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Modernising Scientific Careers
(Medical Physics)
Learning Outcomes
Indicative Content
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section A: MSc Curriculum
1.0 Background
1.1 High Level MSc Framework
1.2 Medical Physics Route Map
2.0 Generic Modules
2.1 Healthcare Science
2.2 Research Methods
3.0 Division/Theme Specific Modules
3.1 Year 1 Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics …………………..
4.0 Specialist Modules for Radiotherapy Physics
4.1 Year 2 Radiotherapy Physics 1
4.2 Year 2 and 3 Research Project
4.3 Year 3 Radiotherapy Physics 2
4.4 Overview of workplace-based training
5.0 Specialist Modules for Radiation Safety
5.1 Year 2 Radiation Safety 1
5.2 Year 2 and 3 Research Project
5.3 Year 3 Radiation Safety 2
5.4 Overview of workplace-based training
6.0 Specialist Modules for Imaging with Ionising Radiation
6.1 Year 2 Imaging with Ionising Radiation 1
6.2 Year 2 and 3 Research Project
6.3 Year 3 Imaging with Ionising Radiation 2
6.4 Overview of workplace-based training
7.0 Specialist Modules for Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
7.1 Year 2 Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation 1 …………………..
7.2 Year 2 and 3 Research Project
7.3 Year 3 Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation 2 …………………..
7.4 Overview of workplace-based training
Section B: Generic Curriculum
Professional Practice
Appendix 1
Members of the Curriculum Development
Group and Curriculum Reference Group
Appendix 2
Amendments to MSc Clinical Sciences
(Medical Physics) 2010-11 to create version 2
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section A: MSc Curriculum
1.0 Background
This document sets out the proposed structure, high level learning outcomes
and indicative content for the 3-year, part-time Masters in Clinical Science that
forms part of the Scientist Training Programme (STP). The programme
combines and integrates the generic professional practice learning, theme
specific (Medical Physics) and four specialisms namely Radiotherapy Physics,
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation, Imaging with Ionising Radiation and
Radiation Safety.
The diagram below depicts the broad framework around which all degree
programmes must be structured.
However, each division within the
Modernising Scientific Careers Programme (MSC) has interpreted and
adapted this framework.
1.1 High Level MSc Framework
Year 3
Healthcare Science
Specialist Learning
with integrated Professional Practice
Research Project
Trainees would usually begin a
workplace-based research project in Year
2 and complete the project in Year 3
Year 2
Healthcare Science
Specialist Learning
with integrated Professional
Year 1
Research Project
Trainees would usually begin a workplacebased research project in Year 2 and
complete the project in Year 3.
Healthcare Science
Integrating science and
Professional Practice
Healthcare Science
Integrating underpinning knowledge required for each
rotational element with Professional Practice
Generic Modules: Common to all divisions of Healthcare Science
Division/Theme Specific Modules: Common to a division or theme
Specialist Modules: Specific to a specialism
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
1.2 Medical Physics Route Map
Medical Physics will offer an MSc in four specialisms namely:
Radiotherapy Physics
Radiation Safety
Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
The route map overleaf shows how the high-level framework has been
interpreted for Medical Physics.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Route Map for Medical Physics
Year 1
Year 2
Healthcare Science [20]
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics underpinning knowledge for rotational elements
Year 3
Research Methods [10]
Radiotherapy Physics
Route map of STP in Medical Physics with
specialisms in Radiotherapy Physics, Radiation
Safety, Imaging with Ionising Radiation, Imaging with
Non-ionising Radiation. In Year 1, trainees begin by
following a generic curriculum across the whole of
the STP Training Programme (blue) together with
some division /theme specific modules (yellow). In
Year 2 and 3 trainees specialise (orange).
Radiotherapy 1 [20]
Radiotherapy 2 [30]
Research Project [30]
Research Project [30]
Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety 1 [20]
Radiation Safety 2 [30]
Research Project [30]
Research Project [30]
Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 1 [20]
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 2 [30]
Research Project [30]
Research Project [30]
Imaging with non-ionising radiation
Imaging with Non Ionising Radiation 1 [20]
Imaging with Non Ionising Radiation 2 [30]
Research Project [30]
Research Project [30]
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
2.0 Generic Modules
Within the MSc programme the generic curriculum has three modules namely
Healthcare Science, Research Methods and the Research Project.
Professional Practice is also generic and should be integrated across the 3year STP programme. For further information please see Section B.
2.1 Healthcare Science
Year 1:
Generic Module
Healthcare Science [20 credits]
The overall aim of this introductory module is to provide trainees with
knowledge and understanding of the basic science and scientific knowledge
that will underpin study in any of the three divisions of healthcare science
namely Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Life Sciences and
Physiological Sciences within the Scientist Training Programme. This module
will also introduce the frameworks underpinning professional practice across
the divisions providing the building blocks for future development of
professional practice in the workplace.
This module will build on the knowledge, skills and experience gained during
undergraduate studies with learning developed and applied further in division
and specialism specific modules. 1
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Outline the chemical, cellular and tissue level of organisation of the body.
2. Describe the function of blood as a tissue, blood cells (types and life
3. Know the structure and function of the skin.
4. Know the structure and function of the skeletal system.
5. Describe the organisation, basic structure and function of the central,
peripheral and autonomic nervous system.
6. Know the normal structure and function of the respiratory system including
ventilation, gaseous exchange and blood gas transport.
7. Know the normal structure and function of the heart, blood vessels and
lymphatic system.
8. Know the anatomy and physiology of vision, hearing and equilibrium.
9. Know the normal structure and function of the GI tract including digestion
and absorption of food, the liver and liver function tests.
10. Know the normal structure and function of the kidney including anatomy
and function of the endocrine system, electrolyte and acid-base balance
and hormonal mechanisms and control.
This module should build on the knowledge gained during undergraduate studies with
learning developed further in division and specialism specific modules
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
11. Know the anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive
12. Know the principles of inheritance, DNA and genetics including carrier
status, genetic crosses/pedigree/punnet squares/cross diagrams.
13. Know the cellular, tissue and systems responses to disease including cell
death, inflammation, neoplasia, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, tissue responses
to injury and repair.
14. Explain how factors affecting health may contribute to inequalities in health
between populations.
15. Explain the basic concepts underpinning health economics and their
applicability to healthcare science.
16. Know the basis of health protection including principles of surveillance.
17. Examine patients' responses to illness and treatment and consider the
impact of psychological and social factors, including culture, on health and
health-related behaviour.
18. Know the basic principles of physics that underpin healthcare science e.g.
ultrasound, radiation.
19. Explain the structures and processes that underpin quality assurance
including quality control, assurance, quality improvement and clinical
20. Know and apply basic principles of communication with respect to key
features of effective patient interviews and information giving; working with
groups of the population who have particular communication needs such
as children, those with learning disabilities and management of emotional
responses within the scientist-patient interaction
21. Know the basic principles and structures underpinning history taking and
clinical examination.
22. Know and understand the importance of the concept of shared leadership
and the associated personal qualities and behaviours that promote shared
23. Understand the structure and management of health and social care
services and the management of local healthcare systems in the United
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Respect and understand individuals’ beliefs and ways of coping with
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the influence of culture and beliefs on health.
3. Apply a range of study skills including time management, organisational
skills, using the library, search engines, self-directed learning, reflective
practice and critical analysis during this introductory module.
4. Demonstrate communication skills by listening to others, taking other
viewpoints into consideration, giving effective feedback, receiving and
responding to feedback and working in a team.
