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Communication - Designing a Compact and Flexible LIN Controller AN2045 Author: Philippe Larcher Associated Project: No Associated Part Family: CY8C27xxx, CY8C24xxx, CY8C22xxx GET FREE SAMPLES HERE Software Version: PSoC Designer™ 4.0 Associated Application Notes: None Application Note Abstract By utilizing the re-configuration feature of the PSoC® MCU, an efficient master or slave LIN Controller can be built that leaves most of the processor resources for the user’s application. No external components, other than the LIN transceiver and an optional 32 kHz crystal, are required. Introduction Implementing the LIN (Local Interconnect Network) standard in microcontrollers is usually done through software or specific hardware. Implementation of the LIN bus in software leads to a significant CPU overhead (40%-90%), which greatly limits the size and performance of the user application. On the other hand, microcontrollers with integrated LIN hardware only represent a sub-group of larger families, allowing for a very limited set of features and peripherals to choose from. Thanks to PSoC’s closely integrated software/hardware architecture, it offers LIN users several advantages compared to other solutions: A 100%-compliant LIN controller can be built from standard digital PSoC blocks, without external logic. Maximum of 10% CPU overhead. Dynamic re-configuration reduces the size of the LIN controller to 3 digital blocks (5 digital and 12 analog blocks are left for user applications). Analog functions often required by LIN applications can directly be implemented in analog PSoC blocks. Fully configurable PSoC-device architecture allows for defining a single hardware platform for multiple LIN applications. November 11, 2002 This Application Note is a companion document of Cypress MicroSystems LIN Reference Design. It does not intend to describe the precise implementation of every LIN feature in a PSoC device (this is done in other LIN Reference Design documents), but rather to demonstrate how PSoC architectural characteristics can be employed to build an optimal LIN controller. A primer on LIN is also included with explanations on transmission protocol (the official LIN specification is available at after free registration). LIN Basics The LIN standard has been established by a set of companies involved with the automotive domain. The current version referenced in this Application Note (Revision 1.2) was issued in November 2000. LIN targets low-cost automotive networks as a complement to the existing portfolio of automotive multiplex networks. The main properties of the LIN bus are: Single-master, multiple-slaves (up to 16 slaves) Self-synchronization of slaves to master speed Single-wire (max 40 m) Speed up to 19.2 Kbps (choice is 2400, 9600, 19200 bps) Data format similar to common serial UART format Safe and reliable behavior with data checksums, error detection, node defect Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 1 [+] Feedback AN2045 Physical Bus The physical LIN bus is a single line, wired-AND, with a termination resistor in every node (1 kΩ for master, 30 kΩ for slaves) and supplied from the vehicle power net (VBAT, 8 to 18V), as represented in Figure 1. Apart from the Synch Break, all other fields are byte fields where the format is the common UART 8N1 coding format (Figure 3); one start bit (dominant), eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit (recessive). Figure 3. Byte Field Format Figure 1. LIN Physical Layer Byte field VBAT LSB RT Electronic Control Unit start bit LIN bus line GND LIN bus logical values are named 'dominant' and 'recessive', with the following correspondence: Logical Value Bit Value Bus Voltage Dominant 0 Ground Recessive 1 Battery Each transceiver converts the single-wire battery-level LIN bus into a standard UART-like two-wire interface (RX, TX). There are several LIN transceiver manufacturers, such as Melexis, whose TH8080 transceiver family is used on the Cypress LIN Reference Design Kit. 8 data bit stop bit Synch Break The Synch Break (Figure 4) provides a regular opportunity for slaves to synchronize to the master’s clock. From the master’s perspective, the dominant phase of the break (TSYNBRK) must be at least 13-bit times long, followed by at least 1-recessive bit time (TSYNDEL). The maximum length of the break is not explicitly specified but must fit into the time budget given for the whole header (THEADER_MAX = 49 bit times). From the slave’s point of view, the Synch Break must be detected after 11-bit times of permanent dominant state. Given the clock tolerances