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The Munich Agreement 1938
Overview of the Munich
• The Munich Agreement was signed in
1938 by Britain, France, Italy and
• It was signed after fears of an
outbreak of war during what was known
as the “Czech Crisis”.
The Czech Crisis
• Czechoslovakia was a country created
by the hated Treaty of Versailles.
• Amongst its population were nearly 3
million German speaking people who lived
in the Sudetenland area.
• It also contained various other
nationalities within its borders.
How did the crisis begin?
• The Czech crisis developed for several
• Firstly, Hitler had a deep rooted hatred of
the mix of nationalities living in relative
harmony in Czechoslovakia.
• Remember, Hitler wanted a “master” race.
• He hated the Slavs who were living there, as
they had betrayed Germany in WW1.
• Czechoslovakia also had alliances with
France and Russia- Hitler viewed Russia
as a future conquest.
• Czechoslovakia had a prominent
strategic position, it was well protected
by the mountainous terrain and had
excellent airfields.
• It also served well for Hitler’s idea of
The crisis unfolds
• The Germans living in the Sudetenland never
properly integrated into Czech life.
• Possibly due to the presence of the Czech
Nazi party headed by Konrad Henlein.
• 1935 witnessed the holding of an election in
• Henlein and his party won 62% of the votes in
the Sudetenland.
• This result was what Hitler needed to
pressurise the Czech government into helping
these “oppressed” Germans.
• Once again Hitler needed to begin a campaign
and ensure he was not the aggressor.
• He ordered Henlein to meet with the
government and make demands to protect
German people, knowing they would not or
could not be met.
• This would allow him to enter Czechoslovakia
in order to protect the German population (a
similar tactic used in the Anschluss).
• When these demands were not met Hitler
began “operation green”.
Operation Green
• Operation Green was the order to his
Generals to get prepared to attack
• After rumours had been successfully
spread in Czechoslovakia of a German
invasion, the Czech army mobilised.
• Hitler then portrayed this as an act of
aggression and duly mobilised his troops.
British response
• Britain and France quickly realised the
possibilities of war and sent a warning
to Hitler.
• Again he pleaded his innocence, blaming
the Czechs.
• Britain started putting pressure on
Czech government to recognise the
plight of Sudeten Germans.
• This became known as the “May Crisis”.
• As a way of gaining support, Hitler
prompted both Hungary and Poland to
enter Czechoslovakia and reclaim land
they had lost – Teschen and Slovakia.
• This act would start to break up
Czechoslovakia and help Hitler in his
Meeting between Benes and
• Hitler next ordered Henlein to meet Czech President
Benes with yet more demands, which included Home
Rule for Sudeten Germans.
• When his demands were surprisingly met he pushed
for more knowing they would be refused.
• He wanted Czech leaders punished for their actions
towards Germans before any further negotiations
took place.
• Aware of the real possibilities of war, the French PM
Daladier, urged Britain and Chamberlain to become
• The British PM flew to meet Hitler at Berghof on 15th
September, this would be the first of many important
Hitler’s Three Meetings
• The first of Chamberlain’s three
meetings took place on 15th September
1938 in Berchtesgadin.
• Chamberlain was somewhat sympathetic
to Hitler’s claims regarding Sudeten
• He was prepared to give Germany the
• Chamberlain also came to an agreement
with Hitler that any area of the
Sudetenland with 50% German
population would be handed to Germany.
• The Czechs were also made to agree to
this “offer”.
• Hitler reluctantly agreed.
• He quickly ordered his Freikorp troops
to take the areas of the Sudetenland.
Meeting 2 Godesberg
• Hitler met with Chamberlain on the 22nd of Sep 1938
in Godesberg to clarify details of previous meeting.
• However, Hitler had changed his requests.
• Not happy with gaining the Sudetenland he ordered
the withdrawal of Czech troops by Sep 28th.
• Chamberlain was confused, he now had a problem.
• Refuse this offer and war would begin or once again
give into his demands.
• Hitler made it clear he would take ALL of the
Sudetenland, even if it meant war.
“Black Wednesday”
• The people and government of Britain prepared for
• Trenches were dug in London and the forces were
• Chamberlain described this action as “How horrible,
fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging
trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a
quarrel in a far away country between people of whom
we know nothing. War is a fearful thing and we must
be very clear before we embark on it that it is really
great issues that are at stake”
• Czechoslovakia also mobilised their army.
The Munich Agreement
• After Hitler’s threat of war the leaders met on the
28th September to try and avoid war.
• Mussolini chaired a meeting with Chamberlain and
Hitler in Munich.
• Czechoslovakia were not invited.
• At Munich, Hitler got what he wanted at Godesberg.
• He would take the Sudetenland on 1st October.
• The allies would protect Czechoslovakian
• Hitler stated this would be his “last territorial claim
in Europe”.
• War had successfully been avoided.
British Reactions
• The people and politicians of Britain were
divided over their reaction to the Munich
• Many were aware that appeasing Hitler could
no longer continue.
• Although some politicians resigned in disgust
most supported Chamberlain’ s success.
• Public and press also supported the fact war
had been avoided.
Other Reactions
USA supported Chamberlain’s agreement.
French minister met by cheering crowds.
Dutch sent 4000 tulips to Chamberlain.
However, this success would be very short
• Six months later Hitler proved why he could
not be trusted as in March 1939 he invaded
and took control of the rest of
• He also more importantly took control of the
Skoda arms factory.
• This invasion started to turn British
people against the policy of
• It now provided Hitler with a very
important strategic position in which to
continue with his expansion programme.
• He could now easily attack Poland which
would leave Britain with a very tough
decision to make!