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Indicative Content
Review of the organisation, structure and function of the body
Review of basic genetic concepts
Review of the pathological processes underpinning common diseases:
o Cell death
o Inflammation
o Neoplasia
o Hypertrophy
o Hyperplasia
o Tissue response to injury and repair
Factors affecting health and their contribution to inequalities in health
between populations
Basis of health protection including principles of surveillance
Patients' responses to illness and treatment including the impact of
psychological, social factors and culture
Basic principles of physics underpinning common techniques used in
healthcare science e.g. ultrasound, radiation
Basic principles of quality assurance including quality control, assurance,
quality improvement and clinical governance
Health Economics
Communications skills
Introduction to history taking and clinical examination.
Introduction to Leadership within the NHS.
Introduction to the structure of the NHS
2.2 Research Methods
Year 2:
Generic Module
Research Methods [10 credits]
The overall aim of this module is to ensure that the trainee has the
underpinning knowledge of the importance of research, development and
innovation across the NHS and in healthcare science in particular and to
provide the underpinning knowledge for the research project.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Explain the context within which research and audit are undertaken within
the NHS.
2. Examine the contribution of the Healthcare Science workforce to
undertaking cutting edge translational research for patient benefit and
promoting innovation within the NHS.
3. Differentiate between audit and research and know different types of
research approaches including qualitative, quantitative and systematic
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
4. Know the processes that underpin clinical trials and their potential value,
risks and benefits.
5. Explain how to formulate a research question and design a project.
6. Explain the current ethical and governance frameworks within which
human and animal work can be conducted in the UK.
7. Know current ethical approval processes for research and audit, the
requirements for continuous monitoring, progress reporting, adverse event
monitoring, study closure and archiving.
8. Describe the role of peer review and user involvement in research design.
9. Appraise research and research proposals with respect to costs and
10. Explain the application of common statistical techniques for dealing with
11. Explain a range of methods to disseminate research findings and discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
12. Describe how clinical guidelines are produced and the concept of evidence
based practice including the role of current statutory and advisory
regulatory bodies.
13. Explain the processes for quality assurance in research, audit and service
14. Describe the potential sources of research funding for Healthcare Science
research and basic principles of Intellectual Property regulations.
15. Discuss how the findings of research and audit can be used to improve the
practice of healthcare science and improve patient care and service
Learning Outcomes: Practical Skills
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Generate a research question.
2. Critically review the literature to establish current knowledge with respect
to the research question and summarise the findings.
3. Identify and discuss an audit project that has resulted in change specific to
their specialism.
4. Identify and discuss a research study that has resulted in an improvement
in patient care relevant to their specialism.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Demonstrate effective oral communication skills including the ability to
present scientific data to non-scientists.
2. Demonstrate effective organisation skills.
3. Identify how innovation will have a positive impact on the practice of
healthcare science.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
Good Clinical Practice
Research ethics and clinical governance
Research method including:
o Qualitative
o Quantitative
o Bio-statistical
o Systematic review
o Epidemiological research methods
Study design
Hypothesis generation and testing
Literature searching and referencing
Critical Appraisal
Evidence Based Practice
Application and interpretation of statistical techniques
Dissemination of research/audit findings
Development of Clinical Guidelines
Quality Assurance applied to research
Cost-benefit of research
Sources of Research Funding
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3.0 Division/Theme Specific Modules
This section covers the theme specific module that will be studied by all
trainees undertaking the Medical Physics programme.
Year 1:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics
The overall aim of this module is to provide trainees with the knowledge that
underpins the first four rotations of the Medical Physics STP and the common
learning required within the division.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Work safely within the radiation, workshop and clinical environments.
2. Describe the legislation that applies to safe working.
3. Explain the physical principles behind the interaction of radiation with
4. Understand the basis of clinical measurement.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of Medical Physics in innovation
and service development.
6. Have the underpinning knowledge to gain useful practical experience
within the context of the workplace-based rotations.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Report problems and may take part in restorative action within quality
control/assurance requirements to address threats of performance
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
Information Communications Technology (ICT)
 Knowledge of the range of general purpose computer software in common
use including spreadsheets, flat-file and structured databases, online
reference and collaborative resources
 An understanding that computing applied clinically involves additional
safeguards when 'the computer acts as a clinical device' including an
understanding of the role of the Medicine and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA)
and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and their role in
CE Marking
 An introduction to the concept of the software lifecycle and the tools and
frameworks used to specify, develop, validate and verify clinical software
 Understand of the basic principles relating to Information Communications
Technology (ICT) security including firewalls, virus protection, encryption,
server access and data security
 An understanding of Information Governance, including NHS security
 Understand the need for data exchange standards and be aware of some
of the common standards, eg Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) and Healthcare Level 7 (HL7)
 Understand the networking systems in common clinical use and be aware
of the relevant local Trust Information Technology policies
 Understand the basic principles of applicable legislation and of local
policies including the Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act and
Freedom of Information Act.
Clinical Measurement
 The physiology of pressure, flow and electrophysiology
 The physical principles underpinning measurements of pressure, flow and
 Transducers for measuring pressure, flow and electrophysiology
 Calibration, traceability of standards
 Understanding of sources of error: random, systematic and human
 Understand sensitivity and specificity of measurement techniques
 Relationship to clinical pathology, data processing and interpretation
 Health and safety legislation specific to division
 Risk assessment techniques
 Chemical safety; COSHH, hazards, storage, use and disposal
 Electrical safety; medical equipment, leakage currents, fault conditions,
isolation and circuit protection; biological/physiological response to electric
shock; treatment of electric shock; equipment testing
 Mechanical safety; lifting gear; guards and operation of machine and hand
tools, eye and ear protection; fumes, dusts, moving and handling
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Biological safety; pathological and normal specimens; blood and other
tissues; equipment contamination, cleaning, cross-contamination; handling
procedures and protocols
Theatre safety; anaesthetic agents, explosion hazard, waste gas
extraction, function checks, obstacles, sterility
Workshop safety
Personal Protective Equipment
Innovation and Service Improvement
 Role of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering in innovation and service
 Project management
 Process mapping
 Equipment lifecycle
 Specification, procurement, installation and commissioning
 Critical review of protocols, techniques and equipment
 Health Technology Assessment
 Horizon scanning
Introduction to Radiotherapy Physics
 Malignant disease and role of radiotherapy
 Basic radiobiology
 Introduction to radiotherapy equipment (treatment machines and dosimetry
 Characteristics of clinical beams
 Target volume localisation; equipment and methods
 Principles of treatment planning
 Treatment verification
 Introduction to quality assurance, calibration, treatment accuracy and
safety; standards
 Radiation protection specific to radiotherapy - local rules, protection
Introduction to Radiation Physics
 X-rays, electrons (betas), neutrons, alpha and other particles
 Radioactivity Units and relationships
 X-ray production
 Physical effects of radiation
 Interaction processes with matter
 Measurement and instrumentation
 Biological effects of ionising radiation
 Non-ionising radiations including ultra-violet (UV), radiofrequency (RF) and
microwaves, lasers, infrared, magnetic fields and ultrasound
 Radiation safety; dose limits; national and international organisations and
recommendations; legislation; principles of protection, safe practice,
monitoring and reporting applied to:
o Ionising radiation
o UV, microwave, RF and magnetic fields, lasers and ultrasound
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Introduction to Imaging with Ionising Radiation
 The physics and mathematics of image formation with ionising radiation as
it relates to:
o The radiological image
o CT scanning
o Nuclear Medicine
 Introduction to image reconstruction techniques
 Introduction to image processing and analysis
 Image display characteristics
 Clinical application and a basic understanding of normal and pathological
appearances within the image
 Introduction to image registration
 Quality assurance
Introduction to Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
 The physics and mathematics of image formation with ionising radiation as
it relates to:
o Ultrasound
o Imaging with lasers
 Introduction to image reconstruction techniques
 Introduction to image processing and analysis
 Image display characteristics
 Clinical application and a basic understanding of normal and pathological
appearances within the image
 Introduction to image registration
 Quality assurance
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
4.0 Specialist Modules for Radiotherapy Physics
Module Titles
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Radiotherapy 2
Research Project in Radiotherapy Physics
Research Project in Radiotherapy Physics
Radiotherapy 1
Healthcare Science integrating science
and professional practice
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics
Underpinning knowledge for rotational elements and integrated
professional practice
Generic Modules: Common to all divisions of Healthcare Science
Division/Theme Specific Modules: Common to a division or theme
Specialist Modules: Specific to a specialism
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 4.1
Year 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiotherapy Physics
Radiotherapy 1 [20 Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Radiotherapy Physics in the second year of the MSc.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Explain the radiobiological basis of radiotherapy.
