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The Industrial Revolution:
The Transportation Revolution:
New Inventions: “Yankee Ingenuity”
Americans were willing to try anything, they were first copiers, then innovators
What does it do?
The Northern Industrial “Juggernaut”
Samuel Slater
Business friendly climate:
Francis Cabot Lowell
Laissez faire:
What’s happening in America by the 1850s?
- Regional specialization
East =
South =
- Coming from where?
- Going where?
- Know-Nothing Party / American Party / Nativist:
West =
The transportation revolution
o Turnpike
o National road
o Erie Canal System (map of principal canals of the 1840s)
o Steamboat – robert fulton
o Clipper ships
o Railroads – immigrant labor (irish in the north east)
New Inventions: “Yankee Ingenuity”
o Ameircans were willing to try anything
o They were first copiers, then innovators
o Cotton Gin – eli whitney
o Interchangeable parts – eli whitney
o Steel plow – john deere
o Mechanical reaper – cyrus mccormick
o Telegraph – Samuel f.b. morse
o Transatlantic cable – cyrus field
o Sewing machine – elias howe & Isaac singer
The Northern Industiral “Juggernaut”
o Creating a business friendly climate
 Supreme court rulings:
 Fltcher v peck
 Darthmouth v woodward
 Mcculloch v Maryland
 Gibbons v ogden
 Laissez faire – govt did much to assist capitalism
o Samuel slater “father of the factory system”
o Francis cabot Lowell – textile plant Lowell Mill
 Lowell girls
What’s happening in America by the 1850s?
o Regional specialization
 East = industrial
 South = cotton & slavery
 West = the nation’s “breadbastket”
o American population (map in 1860)
o National origin of immigrants: 1820-1860 (chart)
o Know-Nothing Party (American Party or Nativist)
 Anti immigrant  therefore anti alcohol (temperance movement)