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World War II
EQ: What key events led to the U.S. involvement in World War II?
The Rise of Dictators
1. What happened as a result of the worldwide depression?
2. Define ‘dictator’.
3. List 3 dictators.
4. To what extreme did Mussolini and Hitler go to to secure their goals?
5. Who also used the same force to expand their nation’s power?
6. Which dictator was against Hitler? Why?
7. Did the Soviet Union end up getting invaded? If so, by who?
8. List the Axis Powers (country and leader).
Conflict in Europe
1. How did European leaders try to avoid going to war with Germany?
2. __________________ invaded ________________________.
3. __________________ and __________________ declared war on __________________.
4. __________________ defeated __________________.
5. __________________ was constantly bombing __________________.
6. What was the significance of the Battle of Britain?
7. Did the U.S. immediately join the war? Why or why not.
8. List the Allied Powers (country and Leader).
Adolf Hitler
1. How did Hitler view German people?
2. What ended World War I?
3. Did Germany agree with the terms? Why or why not?
4. What was Germany forced to do as a result?
5. What was Hitler’s goal for Germany?
6. Did he succeed? Why or why not.
German Advances
Look at the map and list at least 5 countries Germany took over (hint: look at the key
World War II
EQ: What key events led to the U.S. involvement in World War II?
The Rise of Dictators
1. What happened as a result of the worldwide depression?
European dictators began to take control.
2. Define ‘dictator’.
A ruler who has total power over a country.
3. List 3 dictators and their country.
a. ​Benito Mussolini (Italy)
b. ​Adolf Hitler (Germany)
c. ​Josef Stalin (Soviet Union)
4. To what extreme did Mussolini and Hitler go to to secure their goals?
They used military force against the rest of Europe.
5. Who also used the same force to expand their nation’s power?
6. Which dictator was against Hitler? Why?
Stalin because they had two different beliefs; communism and fascism.
7. Did the Soviet Union end up getting invaded? If so, by who?
Yes, by Hitler.
8. List the Axis Powers (country and leader).
a. ​Benito Mussolini (Italy)
b. ​Adolf Hitler (Germany)
c. ​Hideki Tojo (Japan)
Conflict in Europe
1. How did European leaders try to avoid going to war with Germany?
By giving into Hitler’s demands.
2. Germany ​invaded ​Poland​.
3. Britain ​and ​France ​declared war on ​Germany​.
4. Germany ​defeated ​France​.
5. Germany ​was constantly bombing ​Britain​.
6. What was the significance of the Battle of Britain?
Britain won which marked the first defeat of Hitler’s military force.
7. Did the U.S. immediately join the war? Why or why not.
No because US Congress passed laws which required Roosevelt to maintain
neutrality but he did send the allies supplies.
8. List the Allied Powers (country and Leader).
a. ​Winston Churchill (Britain)
b. ​Charles de Gaulle (France)
c. ​Josef Stalin (Soviet Union)
d. ​Franklin Roosevelt (United States)
Adolf Hitler
1. How did Hitler view German people?
A superior race.
2. What ended World War I?
Treaty of Versailles
3. Did Germany agree with the terms? Why or why not?
No because they thought it was unfair and the economic penalties placed on
them were unrealistic and expensive.
4. What was Germany forced to do as a result?
Accept responsibility for World War I, disarm, give up land to France, and repay
a lot of money.
5. What was Hitler’s goal for Germany?
Repay this by taking over the rest of Europe, if not the world.
6. Did he succeed? Why or why not.
No, Britain defeated Hitler in the Battle of Britain.
German Advances
Look at the map and list at least 5 countries Germany took over (hint: look at the key
1. ​Norway
2. ​Finland
3. ​Denmark
4. ​France
5. ​Poland