2. Explain the patient pathway in radiotherapy and the associated risks.
3. Discuss the physics of radiotherapy treatment machines and dosimetry
4. Understand the requirements for QA on radiotherapy equipment and
undertake QA and dose measurements on radiotherapy equipment.
5. Understand the quality framework in Radiotherapy Physics.
6. Undertake treatment planning on a basic range of clinical conditions.
7. Work safely in the Radiotherapy environment.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
 Radiobiology
 Radiation interactions with the patient at a wide range of photon and
electron energies
 Dosimetry theory and methods in radiotherapy
 The relationship between measurements and dose
 Electron and photon codes of practice
 The Radiotherapy Patient Pathway and associated dosimetry risks
 Dose limits to organs at risk
 Radiobiological models use in different tumour groups
 Knowledge of isodose distributions and patient related corrections
 The physics, operation and performance limitations of treatment
simulators, CT simulators, linear accelerators and superficial and
orthovoltage units
 The physics, operation and performance limitations of dosimetry
 The physics, operation and limitations of in-vivo dosimetry systems, EPIDs
 Characteristics of clinical beams
Treatment Planning
 Principles of treatment planning
 Target volume localisation: definitions and methods
 Beam modifiers
Radiation Protection
 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999, Ionising Radiations Medical
Exposures Regulations 2000 as applied to Radiotherapy
 Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010, High Activity Sealed Sources
(HASS) regulations 2006 and other relevant legislation as applied to
 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000 as applied to
o Understands the roles of operator and practitioner in radiotherapy
planning and dosimetry
o Concomitant doses
 Basic treatment room design and radiation protection
Quality Framework
 The role of quality assurance systems e.g. ISO9000 in Radiotherapy
 The basis of interdepartmental audit
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 4.2
Year 2 and 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiotherapy Physics
Research Project in Radiotherapy Physics [60 Credits]
The overall aim of this module, building on the Research Methods module is
for the trainee to undertake a research project that shows originality in the
application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in a specialism of healthcare science.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the basic scientific principles underpinning research.
2. Critically evaluate, analyse and summarise current research and advanced
scholarship in the specialism and draw justified conclusions from the
3. Understand the use and limitations of reference manager systems.
4. Know the process leading to publication of a research paper.
5. Know the current system of grading research publications.
Learning Outcomes: Practical Skills
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Establish the core skills necessary for scientific research.
2. Develop and propose a hypothesis.
3. Undertake a research project to test the hypothesis from conception to
4. Confirm the necessary ethical, audit and/or Research and Development
(R&D) approval.
5. Assemble a body of data and analyse the data using appropriate statistical
6. Prepare a written project report and analyses the findings and identifies
strengths and weaknesses of the research/audit project.
7. Communicate knowledge or arguments from the research project both
orally and in writing including presentation at a work-place based meeting.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Further develop critical analytical skills.
Evaluate and apply evidence.
Work within an ethical framework.
Work independently or as a member of a team.
Demonstrate effective time management and organisation.
Exercise initiative and personal responsibility.
Reflect on performance and seek help and advice when necessary.
Indicative Content
Literature Searching
Critical Analysis
Research project that may include:
o Systematic Review
o Evaluation of new methodologies
o Investigation to improve performance of a method
o Evaluation of new/modified quality assurance of a method
o Audit of method performance across a range of departments
o Critical analysis of evidence-base underpinning a specified
Communications Skills
Report Writing
Presentation Skills
Section 4.3
Year 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiotherapy Physics
Radiotherapy Physics 2 [30 Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Radiotherapy Physics in the third year of the MSc.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Critically compare 3D dose calculation algorithms, their input requirements
and the limitations of the methods employed.
2. Understand how to acquire beam data for commissioning a treatment
planning system.
3. Understand a range of advanced treatment planning techniques.
4. Understand brachytherapy techniques and treatment planning.
5. Describe a range of radiotherapy treatments using unsealed sources.
6. Critically evaluate the role of imaging in radiotherapy treatment planning
and delivery.
7. Understand the radiotherapy IT environment.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
Indicative Content
 The application, limitations and use of the following modalities in
o CT including cone beam CT
o Simulation
o CT Simulation
o Verification imaging and imaging for IGRT
 Reconstruction methods and image registration
 Understand the harmful effects of Radiotherapy
 Understand the accuracy and precision of planning and dosimetry based
upon ICRU and RCR recommendations
 The commissioning process for new treatment techniques
 Advanced Radiotherapy techniques including:
o Tomotherapy
o 4D adaptive radiotherapy
o Proton Beam Therapy
o Emerging technologies
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Patient immobilisation and shielding
Gating techniques
Brachytherapy and unsealed source treatments
 The scientific basis and radiobiology of the use of radioactive implants and
unsealed source treatments in Radiotherapy
 After-loading and dosimetry equipment: application, quality assurance
limitations and use
 Brachytherapy dose calculation algorithms, input requirements and
limitations of the methods employed.
 Unsealed and sealed source treatments including preparation,
administration, protection arrangements and decontamination
 Record keeping for radioactive sources
Treatment Planning
 3D dose algorithms, their limitations and use
 Beam data requirements for a treatment planning system
 Forward and inverse IMRT treatment planning
 Treatment plans for a range of complex conditions including Total Body
Irradiation and Total Skin Electron Treatment
 The commissioning process for new equipment with reference to:
o LINACs, orthovoltage and other treatment machines
o Treatment planning systems
o Imaging equipment
 Radiotherapy IT and networking
o Virtual simulation
o Verification software
o Oncology patient management systems
o Networking and the network environment
o System management, configuration control and software release
o Interoperability, DICOM RT, HL7 and messaging standards
o Links to hospital administration systems
o Legislative framework for IT, data protection
 Regulatory standards including IEC601 and the Medical Devices Directive
as applied to software
Section 4.4
Overview of Workplace-based training
The purpose of this section is to summarise the workplace-based
competences for the Healthcare Scientist Training Programmes in Medical
Physics. They are indicative and, as the training manuals develop, will
undergo some changes.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
The Healthcare Scientist working in Radiotherapy Physics, for a range of
treatments, will be able to:
1. Critically appraise treatment planning processes for radiotherapy.
2. Develop site specific treatment planning protocols for radiotherapy.
3. Define clinically acceptable parameters and devise tests for radiotherapy
4. Develop a structure for radiation protection in radiotherapy.
5. Develop a dosimetry framework.
6. Develop room designs for radiotherapy equipment.
7. Develop and implement a commissioning plan for radiotherapy software
and equipment.
8. Innovate develop and validate new radiotherapy techniques.
9. Develop treatment planning and dose calculation algorithms for
10. Implement and maintain software solutions to assist with the delivery of
specialist services.
11. Implement and maintain data communication solutions to assist with the
delivery of specialist services.
12. Perform treatment dose calculations for external beam radiotherapy.
13. Input data to record and verify systems for radiotherapy.
14. Outline anatomical structures.
15. Outline clinical target volume for a range of tumour types.
16. Produce treatment plan for standard individual patient external beam
radiotherapy using a planning computer.