allowed in a LIN network, this ensures that any break sent by the master will be detected as such by its slaves. Figure 4. Synch Break Field Synch break field Synch field Clock Recovery and Synchronization While idle, the bus is in a permanent recessive state. The master communicates with the slaves through messages starting with a Synchronization Field in the message header. By measuring the bit time of the synchronization field, slaves can acquire the master transmission speed and adjust accordingly. Message Transfer As represented in Figure 2, each message starts with a header (sent by the master) including a Synchronization break (Synch Break), a Synchronization field (Synch Field), and an Identifier field (ID Field), followed by a Response (sent by master or slave) composed of Data Fields and a final Checksum Field. TSYNBRK Synch Field As stated earlier, the Synch Field (Figure 5) contains the information for slave-clock synchronization. In targeting low-cost applications, LIN does not place excessive frequency precision constraints (+/- 15%) on slaves, which otherwise result in the need for a crystal or resonator. PSoC’s internal 24 MHz (+/- 2.5%) clock provides exceptional frequency accuracy. The master generates messages at a precise baud rate, so slaves must be able to synchronize with the master during each message. The Synch Field serves this purpose: in conjunction with its start and stop bits, the '55h' pattern provides 5 falling edges within 8 bit times. Figure 2. Message Frame Figure 5. Synch Field Format Message frame Header Synchronization Break Synch Field Interframe idle state Response Identifier Field Data Field Data Field Data Field Data Field TSYNDEL Synch field Checksum Field start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop bit bit November 11, 2002 Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 2 [+] Feedback AN2045 Identifier Field Slave-Not-Responding Error The ID Field (Figure 6) defines the content and length of a message. LIN protocol does not use direct slave addressing by the master. Instead, each slave decodes the ID Field to determine if it should participate in the current message. This way a message can be sent by master to multiple slaves, or answered by one slave that is received by several other slaves. The LIN master must detect an error if the message frame has not fully completed after a given period (90, 120 or 175 bit times depending on the message-response length; 2, 4 or 8 data bytes). Figure 6. Identifier Field Identifier field A no-bus-activity condition (not necessarily an error) has to be detected by slaves if no valid Synch Break was received for more than 25000 bit times. Detected errors are not signaled by the LIN protocol; they are locally flagged in each node and reported on demand. ID0 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 P0 P1 start bit stop bit LIN Slave Controller Implementation Odd parity on ID1, ID3, ID4, ID5 Even parity on ID0, ID1, ID2, ID4 ID5 ID4 Number of Data fields 0 No-Bus-Activity 0 1 2 0 1 0 4 1 1 8 2 Response Field A message response (Figure 7) is composed of 2, 4 or 8 data fields depending on the ID Field just received, followed by a 1-byte checksum. Figure 7. Response Field ID field Due to the single master and multiple-slave network organization, LIN slaves represent the dominant population, covering hundreds of different applications. Thanks to its unrivaled flexibility, PSoC’s architecture is an optimum candidate for these applications. For this reason we will first describe the implementation of the LIN Slave Controller. Figure 8 represents a LIN slave node. The PSoC device is directly connected to TX and RX pins of the LIN transceiver, which attaches to the LIN bus (the 30 kΩ termination resistor is integrated into the LIN transceiver). Frequency tolerances for LIN slave nodes allow use of the PSoC Internal Main Oscillator without an external crystal, so that no external components are required. Response field Data field Data field LSB start bit Figure 8. LIN Slave Node with PSoC Checksum field Slave LIN node LSB Voltage Regul. stop bit VBAT 5V Number of data fields extracted from ID field (ID4,ID5) TX Error Detection and Handling Bit Error A master or slave node sending a bit on the bus must also monitor the bus; a bit error has to be detected when the actual bit value of the bus is different from the value that should be sent. It should be pointed out that bit-time error detection methods generally use a standard UART, which is not compliant with LIN specification since errors are reported on byte boundaries. The PSoC architecture allows for immediate