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Victorious Athens
 Does victory mean tyranny?
 “Ostracism” = ten-year exile
 Political change: lottery instead of elections
Persian War: Thermopylae
and Salamis
 King Xerxes of Persia (486-465 BCE)
 Wants to control Empire’s western border
Persian War: Thermopylae
and Salamis
 King Xerxes of Persia (486-465 BCE)
 Wants to control Empire’s western border
 Greek and Persian alliances?
 481 BCE = Persians are coming . . .
 Fall 480 BCE = Battle of Thermopylae
 King Leonidas of Sparta (490-480 BCE)
 Greeks retreat
 Fall 480 BCE = Battle of Salamis
 Naval victory for the Greeks
 Summer 479 BCE = Battle of Plataea
 Stops the Persian invasion
The Athenian Empire
 Athens goes on the offensive
 478 BCE = Delian League established
 Greeks “liberate” city-states from Persia
The Athenian Empire
 Athens goes on the offensive
 478 BCE = Delian League established
 Greeks “liberate” city-states from Persia
 Athenian Imperialism
Classical Athens
 By 450 BCE = Athens was very powerful
 Total pop. = 350,000
 Slaves made up over 25% of Athens
 Two-track residency:
 Citizens and “metics” (foreign residents)
 Athenian women
 By 450 BCE, only military leaders were elected
 “demogogues”
Pericles: Expanding
 Pericles (ca. 495-429 BCE)
 Military leader, orator
 Populist
 Public works programs
 No property required for citizenship
 Paid juries
 Restricted citizenship
 Foreign Policy: focus on Sparta, not Persia
 The Megara problem
 445 BCE = Thirty Years’ Peace b/t Sparta and Athens
Pericles: Expanding
 Pericles (ca. 495-429 BCE)
 Military leader, orator
 Populist
 Public works programs
 No property required for citizenship
 Paid juries
 Restricted citizenship
 Foreign Policy: focus on Sparta, not Persia
 The Megara problem
 445 BCE = Thirty Years’ Peace b/t Sparta and Athens
 435 BCE = the problem of Corcyra
 432 BCE = Sparta invades Attica
The Peloponnesian War
 431 BCE = Sparta reaches Athens
 421 BCE = peace treaty
 Alcibiades (ca. 450-404 BCE)
 Hated democracy
 415 BCE = led failed invasion of Syracuse
 Defects to Sparta
 411 BCE = Athens installs an oligarchy
 404 BCE = Sparta conquers Athens
 General Lysander of Sparta
Origins of Western
 Importance of democracy
 The Sophists
 “wise person”
 Socrates (ca. 470-399 BCE)
 “know thyself”
 399 BCE = sentenced to death
Origins of History
 Herodotus (ca. 484-ca. 420 BCE)
 “father of history”
 Wrote about the Persian Wars
 Thucydides (460-395 BCE)
 Historian of Peloponnesian War
 First political scientist
Classical Greek Art
 Drama!
 Genres: tragedies, comedies, satyr plays
 Art!
 Reversal of black figure technique
Classical Greek Art
 Drama!
 Genres: tragedies, comedies, satyr plays
 Art!
 Reversal of black figure technique
 Balanced, realist sculpture
 Architecture: Athenian acropolis