17. Produce treatment plan for individual patient radiotherapy requiring
innovative solutions.
18. Produce treatment plan for individual brachytherapy patient treatment.
19. Check parameters for individual patient treatment for basic calculations
and standard plans.
20. Check parameters for innovative plans and reconcile inconsistencies in
standard plan checks.
21. Prepare sealed sources for use in brachytherapy.
22. Administer sealed source brachytherapy to patients using after loading
23. Specify treatment machine accessories and modifications to assist with
24. Perform dose measurements to support radiation treatment.
25. Determine that radiation delivery and measurement devices are fit for use.
26. Conduct definitive calibration of radiation delivery and measurement
27. Quality control radiotherapy systems.
28. Investigate actual and potential radiation incidents.
29. Audit radiotherapy dosimetry systems and frameworks.
30. Advise on individual patient radiotherapy.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
5.0 Specialist Modules for Radiation Safety
Module Titles
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Radiation Safety 2
Research Project in Radiation safety
Radiation Safety 1
Healthcare Science integrating science
and professional practice
Research Project in Radiation Safety
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics
Underpinning knowledge for rotational elements and integrated
professional practice
Generic Modules: Common to all divisions of Healthcare Science
Division/Theme Specific Modules: Common to a division or theme
Specialist Modules: Specific to a specialism
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 5.1
Year 2:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety 1 [20 Credits]
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Critically appraise the legislation and guidance that applies to ionising
radiation safety.
2. Discuss the physical processes behind image formation in diagnostic
3. Explain the normal and pathological appearances of images and identify
common imaging artefacts.
4. Discuss the physical principles and operation of radiographic equipment
5. Explain the factors that affect system performance.
6. Understand the principles of operational radiation protection.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
 Mathematical and physical principles behind the formation of the image
o Radiographic Images (film, CR, DR, fluoroscopy)
o Transaxial imaging CT
o Mammography
 The physics of radiation interactions with matter in diagnostic radiology.
 The key parameters that define optimal image quality for a range of clinical
/ research applications.
Legislation and Guidance
 Quantities and units (including dosimetry underlying regulatory quantities)
 Basis of radiation protection standards (e.g. epidemiology, linear
hypothesis for stochastic effects, deterministic effects)
 ICRP principles:
o justification;
o optimisation;
o dose limitation.
 Practices and interventions (including natural radiation especially radon)
 Legal and regulatory basis:
o International recommendations/conventions;
o European Union legislation;
o Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
o Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000
o Approved Code of Practice and Guidance Notes
o Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010, High Activity Sealed
Sources (HASS) regulations 2006 and other relevant Health and
Safety Regulations. NaTsCo security requirements
o Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000,
Amended 2006
o The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable
Pressure Equipment Regulations 2004
o Exemption Orders
o Other relevant legislation
o Detailed knowledge and understanding of other key documents
(ARSAC/MARS, MHRA/GMP, GCP/GLP etc.), national and local
SOPs, policies and procedures.
o Competent authorities
Operational radiation protection
 types of sources (sealed, unsealed, x-ray units, accelerators)
 hazard and risk assessment (including environmental impact)
 minimisation of risk
 control of releases
 monitoring: area, personal dosimetry (external, real time and internal),
 critical dose concept/dose calculation for critical group
 ergonomics (e.g. user-friendly design and layout of instrumentation)
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
operating rules and contingency planning
emergency procedures
remedial action/decontamination
Dealing with radiation incidents and incident reporting
analysis of past incidents including experience feedback
record keeping
accumulation of waste,
wipe testing
knowledge of instrumentation and limitations
 The appearance of the radiographic image
 Common imaging artefacts
 Results from analyses (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) and the context in
which they were acquired.
 Understands and can communicate radiation risk to patients, staff and
members of the public
 Detailed understanding of the design principles and operation of
radiographic imaging equipment.
 Understands how to assess system performance and perform comparative
evaluations. Quality assurance and quality control
 Dosemeters and contamination monitors, equipment for measuring patient
 Radiation protection for diagnostic X-rays, Radiotherapy and Nuclear
Medicine including
o Biological effects
o Protection quantity and units
o Risk factors and dose limits
o Risk-benefit, cost benefit analysis
o Radiation working areas
o Protection Instrumentation
o Engineering control
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 5.2
Year 2 and 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiation Safety
Research Project in Radiation Safety [60 Credits]
The overall aim of this module, building on the Research Methods module is
for the trainee to undertake a research project that shows originality in the
application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in a specialism of healthcare science.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the basic scientific principles underpinning research.
2. Critically evaluate, analyse and summarise current research and advanced
scholarship in the specialism and draw justified conclusions from the
3. Understand the use and limitations of reference manager systems.
4. Know the process leading to publication of a research paper.
5. Know the current system of grading research publications.
Learning Outcomes: Practical Skills
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Establish the core skills necessary for scientific research.
2. Develop and propose a hypothesis.
3. Undertake a research project to test the hypothesis from conception to
4. Confirm the necessary ethical, audit and/or Research and Development
(R&D) approval.
5. Assemble a body of data and analyse the data using appropriate statistical
6. Prepare a written project report and analyses the findings and identifies
strengths and weaknesses of the research/audit project.
7. Communicate knowledge or arguments from the research project both
orally and in writing including presentation at a workplace based meeting.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
Further develop critical analytical skills.
Evaluate and apply evidence.
Work within an ethical framework.
Work independently or as a member of a team.
Demonstrate effective time management and organisation.
Exercise initiative and personal responsibility.
Reflect on performance and seek help and advice when necessary.
Indicative Content
Literature Searching
Critical Analysis
Research project that may include:
o Systematic Review
o Evaluation of new methodologies
o Investigation to improve performance of a method
o Evaluation of new/modified quality assurance of a method
o Audit of method performance across a range of departments
o Critical analysis of evidence-base underpinning a specified
Communications Skills
Report Writing
Presentation Skills
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 5.3
Year 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety 2 [30 Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Radiation Safety in the third year of the MSc.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Discuss the role of the radiation safety expert and the importance of safety
2. Understand the physical principles and safe use of non-ionising radiations
used in healthcare.
3. Design radiation facilities.
4. Undertake optimisation of radiographic techniques.
5. Understand the IT environment in radiation departments including issues
around interconnectivity of systems.
6. Explain image display systems and their optimisation.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
Organisation of radiation protection:
 Role of qualified experts (eg Medical Physics Expert, Radiation Protection
 safety culture (importance of human behaviour)
 communication skills (skills and ability to instil safety culture into others)
 record keeping (sources, doses, unusual occurrences, etc.)
 permits to work and other authorisations
 designation of areas and classification of workers
 quality control/auditing
 dealing with contractors
 cooperation between employers
 patient related issues; release of radioactive patients
 ALARP re: patient safety
 Justification, optimisation, limits
 Overexposure of patients and staff
 Working safely within the range of radiation environments encountered in
 Practitioner, operator and referrer training and duties
Radioactive materials
 Registration and authorisation of sealed and unsealed sources
 Releases to the environment.