bit-error detection, as described later. LIN bus RX Five error types are specified, three of them with implications in the LIN controller architecture. November 11, 2002 LIN transceiver (e.g.TH8080) PSoC GND From the LIN slave perspective, a message frame is composed of three stages (Figure 9). Each stage requires a different set of PSoC resources as follows: Synchronization Stage: covers the bus idle state, Synch Break and Synch Field reception Data Receive Stage: covers the Identifier Field, and the Response Field if data direction is master-to-slave Data Transmit Stage: covers the Response Field if transfer direction is slave-to-master Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 3 [+] Feedback AN2045 Figure 9. Slave Message Stages Header Synchronisation Break Synch Field Response Identifier Field Data Field Synchronisation stage Data Receive Data Field Data Field Data Field Checksum Field Data Receive or Data Transmit Figure 11. GPIO ISR During Synchronization Stage Synchronization (Figure 10) This stage requires two functions, implemented in three digital PSoC blocks: A 16-bit Timer for no-bus-activity detection and breaklength measurement. Measurements are made using the hardware capture of a timer, thus avoiding any errors due to software latency. Timer width and clock frequency (24V1 = 8 MHz) are selected to meet LIN specifications, both for synchronization measurement precision and maximum count (25,000 bit times for no-bus-activity). A Digital Inverter is used for hardware capture on the RX-pin falling edge. The inverter User Module could be replaced with the optional inverter on the timer’s capture input to free the block for other purposes. Figure 10. Synchronization Stage (Slave) LIN bus LIN Transceiver TX pin RX pin interrupt 8MHz (VC1) clk Value 16 16--bit bit Timer Timer Capture GPIO ISR interrupt Out Digital Inverter Synch break Synch field RX pin start-of-break end-of-break (check dominant length) nop nop nop calculate baud rate start-of-synch (check idle length) When the end-of-break occurs (RX rising-edge interrupt), the dominant break length is checked by comparing the newly captured timer value to the previously saved value. Before returning, the GPIO ISR prepares for the next event (start-of-Synch-field). The timer capture signal is connected back to the Digital Inverter output (idle length of the break still has to be measured), and the RX pin is programmed to interrupt on a falling edge. When start-of-Synch-field occurs, the timer-capture value is read (and saved) and compared to the previous value for idle length checking (parameter TSYNDEL, Figure 4). Any error detected during the Synch Break causes the slave to return to its initial idle state. The baud rate can now be calculated. No change is made to the timer-capture selection and GPIO interrupt (both on RX falling edge). For the greatest precision, the calculation is executed after 4 bit times, i.e., four successive GPIO interrupts. The timer value saved on the start-of-Synchfield event is subtracted from the latest captured value and divided by four. If the result is within specified LIN tolerances, the corresponding baud rate will be used during the next message stages. If not, the message is ignored and the slave returns to idle state. Timeout ISR TC Ideally, a Synch Break will occur before the bus timeout happens. The corresponding GPIO interrupt service routine (ISR) reads and saves the timer captured value, and prepares for the next event detection (end-of-break). The timer capture signal is now directly connected to the RX pin. The RX pin is configured to interrupt on a rising edge (Figure 11 shows which RX edges activate the GPIO interrupt during the Synchronization Stage). In While the LIN bus is idle, two interrupts are enabled: GPIO interrupt on the RX-pin falling edge, for start-ofbreak detection Timer Terminal Count, for no-bus-activity detection (bus timeout) November 11, 2002 Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 4 [+] Feedback AN2045 Data Receive (Figure 12) Synchronization is a measurement stage. The next stages are reception and transmission, thereby requiring different resources. The following resources are required for data reception: Baud rate generator implemented in an 8-bit Counter (clock VC1 = 8 MHz for 9600/19200 bauds, 2.4 MHz for 2400 bauds, and period value being set according to previous stage calculation). Optionally, the user can configure VC3 as the baud rate generator in order to free a digital block for other purposes. UART Receiver (1 Digital Communications block). Counter for message timeout detection (slave-notresponding). To