.
WEEK OF APRIL 17: Media Literacy and the Public(s)
A Peak Inside the Strange World of Fake Academe
Why Fake Data When you Can Fake a Scientist?
Bait and Switch
Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: This is All About Income
Watch President Elect Trump: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
ASSIGNMENT: Reminder that your timeline assignment is due by April 17 on your blog. What do you
think of the idea of media literacy and “fake news?” Where does public sociology play a role? Do you
play a role? If so, how and how does this reading inform your thoughts?
WEEK OF APRIL 24: Conclusions?
Public Sociology; The Field of Sociology by Michael Burawoy (pp. 241-258)
Rethinking Public Sociology by Randy Stoecker
ASSIGNMENT: This is your last blogging assignment, so you can use this as an opportunity to synthesize
your thoughts on public sociology, questions that still remained unanswered for you, possible future
directions for public sociology. Also, your ePortfolio due by Friday, April 24.
ASSIGNMENT: Final paper due by Friday, May 1 at midnight
The last day to withdrawl from this course with a “W” marked on your transcript is Friday, March
25, 2016.
You are expected to submit work by the deadlines outlined in the syllabus. Exceptions will only be
honored with proper documentation. If you know ahead of time that you are going to be unable to
make an exam for a valid reason, please let me know as soon as possible.
Email Policy
Electronic mail or "email" is considered an official method for communication at VCU because it
delivers information in a convenient, timely, cost effective and environmentally aware manner.
Students are expected to check their official VCU email on a frequent and consistent basis in order
to remain informed of university-related communications. The university recommends checking
email daily. Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading, in a timely fashion,
university-related communications sent to their official VCU student email account. This policy
ensures that all students have access to this important form of communication. It ensures students
can be reached through a standardized channel by faculty and other staff of the university as
needed. Mail sent to the VCU email address may include notification of university-related actions,
including disciplinary action. Please read the policy in its entirety:
VCU Honor System: Upholding Academic Integrity
The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students, faculty and administration
in upholding academic integrity, while at the same time respecting the rights of individuals to the
due process offered by administrative hearings and appeals. According to this policy, "Members of
the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest
standards of academic honesty and integrity." In addition, "All members of the VCU community are
presumed to have an understanding of the VCU Honor System and are required to:
 Agree to be bound by the Honor System policy and its procedures;
 Report suspicion or knowledge of possible violations of the Honor System;
 Support an environment that reflects a commitment to academic integrity;
 Answer truthfully when called upon to do so regarding Honor System cases, and,
 Maintain confidentiality regarding specific information in Honor System cases.”
The Honor System in its entirety can be reviewed on the Web at More
information can also be found on the Division of Student Affairs website at
Student Conduct in the Classroom
According to the Faculty Guide to Student Conduct in Instructional Settings
uct%20in%20Instructional%20Settings.pdf), "The university is a community of learners. Students,
as well as faculty, have a responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment that supports
effective instruction. In order for faculty members (including graduate teaching assistants) to
provide and students to receive effective instruction in classrooms, laboratories, studios, online
courses, and other learning areas, the university expects students to conduct themselves in an
orderly and cooperative manner." Among other things, cell phones and beepers should be turned
off while in the classroom. Also, the university Rules and Procedures prohibit anyone from having
"in his possession any firearm, other weapon, or explosive, regardless of whether a license to
possess the same has been issued, without the written authorization of the President of the
university..." For more information, visit the VCU Insider online at
Students with Disabilities
SECTION 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as
amended require that VCU provides “academic adjustments” or “reasonable accommodations” to
any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.
To receive accommodations, students must request them by contacting the Disability Support
Services Office on the Monroe Park Campus (828-2253) or the Division for Academic Success on the
MCV campus (828-9782). More information is available at the Disability Support Services webpage: or the Division for Academic Success webpage at
Any student who has a disability that requires an academic accommodation should schedule a
meeting with the instructor at the student’s earliest convenience. Additionally, if coursework
requires the student to work in a lab environment, the student should advise the instructor or a
department chairperson of any concerns that the student may have regarding safety issues related
to a disability. Students should follow this procedure for all courses in the academic semester.
Statement on Military Short-Term Training or Deployment
If military students receive orders for short-term training or deployment, they should inform and
present their orders to Military Student Services and to their professor(s). For further information
on policies and procedures contact Military Services at 828-5993 or access the corresponding
policies at
Excused Absences for Students Representing the University
Students who represent the university (athletes and others) do not choose their schedules. Student
athletes are required to attend games and/or meets. All student athletes should provide their
schedules to their instructors at the beginning of the semester. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council
strongly encourages faculty to treat missed classes or exams (because of a scheduling conflict) as
excused absences and urges faculty to work with the students to make up the work or exam.
Campus Emergency information
What to Know and Do to Be Prepared for Emergencies at VCU:
Sign up to receive VCU text messaging alerts ( Keep your
information up-to-date. Within the classroom, the professor will keep his or her phone on to
receive any emergency transmissions.
Know the safe evacuation route from each of your classrooms. Emergency evacuation
routes are posted in on-campus classrooms.
Listen for and follow instructions from VCU or other designated authorities. Within the
classroom, follow your professor's instructions.
Know where to go for additional emergency information (
Know the emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234). Report suspicious
activities and objects.
Keep your permanent address and emergency contact information current in eServices.
VCU Mobile
The VCU Mobile application is a valuable tool to get the latest VCU information on the go. The
application contains helpful information including the VCU directory, events, course schedules,
campus maps, athletics and general VCU news, emergency information, library resources,
Blackboard and more. To download the application on your smartphone or for more information,
please visit
Class Registration Required for Attendance
Students may attend only those classes for which they have registered. Faculty may not add
students to class rosters. Therefore, if students are attending a class for which they have not
registered, they must stop attending.
Withdrawal from Classes
Before withdrawing from classes, students should consult their instructor as well as other
appropriate university offices. Withdrawing from classes may negatively impact a student’s
financial aid award and his or her semester charges. To discuss financial aid and the student bill,
visit the Student Services Center at 1015 Harris Hall or contact a financial aid counselor at
Student Financial Responsibility
Students assume the responsibility of full payment of tuition and fees generated from their
registration and all charges for housing and dining services, and other applicable miscellaneous