 Environmental impact assessment
 Best practical means
 Waste management:
o principles of management
o principles of disposal
 Transport
Non-ionising radiation
 Sources -physical properties, interactions with matter, biological effects,
measurement, clinical applications and safety of:
o UV
o Intense Light Sources
o Lasers
o Infrared
o Microwaves
o RF
o Electric and magnetic fields
o US
 Relevant guidelines, documents and standard operating procedures for
safe practice within regard to the use of non-ionising radiation in the
clinical environment
 Safety issues and exposure limitations relevant to different patient groups
 Rationale behind safety standards
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Image display
 Hard copy and soft copy display systems
 External factors affecting image displays
 Quality assurance of image display systems
 Understanding of image perception
 Measurement and calculation of patient doses
 Population exposures
Design of facilities
 Design of facilities for Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear
 Shielding calculations, design features and engineering controls
 Cyclotrons and radionuclide production facilities
 The requirements of equipment for calibration / QA, both generally and
specific to each application
 Appropriate methods for data reconstruction, pre-processing (e.g.
registration, smoothing) and analysis (eg region of interest, curve
 Gated and time sequence imaging
 The commissioning process for new equipment with reference to:
o Diagnostic Radiology equipment
o CT, including cone beam CT
o Mammography
o Radiotherapy/brachytherapy equipment
o The critical examination
 IT and networking
o Image analysis software
o Specialist patient management systems eg Cardiology systems
Radiology information systems
o Networking and the network environment
o System management, configuration control and software release
o Interoperability, DICOM RT, HL7 and messaging standards
o Links to hospital administration systems
o Legislative framework for IT, data protection
o Regulatory standards including IEC601 and the Medical Devices
Directive as applied to software
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 5.4
Overview of Workplace-based training
The purpose of this section is to summarise the workplace-based
competences for the Healthcare Scientist Training Programmes in Medical
Physics. They are indicative and, as the training manuals develop, will
undergo some changes.
The Healthcare Scientist working in Radiation Safety (both ionising and nonionising) will be able to:
1. Assess risks associated with planned new facilities or services involving
2. Specify design features for new facilities or services involving the use of
3. Specify radiation protection and control features required for new facilities
involving the use of radiation.
4. Develop organisational policies for radiation protection.
5. Develop procedures for management and control of radioactive
6. Develop procedures for control of equipment generating radiation and of
the radiation emitted.
7. Critically appraise the framework for audit of radiation dose to patients.
8. Critically appraise the framework for audit of radiation dose to staff.
9. Develop QA programmes for radiation equipment.
10. Critically appraise procedures and policies for the management and
control of incidents involving radiation.
11. Promote safe and effective working practices in areas which may be
affected by radiation.
12. Optimise practices involving radiation.
13. Quality assure equipment and radiation sources.
14. Audit areas where radiation is used.
15. Assess environmental radiation levels within the organisation and in the
surrounding areas.
16. Investigate and report on legislative aspects of use of radiation throughout
the organisation.
17. Investigate and report on radiation incidents.
18. Participate in response to radiation emergencies.
19. Audit and interpret environmental radiation monitoring results.
20. Audit and interpret staff dosimetry and workplace monitoring results.
21. Assess radiation doses to members of the public.
22. Assess, audit and interpret patient radiation dose.
23. Measure and record levels and characteristics of radiation.
24. Confirm acceptability of installation by performing critical examination.
25. Calibrate and test equipment that measures radiation.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
6.0 Specialist Modules for Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Year 3
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 2
Module Titles
Research Project in Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Year 2
Year 1
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 1
Healthcare Science integrating science
and professional practice
Research Project in Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics
Underpinning knowledge for rotational elements and integrated
professional practice
Generic Modules: Common to all divisions of Healthcare Science
Division/Theme Specific Modules: Common to a division or theme
Specialist Modules: Specific to a specialism
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 6.1
Year 2:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 1 [20Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Imaging with Ionising Radiation in the second year of the
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Discuss the physical processes behind image formation in nuclear
medicine and diagnostic radiology.
2. Explain the normal and pathological appearances of images and identify
common imaging artefacts.
3. Discuss the physical principles and operation of radiographic and nuclear
medicine equipment.
4. Explain the factors that affect system performance.
5. Understand the legislation and guidance that ensures safe working in the
radiation environment.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
 Principles of tracer kinetic method, pharmacokinetics and the use of
radiopharmaceuticals as physiological markers and therapeutic agents
 Mathematical and physical principles behind the formation of the image
o Radiographic image
o Nuclear Medicine
o Multiplanar imaging CT/SPECT/PT
o Imaging with non-ionising radiation
 The physics of radiation interactions with matter in diagnostic radiology
and nuclear medicine.
 The key parameters that define optimal image quality for a range of clinical
/ research applications.
 Radiation protection for diagnostic X-rays and Nuclear Medicine including
o Biological effects
o Protection quantity and units
o Risk factors and dose limits
o Risk-benefit, cost benefit analysis
o Radiation working areas
o Protection Instrumentation
 Engineering controls
o Dealing with radiation incidents and incident reporting
o Understands and can communicate radiation risk to patients, staff
and members of the public
 Understands the normal and pathological appearances of nuclear
medicine and radiographic images
 Common imaging artefacts (pathological, patient related, technical and
system related)
 Understands results from analyses (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) and the
context in which they were acquired.
 Detailed understanding of the design principles and operation of nuclear
medicine imaging equipment.
 Detailed understanding of the design principles and operation of
radiographic imaging equipment.
 Understands how to routinely quality assure, assess system performance
and perform comparative evaluations.
 Dosemeters and contamination monitors for use in diagnostic radiology
and nuclear medicine
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Legislation and Guidance
 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999, Ionising Radiations (Medical
Exposures) Regulations 2000
 Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010, High Activity Sealed Sources
(HASS) regulations 2006 and other relevant Health and Safety
 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000
 Other relevant legislation
 Awareness of other key documents (eg ARSAC/MARS, MHRA/GMP,
GCP/GLP etc.) national and local SOPs, policies and procedures
Section 6.2
Year 2 and 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Radiotherapy Physics
Research Project in Imaging with Ionising Radiation [60
The overall aim of this module, building on the Research Methods module is
for the trainee to undertake a research project that shows originality in the
application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in a specialism of healthcare science.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the basic scientific principles underpinning research.
2. Critically evaluate, analyse and summarise current research and advanced
scholarship in the specialism and draw justified conclusions from the
3. Understand the use and limitations of reference manager systems.
4. Know the process leading to publication of a research paper.
5. Know the current system of grading research publications.
Learning Outcomes: Practical Skills
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Establish the core skills necessary for scientific research.
2. Develop and propose a hypothesis.
3. Undertake a research project to test the hypothesis from conception to
4. Confirm the necessary ethical, audit and/or Research and Development
(R&D) approval.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
5. Assemble a body of data and analyse the data using appropriate statistical
6. Prepare a written project report and analyses the findings and identifies
strengths and weaknesses of the research/audit project.
7. Communicate knowledge or arguments from the research project both
orally and in writing including presentation at a workplace-based meeting.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities/Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
Further develop critical analytical skills.
Evaluate and apply evidence.
Work within an ethical framework.
Work independently or as a member of a team.
Demonstrate effective time management and organisation.
Exercise initiative and personal responsibility.
Reflect on performance and seek help and advice when necessary.
Indicative Content
Literature Searching
Critical Analysis
Research project that may include:
o Systematic Review
o Evaluation of new methodologies
o Investigation to improve performance of a method
o Evaluation of new/modified quality assurance of a method
o Audit of method performance across a range of departments
o Critical analysis of evidence-base underpinning a specified
Communications Skills
Report Writing
Presentation Skills
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 6.3
Year 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Imaging with Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Ionising Radiation 2 [30Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Imaging with Ionising Radiation in the third year of the
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the processes behind the safe production of
2. Undertake a range of non-imaging nuclear medicine studies.
3. Discuss appropriate image analysis/quantification techniques.
4. Design safe radiation environments that meet the requirements of
legislation and guidance.
5. Participate in the delivery of unsealed source therapy.
6. Participate in the commissioning and quality assurance of radiographic
and nuclear medicine equipment.