save hardware resources, this function is implemented as an 8-bit Counter extended with a software counter. The counter, clocked with the baud rate generator output, generates an interrupt every 5 bit times (lowest frequency compatible with timeout-detection tolerance) which in turn increments the software counter and checks for timeout. Figure 12. Data Receive Implementation LIN bus LIN Transceiver TX pin RX pin DataReceive ISR If the received ID is valid for the slave and corresponds to a receive message (master-to-slave), the next data bytes will be received without changing the PSoC device configuration. The length of the data field is extracted from the ID Field (see Figure 6). Data are sequentially saved in the application buffer selected by the ID table, after which the data checksum is calculated. When the Checksum Field is received and tested against the calculated checksum, a transaction status byte is saved at the top of the data buffer for application use before switching back to the Synchronization Stage. Data Transmit (Figure 14) If the received ID Field is valid for the slave and corresponds to a transmit message (slave-to-master), the Data Transmit Stage is entered. Following are required resources for this stage: Baud rate generator (1 digital block or optionally VC3, same as in Data Receive Stage). UART Transmitter (1 Digital Communications block). Bit-error detection, implemented with an 8-bit Counter. As stated earlier, LIN protocol requests that nodes sending data check the actual value present on the bus and detect any error at the bit time it occurs. The bit-error-detection counter generates an interrupt in the middle of each bit sent, so that the actual value of the RX pin can be checked against the value of the TX pin. Figure 14. Data Transmit Implementation interrupt VC1 clk Baud Rate (8-bit Counter) clk Receiver (RX8) RX LIN bus LIN Transceiver clk Timeout TC (8-bit Counter) Timeout management TX pin Receiver interrupts are generated at the character rate. The first character received is the Identifier Field defining message type and length. For ID Field decoding, a table is used, telling which ID values are valid for the slave (Figure 13). DataTransmit ISR interrupt VC1 clk Baud Rate (8-bit Counter) 'FFh' : end of table November 11, 2002 Send/Receive Buffer pointer clk clk Figure 13. Identifier Table Example Accepted ID value RX pin Transmitter (TX8) TX Bit-time TC (8-bit Counter) interrupt Bit - error detect ISR The data buffer is sent at byte boundaries to the UART transmitter, followed by the checksum byte. When the Data Transmit Stage is complete, the transaction status byte is updated at the top of the data buffer for application use before switching back to the Synchronization Stage. Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 5 [+] Feedback AN2045 Dynamic Re-configuration Without dynamic re-configuration, the total number of digital PSoC blocks needed to implement a LIN Slave Controller in hardware would be 8: 2 for 16-bit Timer (Synchronization Stage) 1 for character reception (Data Receive Stage) Message transfer still makes use of Synchronization, Data Transmit, and Data Receive stages, in a slightly different manner (Figure 16). Figure 16. Master Message Stages Header 1 for Digital Inverter (Synchronization Stage) Synchronisation Break 1 for Baud Rate Generator (Data Receive and Data Transmit stages) 1 for timeout counter (Data Receive Stage) 1 for character transmission (Data Transmit Stage) Synchronisation stage Synch Field Identifier Field Data Field Data Transmit Data Field Data Field Data Field Checksum Field Data Transmit or Data Receive Synchronization (Figure 17) The difference from the slave is that the master sends the synchronization elements. The following are required resources for Synchronization Stage: Baud rate generator implemented in an 8-bit Counter (clock VC1 = 2.4 MHz for 9600/19200 bauds, 2 MHz for 2400 bauds, and counter period set accordingly). Break generator implemented in an 8-bit Counter, clocked by the baud rate generator output. When sending a break, duration will be 13 bit times. Bit-time counter implemented in an 8-bit Counter, clocked by the baud rate generator output. This counter allows for bit-error detection by generating an interrupt in the middle of every bit sent to check the RX pin value against the TX sent value. 