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What effects did the
teachings of Confucius
"When a prince's personal conduct is correct, his
government is effective without the issuing of orders.
lf his personal conduct is not correct, he may issue
orders, but they wiII not be followed."
These words were spoken by Confucius, an
important Chinese philosopher, teacher, and scholar.
have on China?
In 206 e.c. Shihuangdi's Qin dynasty was overthrown by
rebel armies. These armies were led by a farmer-turnedgeneral called Han Gaozu (HAHN GOW ZOO). His
family began the mighty Han dynasty, which would rule
China for over 400 years. During the Han dynasty, China expanded north to what are today North and South
Korea and south to the country of Vietnam.
Shihuangdi had lived by the idea that a ruler should
be able to do whatever he chooses. Later, Han rulers
developed different ideas about government. Their
thoughts were based on the teachings of a man named
Confucius, who lived between 551 e.c. and 479 e.c.
Like the Buddha, who was teaching in India during
this time, Confucius lived through an age of warfare
and conflict. In this time of conflict, Confucius suggested a different, more peaceful way of living. Also like the
Buddha, he won many followers during and after his
lifetime. Unlike the Buddha, Confucius's ideas would not
start a new religion. However, Confucius's ideas would
reshape entire civilizations.
Mandate of Heaven
Grand School
Han Gaozu
Both of his parents died when he was
young, so Confucius had to make his
own way in life. He had a passion for
learning. He mastered subjects such as
writing, mathematics, history, and
archery. This helped Confucius to get
a job in government. In later years,
though, he devoted his life to teachins.
The Followers of Confucius
Confucius's ideas, later called
Confucianism, taught that Chinese culture had lost its traditions. According to
Confucius, ancient traditions had once
made society just and good. Through
education, Confucius said, people from
rulers to farmers could learn how to
become good people once again. Good
people would make a good civilization.
A central idea of Confucianism was
to have respect within the family. This
idea also applied to government. Just as
a child must respect a parent, a subject must respect the ruler. However,
the ruler had a duty to be wise and
good. Some followers of Confucius
said that emperors did not have
the right to rule just because they
came from a certain family.
Rather, each emperor received a
right to rule from the gods,
called the Mandate of
Heaven. This mandate,
or command, echoed
the Shang belief that
the gods spoke to kings
through oracle bones.
Confucius's thoughts
were recorded by his
students in a book called
The Analecfs. Analects
are selected writings.
What does a good person do.
according to Confucius?
Excerpt from
The Analects of Confucius,
c. 400 g.c.
Do not do unto others what you
would not want others to do
to you.
you make a mistake and do not
correct it, this is called a mistake.
Be cluliful at home, brotherly in
public; be discreet and trustvvorthy,
Iove all people, and draw near
to humanity. lf you have extra
enerry as you clo that, then study
leaders are courteous, their people will not dare to be disrespectful. If leaders are just, people will
not dare to be [ungovernable]. If
leaders are trustworthy, people wiII
not dare to be dishonesf.
A certain pupil asked Confucius
about government: "What
qualifies one to participate in
Confucius said, "Honor five
refinemenfs. . . . Then you can
participate in government."
The pupil asked, "What are
the tive refinements?"
Confucius said, "Good people
are generous without being
wasteful; they are hardworking without being
resentful; they desire without being greedy; they are
at ease without being
fproud]; they are dignified
without being fierce."
ref inements: improvements
participate: take part in
This man is participating in a
ceremony to honor Confucius.
The ceremony is taking place
at a temple in Qufu, located
in China's Shandong province.
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The powerful Han army expanded the
borders of the empire. Look at the Han
dynasty lands on the map on this page.
Controlling the huge empire was a difficult job. During the Qin dynasty Shihuangdi had many people who
disagreed with him killed. Some of
them were Confucianists. He did not
want anyone to question his right to
rule. During the Han dynasty, however,
Confucianism became accepted again.
Han emperors wanted to find ways to
rule more fairly. They also wanted to
Iessen the power of the nobles.
Han rulers kept the Qin dynasty's
system of government. However, they
gave government jobs to educated
people, rather than just to nobles. Wudi
(WOO DEE), was the first strong
emperor of the Han dynasty. His rule
Han rulers expanded their empire into
central China.
l. What two cities were located on the
Huang River?