7. Understand the IT environment in which radiographic and nuclear
medicine equipment operates.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
Radiopharmacy Manufacture and Production
 Production of radiopharmaceuticals, including PET
 Principles and operation of cyclotrons and automated radiochemistry for
 Radiopharmaceutical practice
 Internal dosimetry of radiopharmaceutical including practical methods of
calculating radiation dose to patients and staff in emergency situations
 Non-imaging nuclear medicine techniques
 Understands results from analyses (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) and the
context in which they were acquired for nuclear medicine and complex
diagnostic radiology techniques
 Understands limitations of applied acquisition and analysis protocols as
this relates to interpretation
 Understands physiological and pathological processes giving rise to image
 Understands the consequences of the result of the procedure to the
patient’s overall clinical management, particularly in relation to
radiotherapy and radiotherapy treatment planning
Image display
 Understanding of hard copy and soft copy display systems
 External factors affecting image displays
 Quality assurance of image display systems
 Understanding of image perception
Radiation protection specific to diagnostic facilities
 Measurement and calculation of patient doses
 Optimisation
 Design of facilities
 Shielding calculations
 Cyclotrons and radionuclide production facilities
 Environmental monitoring
 Population exposures
 Radioactive source transport and waste disposal
 Accident procedures and emergency planning
Unsealed source treatments
 The scientific basis and radiobiology of the use of radioactive materials for
 Unsealed source treatments including preparation, administration,
protection arrangements and decontamination
 Uptake, planning and dosimetric calculations,
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
 The requirements of equipment for calibration / QA, both generally and
specific to each application
 Appropriate methods for data reconstruction, pre-processing (e.g.
registration, smoothing) and analysis (e.g. region of interest, curve
 Imaging techniques in radiotherapy (portal imaging, megavoltage imaging,
cone beam CT and simulation
 Gated and time sequence imaging
 The commissioning process for new equipment with reference to:
o Gamma cameras including SPECT/CT
o Diagnostic Radiology equipment
o The critical examination
 IT and networking
o Nuclear Medicine workstations
o Image analysis software
o Specialist patient management systems – e.g. Cardiology systems
o Networking and the network environment
o System management, configuration control and software release
o Interoperability, DICOM RT, HL7 and messaging standards
o Links to hospital administration systems
o Legislative framework for IT, data protection
o Regulatory standards including IEC601 and the Medical Devices
Directive as applied to software
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 6.4
Overview of Workplace-based training
The purpose of this section is to summarise the workplace-based
competences for the Healthcare Scientist Training Programmes in Medical
Physics. They are indicative and, as the training manuals develop, will
undergo some changes.
For a range of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine equipment and
techniques the Healthcare Scientist must be able to:
1. Demonstrate correct and safe use of imaging equipment used in nuclear
medicine and diagnostic radiology for equipment performance evaluation
and clinical imaging.
2. Demonstrate the effects of image acquisition parameters and postacquisition processing on image quality.
3. Describe the acquisition and processing of a range of common imaging
investigations in Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine including
mammography, CT, SPECT/CT scans and PET/CT scans.
4. Manage imaging equipment including commissioning, handover, quality
assurance, organisation of maintenance and repair and disposal
5. Advise on the acquisition and processing of complex clinical imaging.
6. Analyse images to extract quantitative information and increase diagnostic
7. Contribute to the interpretation and reporting of images
8. Manage equipment for non-imaging diagnostic tests including uptake
counters, gamma spectrometers, manual and automatic beta and gamma
sample counters and, where possible, other equipment such as whole
body counters.
9. Advise on the acquisition and processing of data relating to non-imaging
nuclear medicine investigations.
10. Contribute to the interpretation and reporting of non-imaging nuclear
medicine investigations.
11. Describe practical aspects of the administration of radionuclide therapy to
12. Demonstrate an understanding of the post-therapy behavioural restrictions
placed on the patient.
13. Discuss choice of appropriate physical properties of radiopharmaceuticals
for radionuclide therapy.
14. Discuss facilities required for radionuclide therapy.
15. Manage radiation safety associated with radionuclide therapy
administrations and patients.
16. Describe the facilities required for the preparation of sterile and non-sterile
17. Advise on radiation safety requirements in a radiopharmacy.
18. Demonstrate the correct and safe use of radionuclide calibrators.
19. Perform quality assurance tests of facilities, products and equipment.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
20. Understand the specification of facilities for the production of sterile and
non-sterile radiopharmaceuticals.
21. Manage a quality assurance programme for facilities, products and
22. Demonstrate safe practice in the handling of sealed and unsealed
radioactive sources.
23. List and describe the main items of legislation and sources of advice
relevant to the practice of nuclear medicine, distinguishing between Acts,
Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance.
24. Discuss the radiation safety information that should be given to patients
following the administration of diagnostic and therapeutic
25. Advise on safe practice in the handling of sealed and unsealed radioactive
26. Provide radiation safety information to patients and their carers following
the administration of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
27. Calculate estimated absorbed, equivalent and effective doses to patients
and effective doses to staff and members of the public.
28. Deal with radiation incidents.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
7.0 Specialist Modules for Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation 2
Module Titles
Research Project in Imaging with Non-Ionising
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
Healthcare Science integrating science
and professional practice
Research Project in Imaging with Non-Ionising
Introduction to Specialist Medical Physics
Underpinning knowledge for rotational elements and integrated
professional practice
Generic Modules: Common to all divisions of Healthcare Science
Division/Theme Specific Modules: Common to a division or theme
Specialist Modules: Specific to a specialism
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Section 7.1
Year 2:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation 1 [20 Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation in the second year of
the MSc.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Discuss the physical processes behind image formation using non-ionising
2. Explain the normal and pathological appearances of images and identify
common imaging artefacts.
3. Discuss the physical principles and operation of ultrasound and MRI.
4. Explain the factors that affect system performance.
5. Understand the legislation and guidance that ensures safe working.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available sources.
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
 Mathematical and physical principles behind the formation of the image
o Ultrasound including Doppler Ultrasound
o Laser imaging
o Image registration in multiplanar imaging including MRI, CT, PET
 The physics of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation interactions with
 The key parameters that define optimal image quality for a range of clinical
/ research applications.
 Understands the normal and pathological appearances of MRI and
Ultrasound images
 Common imaging artefacts
 Understands results from analyses (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) and the
context in which they were acquired.
 Detailed understanding of the design principles and operation of MRI.
o Relaxation mechanisms
o Pulse sequences and image generation
o Instrumentation
o The physics of MRI safety issues
 Detailed understanding of the design principles and operation of
o Linear and non-linear propagation.
o Generation and Detection – transducers – piezoelectric effect
o Interactions with tissue – diffraction, reflection, scatter, absorption
o B- scanner principles – TGC, signal processing, image storage,
array types.
o Resolution – focusing,
o Beam Steering
o Doppler Imaging
 Understands how to assess system performance and perform comparative
 Monitoring devices for RF, electric and magnetic fields
 Measurement of ultrasound beams and ultrasound power levels
Non-ionising radiation
 Sources -physical properties, interactions with matter, biological effects,
measurement, applications and safety of:
o UV
o Intense Light Sources
o Lasers
o Infrared
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
o Microwaves
o RF
o Electric and magnetic fields.
The clinical measurements that use non-ionising radiation e.g.:
o red/infrared light to measure O2 content in blood
o infrared to measure microvascular circulation
o UV to measure skin sensitivity
Knows the relevant guidelines, documents and standard operating
procedures for safe practise within regard to the use of non-ionising
radiation in the clinical environment
Understands the EM interactions between implanted devices and the MRI
Understands the safety issues and exposure limitations relevant to
different patient groups
Rationale behind safety standards
Section 7.2
Year 2 and 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
Research Project in Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
[60 Credits]
The overall aim of this module, building on the Research Methods module is
for the trainee to undertake a research project that shows originality in the
application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in a specialism of healthcare science.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the basic scientific principles underpinning research.