1 for bit-error detection (Data Transmit Stage) Because the LIN-controller host is also expected to be the end-application microcontroller, it is of utmost importance to minimize the number of LIN blocks, leaving most resources to the application. This is made possible by the dynamic re-configuration capability of PSoC blocks. Each message stage --Synchronization, Receive, Transmit-requires three digital blocks, so applying dynamic reconfiguration between each stage limits the total number of required blocks to three; two standard digital blocks plus one Digital Communications block. Response Figure 17. Synchronization Stage (Master) LIN Master Controller Hardware for the LIN master (Figure 15) is almost identical to slave hardware. The main difference is that the LIN frequency tolerance for message-header generation now implies the use of a 32 kHz crystal as reference for the PSoC MCU Internal Main Oscillator. LIN bus LIN Transceiver TX pin RX pin End of break ISR interrupt TC VC1 Also, the LIN bus pull-up resistor integrated in the transceiver (30 kΩ) is not sufficient for master node, therefore, an external 1 kΩ resistor is added. clk Baud Rate (8-bit Counter) Break Gen clk (8-bit Counter) Out clk Bit-time TC (8-bit Counter) Bit -error detect ISR interrupt Figure 15. LIN Master Node with PSoC Master LIN node Voltage Regul. VBAT 5V RT For the LIN Master Controller, Synchronization ends with break generation. The next fields, including Synch Field and ID Field, are generated during the Data Transmit Stage. TX LIN transceiver (e.g.TH8080) PSoC 32KHz LIN bus RX GND November 11, 2002 Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 6 [+] Feedback AN2045 Data Transmit The PSoC device configuration for this stage is identical to Slave Data Transmit configuration. Refer to paragraph 3.3 for details. The Data Transmit Stage for the master terminates either after sending the whole message if sender is master, or after sending the ID Field if the message response comes from a slave. In the second case, the Data Transmit Stage is followed by a Data Receive Stage. Data Receive The PSoC device configuration for this stage is identical to Slave Data Receive configuration. Refer to paragraph 3.2 for details. Dynamic Re-configuration As for slave mode, each stage in the master uses three digital blocks (including one Digital Communications block). By re-configuring between each stage, the LIN master firmware re-uses the same three blocks throughout the whole message, saving much of microcontroller resources for the end-application. On the firmware side, because automotive and control applications are often real-time, the LIN driver only makes use of interrupts, with no active loop or any blocking functions. Overhead measurements made on a LIN bus with messages transferred at 19200 bauds and the PSoC CPU running at 24 MHz, show a 0% overhead between messages, and a maximum overhead of 10% while sending or receiving messages. Additionally, when not using the LIN bus, the PSoC device is able to dynamically re-configure, thereby freeing all digital blocks for use in the user’s application. Summary The PSoC architecture is optimal for LIN applications. A full-featured LIN controller can be efficiently implemented with a few internal resources of the device; unused resources are available for end-application usage, and PSoC configurability allows a large variety of applications to be built from a single hardware platform. Performance The objective of the LIN controller is to be integrated in the same microcontroller as the end-application. For this reason, we must make sure that it does not consume excessive resources and processing power. We've already seen that the LIN controller implementation (master or slave) leaves 5 of 8 digital blocks and all 12 analog blocks for the end-application. November 11, 2002 Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 7 [+] Feedback AN2045 About the Author Name: Title: Background: Contact: Philippe Larcher Field Application Engineer Cypress-France 20 years of activity in computer and electronic system design. 13 years as FAE for Cypress. [email protected] Tel: 33 1 69 29 88 92 In March of 2007, Cypress recataloged all of its Application Notes using a new documentation number and revision code. This new documentation number and revision code (001-xxxxx, beginning with rev. **), located in the footer of the document, will be used in all subsequent revisions. PSoC is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. "Programmable System-on-Chip," PSoC Designer, and PSoC Express are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone: 408-943-2600 Fax: 408-943-4730 © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2002-2007. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. This Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. November 11, 2002 Document No. 001-41061 Rev. ** 8 [+] Feedback