2. Which city was farther west?
lasted from 140 B.c. to 87 e.c. Wudi created schools to prepare students for
government service. These schools were
run by Confucian teachers.
The Grand School
Under Wudi's government, schools
were set up in each province, or state.
The schools taught Chinese literature
to students who would serve in local
government. Very good students sometimes were sent to the empire's best
school, the Grand School.
During Wudi's rule only 50 students
were allowed to study at the Grand
School. By a.o. 200 it had more than
30,000 students. For one year they
learned about ancient China's poetry,
history, proper behavior, and folk
songs. These had all been preserved by
Confucius. The teachers were China's
most brilliant Confucian scholars. At the
end of the year, students at the Grand
School took a long test. If they passed,
they earned jobs as government workers or as teachers in province schools.
They also won great respect in society
because they were so well educated.
During the Han dynasty, learning
of many different kinds blossomed
throughout the empire. Like the ancient
Eg.yptians, Chinese scientists and mathematicians learned to predict eclipses of
the sun. Doctors discovered new kinds
of medicines, and poets wrote about the
beauty of the land. In fact, during the
course of the Han dynasty, the Chinese
language grew from 3,000 to 9,000
characters. In e.o. 100 scholars wrote
the first Chinese dictionary.
The Invention of Paper
Confucian emphasis on education
brought increased knowledge and
This is a model of the
seismograph invented by
Zhang Heng. The original
detected an earthquake
hundreds of miles away.
discovery in the Han dynasty. This can
be seen in the many inventions that
appeared during this time. For example,
Han craftworkers invented paper. Like
Egyptian papyrus, paper provided a
way to keep written records. The Chinese made paper by pounding bark of
mulberry trees. These are the same
trees that feed China's silkworms.
An Amazing Instrument
One of the most remarkable achievements of Han inventors was the
seismograph (SIZ muh graf). This is a
machine used to detect earthquakes.
Although this ancient seismograph
looks like a bronze vase covered with
dragons and toads, it is actually a compiicated scientific instrument.
Inside the vase swung a long metal
pendulum. When the ground shook
ever so slightly, the pendulum would
swing in the direction in which the
earthquake occurred. The pendulum
would hit a rod inside the vase. This
rod, in turn, would knock a ball out of
a dragon's mouth. The ball came out in
the direction in which the earthquake
had occumed.
In this way Han rulers could learn
about an earthquake as soon as it happened. They could immediately
send food and suppiies to the
damaged area.
As you have read, the Han empire
stretched across thousands of miles and
achieved many things. Still, farming
continued to be the center of China's
economy and society. Most people lived
on farms and in small villages. China's
farmers grew food for the entire
empire. The economy was based on
customs handed down for generations.
This is an example of a traditional economic system.
The lives of farmers during the Han
dynasty centered around their families
and the endless work in the fields. This
has remained relatively unchanged
through much of China's long history.
Confucius wanted China to become a
civilization of good and dutiful people.
He believed it had once been that way.
During the Han dynasty China's government adopted some of Confucius's
This model of a house came
from a Han dynasty tomb.
ideas. Despite this, however, conflict
and hardship remained part of life in
ancient China. The Han dynasty ended
around a.o. 220. It broke down under
the strain of failed military campaigns
beyond China and fights among its
leaders. In the centuries to come, many
Chinese looked to the teachings of Confucius to renew their civilization. The
legacy of Confucian ideas of fairness
and learning continues in China today.
o Confucian ideas about duty and
education influenced life during
the Han dynasty.
o The Han emperor Wudi started Confucian schools in order to educate
government workers.
o The Han dynasty produced many
great achievements in science, mathematics, the arts, and trade.
o As in earlier dynasties, farmers during the Han dynasty produced the
food and goods that brought China
great wealth.
l. What did Confucius believe was the
duty of a ruler?
2. What are three ways Confucius
defined goodness in people?
3. Focus How did Confucianism affect
Iife during the Han dynasty?
Imagine that you are
Emperor Wudi. Decide which aspects
of Confucianism you can use to help
you govern the empire. Explain how
you made your choices.
5. GEoGRAPHY Compare the maps on
pages 165, 1.69, and 176. How did
China's empire change in the Shang,
the Qin, and the Han dynasties?