2. Critically evaluate, analyse and summarise current research and advanced
scholarship in the specialism and draw justified conclusions from the
3. Understand the use and limitations of reference manager systems.
4. Know the process leading to publication of a research paper.
5. Know the current system of grading research publications.
Learning Outcomes: Practical Skills
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Establish the core skills necessary for scientific research.
2. Develop and propose a hypothesis.
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3. Undertake a research project to test the hypothesis from conception to
4. Confirm the necessary ethical, audit and/or Research and Development
(R&D) approval.
5. Assemble a body of data and analyse the data using appropriate statistical
6. Prepare a written project report and analyses the findings and identifies
strengths and weaknesses of the research/audit project.
7. Communicate knowledge or arguments from the research project both
orally and in writing including presentation at a workplace-based meeting.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
Further develop critical analytical skills.
Evaluate and apply evidence.
Work within an ethical framework.
Work independently or as a member of a team.
Demonstrate effective time management and organisation.
Exercise initiative and personal responsibility.
Reflect on performance and seek help and advice when necessary.
Indicative Content
Literature Searching
Critical Analysis
Research project that may include:
o Systematic Review
o Evaluation of new methodologies
o Investigation to improve performance of a method
o Evaluation of new/modified quality assurance of a method
o Audit of method performance across a range of departments
o Critical analysis of evidence-base underpinning a specified
Communications Skills
Report Writing
Presentation Skills
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Section 7.3
Year 3:
Physical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Medical Physics
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation
Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation 2 [30 Credits]
This module provides the trainee with the knowledge that underpins the
specialist rotation in Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation in the third year of
the MSc.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Understand the use of non-ionising radiation in treatment.
2. Discuss appropriate image analysis/quantification techniques.
3. Participate in the commissioning and quality assurance of MRI and
Ultrasound equipment.
4. Explain Biophotonic techniques and imaging using optical radiation.
5. Understand the IT environment in which imaging equipment operates.
Learning Outcomes: Associated Personal Qualities and Behaviours
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Present complex ideas in both oral and written formats at a level
appropriate to the hearer.
2. Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of
3. Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.
4. Actively seek accurate and validated information from all available
5. Select and apply appropriate analysis or assessment techniques and tools.
6. Evaluate a wide range of data to assist with judgements and decision
7. Conduct a suitable range of diagnostic, investigative or monitoring
procedures with due care for the safety of self and others.
8. Take restorative action within quality control/assurance requirements to
address threats of performance deterioration.
9. Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their
carers to maximise patient care.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Indicative Content
o Knowledge of specialist methods (e.g. Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy, perfusion-MRI, diffusion-MRI, fMRI) and their clinical
o Contrast media
o Hyper-polarised imaging
o Factors that affect image quality
o Development of pulse sequences
o Magnetic Resonance Angiography
 Ultrasound
o Doppler – continuous wave, pulsed, colour and power. The Doppler
o Contrast media
o Harmonic imaging
o Factors that affect image quality
 Understands results from analyses (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) and the
context in which they were acquired for MRI and ultrasound imaging
 Understands limitations of applied acquisition and analysis protocols as
this relates to interpretation.
 Understands physiological and pathological processes giving rise to image
 Understands the consequences of the result of the procedure to the
patient’s overall clinical management, particularly in relation to
radiotherapy and radiotherapy treatment planning
Image display
 Understanding of hard copy and soft copy display systems
 External factors affecting image displays
 Quality assurance of image display systems
 Understanding of image perception
Treatments using non-ionising radiation
 UV
 Photodynamic therapy
 Ultrasound including HIFU and Lithotripsy
 Calibration and dosimetry
 RF and microwave ablation
Biophotonics and Imaging using optical techniques
 Laser Doppler imaging
 Optical coherence tomography
 Raman spectroscopy
 Fourier-Transform Infra-red absorption spectroscopy
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
 The requirements of equipment for calibration / QA, both generally and
specific to each application.
 Appropriate methods for data reconstruction, pre-processing (e.g.
registration, smoothing) and analysis (e.g. region of interest, curve
 Gated and time sequence imaging
 The commissioning process for new equipment with reference to:
o Ultrasound
 IT and networking
o Image analysis software
o Specialist patient management systems – e.g. Cardiology systems
o Networking and the network environment
o System management, configuration control and software release
o Interoperability, DICOM RT, HL7 and messaging standards
o Links to hospital administration systems
o Legislative framework for IT, data protection
o Regulatory standards including IEC601 and the Medical Devices
Directive as applied to software
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Section 7.4
Overview of Workplace-based training
The purpose of this section is to summarise the workplace-based
competences for the Healthcare Scientist Training Programmes in Medical
Physics. They are indicative and, as the training manuals develop, will
undergo some changes.
For a range of MRI, ultrasound and optical equipment the Healthcare Scientist
working in Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) equipment will be able to:
Critically appraise treatment and diagnostic protocols for patients.
Devise tests to check the functionality of NIR equipment.
Use a range of NIR equipment safely.
Develop and provide methods to ensure optimum equipment performance.
Develop a specification for procurement of NIR equipment.
Develop evaluation criteria for the procurement of NIR equipment.
Analyse and interpret data from individual patient
8. Critically review operational NIR safety structure for patients and staff.
9. Critically review the dosimetry framework for NIR.
10. Develop and validate new NIR diagnostic and treatment techniques.
11. Perform diagnostics and therapeutic procedures.
12. Check functionality of NIR measurement instruments.
13. Determine that NIR equipment is fit for intended use.
14. Develop and implement quality control measures and methods for non
ionising radiation.
15. Audit NIR systems and frameworks.
16. Advise on individual patient treatment for non-ionising radiation.
17. Investigate actual or potential adverse incidents.
18. Assess environmental levels of NIR.
19. Assess personal protective equipment and other means of reducing NIR
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Section B: Generic Curriculum
Professional Practice
Within the Scientist Training Programme (STP) the generic curriculum
contains two modules namely Healthcare Science and Research Methods.
Professional Practice is also generic across the 3-year STP programme and it
is intended that the learning outcomes with respect to Professional Practice
will be delivered within the workplace and MSc.
Generic Outcomes: Professional Practice
Integrated theme running from Year 1 to Year 3
The overall aim of this part of the curriculum is to ensure that the trainee has
the underpinning knowledge and gains the accompanying skills and attitudes
to work as a Healthcare Scientist.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Know the current structure, management, legal framework and quality
improvement structures and processes within the NHS.
2. Discuss patient centred care to ensure that the wishes, beliefs, concerns,
expectations and needs of patients are respected.
3. Recognise the patient and carer perspective with respect to illness, the
diversity of the patient experience, disability, potential health inequalities,
the importance of self-care and the impact of life threatening and critical
4. Discuss the importance of developing and maintaining appropriate patientprofessional relationships.
5. Explain the principles of effective communication including written, verbal
and non-verbal communication and feedback.
6. Discuss the principles, guidance and law with respect to medical ethics,
confidentiality, informed consent, equality and diversity, child protection
and the use of chaperones.
7. Describe local guidelines for responding to unacceptable behaviour by
patients, carers, relatives, peers and colleagues including harassment,
bullying and violent behaviour.
8. Discuss best practice requirements for record keeping and data security
emphasising accurate recording within patient records.
9. Explain the basic principles of infection control and the importance of
current infection control measures within the workplace.
10. Explain the principles of screening programmes in healthcare and is aware
of a current screening programmes in a relevant division.
11. Explain the importance of health and safety with the workplace, the
regulations and current procedures with respect to equipment safety.
12. Define Standard Operating Procedure, Protocol and Guideline and
understand the purpose of and difference between each document.
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
13. Explain the processes for document distribution for example Medical
Device Alerts (MDA).
