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The Solar System
(The Important Book)
The solar system is the sun and the objects that
orbit around it. An orbit is the path an object
takes as it moves around another object in
All the planets orbit in a predictable
pattern around the sun.
The solar system has eight planets. A planet is
a large body of rock or gas that orbits around the
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The solar system also has many moons. Moons
are large, rocky objects that orbit planets. Some
planets have no moons, and others have one or
more moons.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
There are four inner planets. The planet closest
to the sun is Mercury. The surface is rocky with
many craters. In the daytime, Mercury’s surface
is hot enough to melt lead.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The planet second in line from the sun is Venus.
Venus has a rocky surface that is constantly
covered by thick clouds. Venus rotates
backward compared with most of the other
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The planet third from the sun is Earth. Earth is
the planet we live on. It is the only planet known
to support life. The Earth’s surface is mostly
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The fourth planet from the sun is Mars. Mars is
extremely dusty. The soil contains large
amounts of iron, which gives the planet a rusty
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The four planets farthest from the sun are called
the outer planets. The fifth planet from the sun
is Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our
solar system. Jupiter is like a giant vacuum
cleaner in space, sucking up pieces of space
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
Sixth from the sun is Saturn. Saturn is the
second biggest planet. The most striking thing
about Saturn is its seven rings. Saturn is a gas
giant. If you could find an ocean big enough to
drop Saturn into, the planet would float.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The planet seventh in line from the sun is
Uranus. Uranus has 15 moons and 10 rings. It
looks blue green when viewed through a
telescope. Uranus spins on its side.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
The eighth planet from the sun is Neptune. Long wispy
clouds race around Neptune. They are blown by the
fastest winds found on any planet in the solar system.
Neptune’s bluish appearance comes from the methane
gas in its atmosphere.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
Astronomers have classified Pluto as a dwarf
planet. Dwarf means “small.” Pluto is made of
ice. It has a moon almost as large as it is. It
takes Pluto 249 years to orbit the sun.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.
Other objects found in the solar system are
comets, asteroids, and meteorites.
Comets are chunks of dirty grit. They
spend most of their time far from the
Asteroids are large pieces of rock and metal.
Most asteroids can be found between Mars and
Jupiter in a region called the asteroid belt.
Meteorites are fragments of comets or asteroids
that enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Meteors burn
up in the atmosphere while meteorites actually
land on the Earth’s surface.
But the most important thing is all the
planets orbit in a predictable pattern
around the sun.