14. Explain the common causes of error, the critical incident reporting process
and the importance of a no blame culture.
15. Recognise the importance of correctly identifying patients referred to
healthcare science settings and/or samples sent for analysis.
16. Explain the importance of innovation across healthcare science and the
role of innovation in improving quality and patient care.
17. Recognise the role of the healthcare scientist and the potential impact of
scientific developments for example health prevention, genomic medicine,
diagnostics and rehabilitation.
18. Understand the importance of public engagement in science and its role in
health and society.
19. Know and understand the underpinning principles of effective team work
and working within and across professional boundaries.
20. Explain the core theories of learning particularly adult learning and
reflective practice.
Clinical Examination Skills
20. Describe the process of patient centred interviewing and the features of a
good consultation.
21. Know how information from a history and examination is used to develop
clinical management plans.
22. Explain how effective leadership can underpin the delivery of high quality
services, an organisation’s aspiration and strategy and in developing
improvements to services.
23. Discuss personal values, principles and assumptions, understanding how
these may differ from those of other individuals and groups and learn from
24. Explain the importance of the concept of shared leadership and the
associated personal qualities and behaviours that promote shared
25. Know how planning can actively contribute to the achievement of service
Associated Personal Qualities/Behaviours(Professionalism)
On successful completion of this module the trainee will:
1. Demonstrate practice that places the patient at the centre of care dealing
with patients in an empathic and sensitive manner that promotes patient
well-being and self-care.
2. Establish and maintain appropriate patient-professional partnership.
3. Communicate effectively and sensitively with patients, relatives and carers
across the age spectrum utilising clear explanations/descriptions.
4. Communicate succinctly and effectively with other professionals as
appropriate and the public including the ability to explain science to both
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
specialist and non-specialist audiences.
5. Demonstrate the ability to give effective feedback to colleagues and
6. Contribute to service and quality improvement and productivity in the
7. Recognises the need for, and accepts change working across different
provider landscapes as required.
8. Develop and demonstrate self awareness, self management and self
development acting with integrity at all times.
9. Demonstrate accurate record keeping and the ability to adhere to current
data security regulations.
10. Apply appropriately the principles, guidance and laws regarding equality
and diversity, medical ethics, confidentiality and informed consent.
11. Apply current regulations with respect to patient safety and safe systems
within the workplace including child protection and the use of chaperones.
12. Work within teams encouraging and valuing contributions from all
members whilst ensuring the team are aware of and work together to
minimise risk including the multi-disciplinary team.
13. Develop and maintain professional relationships and networks
14. Demonstrate adherence to current infection control regulations at all times.
15. Demonstrate adherence to the regulations and current procedures in place
with respect to equipment safety.
16. Recognise the causes of error and learn from them, realising the
importance of honesty and effective apology.
17. Recognise the desirability of monitoring performance, learning from
mistakes and adopting no blame culture in order to ensure high standards
of care and optimise patient safety.
18. Prioritise and organise academic and work based tasks in order to
optimise own work and the work of the department and act autonomously
in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level.
19. Develop skills of an independent learner and demonstrates a commitment
to continuing professional development.
20. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems
including dealing with complex issues, making sound judgements in the
absence of complete data.
21. Identify best practice and emerging trends and innovation that will have an
impact on health outcomes
22. Continue to advance personal knowledge and understanding applying
skills of reflection to continually improve performance, acknowledging and
acting on feedback.
Clinical Examination Skills
23. Demonstrate the ability to take a history and present the findings to a peer
or colleague including initiation of a consultation, eliciting information,
clarifying where necessary, summarising and empathising.
24. Give and receive feedback sensitively to or from a peer or colleague.
25. Perform a range of clinical examination skills relevant to the healthcare
science specialism.
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26. Identify personal strengths and limitations and the impact of personal
behaviour on others.
27. Identify personal emotions and prejudices and understand how these can
affect personal judgement and behaviour.
28. Obtain, analyse and act on feedback from a variety of sources.
29. Use evidence, both positive and negative, to identify options.
Indicative Content
Structure and management of health and social care services
Management of local healthcare systems in the United Kingdom
Legal framework within which healthcare is provided across the UK
including its devolved administrations
Local healthcare systems
Patient centred care
Response to illness
Patient and carer perspective
Health belief models
Diversity of the patient experience
Disability including learning disabilities
Potential health inequalities
Impact of life threatening and critical conditions
Patient-professional partnership.
Effective Communication Skills
o Principles and underpinning models for:
 Written
 Verbal
 Non-verbal communication
 Giving and receiving feedback from patients and colleagues
 Breaking bad news
 Negotiation
 Communication within patients across the age spectrum
Principles, guidance and law with respect to:
o Medical ethics
o Confidentiality
o Informed consent
o Equality and diversity
o Child protection
o Use of chaperones
o Elder Abuse.
Local guidelines for responding to unacceptable behaviour
Record Keeping and Data Security
o Best practice requirements for record keeping
o Data security
o Accurate recording within patient records
o Data protection Act
o Caldicott Standards
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Clinical Information Systems
o Clinical coding/terminology
o Clinical information systems and applications
Infection Control
o Basic principles
o Current infection control measures within the workplace
o Hand washing
o What is Screening?
o When is a Screening Programme justified?
o How is Screening organised?
o Which Screening Programmes currently exist and which may be
Health and safety within the workplace
o Regulations and current procedures with respect to equipment
 Safety Testing
o Importance of regulations with respect to patient safety, safety of 3rd
parties and safe systems
o Standard Operating Procedures
o Protocol and Guidelines
o Department of Health (DH) Central Alerting System (CAS)
o Common causes of error
Critical incident reporting
Processes for document distribution
o Department of Health (DH) Central Alerting System (CAS),
o Medical Device Alerts (MDA)
Public engagement in science and its role in health and society
Effective team work
Time management and decision making
Core theories of learning
o Adult learning
o Active Learning
o Reflective practice.
Recognise and accept the responsibilities and roles of the Healthcare
o In relation to other healthcare professionals
o Working within and across professional boundaries
o Health and well being.
Clinical Examination Skills
 Typical structures used in patient-centred history taking and clinical
 Listening skills
 Commonly used questioning techniques.
 Clinical management plans
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Demonstrating personal qualities
o Self Awareness
o Managing Yourself
o Continuing Professional Development
o Acting With Integrity
Working with others
o Developing Networks
o Building & Maintaining Relationships
o Encouraging Contribution
o Working within Teams
Managing Services
Improving Services
Setting Direction
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Appendix 1
Members of the Curriculum Development Group for Medical Physics
The MSc curriculum for Medical Physics has been coordinated by the MSC
Professional Advisor with valued contributions throughout the development
process from the following professionals in the Medical Physics curriculum
working group:
Alison Mackie
Andrea Wynn-Jones
Carl Rowbottom
Claire Greaves
Graham Petley
Iain Chambers
John Moody
Katherine Lymer
Malcolm Sperrin
Seeni Naidu
Stephen Evans
Tony Bedford
Wendy Waddington
Will Evans
The MSc curriculum for Medical Physics has also been circulated to the
following professional bodies and societies for their comments and
IPEM: Institute of physics and Engineering in Medicine
BNMS: British Nuclear Medicine Society
NRIG: National Radiotherapy Implementation Group
The MSC Professional Advisor was:
Derek Pearson
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc
Appendix 2
MSc Clinical Science (Medical Physics)
Learning Outcomes and Indicative Content 2010 - 11
Amendments - May 2011
Pg 3 section 1.1 High level MSc Framework – title change to read HIGH
P58 Appendix 1 added
The rest of the content in the curriculum is unaltered.
The refreshed version is called MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2 on the
For any queries regarding this change please email
[email protected]
MSc Medical Physics 2010-11 v2.doc