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015 convection currents.notebook
Convection current notes
July 11, 2013
Temperature and ways heat is transferred.
Jul 11­3:15 PM
Nov 15­8:16 AM
Temperature is the average
speed of all the molecules.
Each of the molecules
moves at its own speed.
Hotter molecules move
faster than the colder.
Thermo = Temperature
Meter = Instrument
Thermometer = instrument used to measure temperature.
Glass tube that has an expandable
fluid at one end.
Nov 26­8:19 AM
Nov 26­8:19 AM
Physicist and glass blower, made a thermometer using mercury as
the fluid. Made the numbers:
boiling pt of
Bases on the freezing
point and boiling point
of water.
body temp 0 ­ the lowest temperature possible at the time.
100 ­ temp of a human.
his assistance that he used
was sick... had a fever
Nov 26­8:19 AM
room temp
100 units between B.P. and F.P.
freezing pt
of water
Nov 26­8:20 AM
015 convection currents.notebook
Absolute zero: When the molecules stop moving.
Can get colder then absolute zero?
July 11, 2013
boiling pt of
Lord Kelvin
body temp Based on absolute zero
then uses Celsius scale
room temp
freezing pt
of water
Absolute Zero
Nov 26­8:20 AM
Nov 26­8:22 AM
The total amount of motion the molecules have is called "Heat".
Heat can be transferred by three ways.
Nov 26­8:22 AM
Radiation: The transfer of heat by energy waves.
Nov 26­8:24 AM
Nov 26­8:23 AM
Conduction: Transfer of heat by touch.
Nov 26­8:25 AM
015 convection currents.notebook
July 11, 2013
Convection: Transfer of heat by a circular current.
It works by producing
a circular current within
the fluid.
The heat source must be
at the bottom.
Heat source
Nov 26­8:26 AM
Nov 15­8:19 AM
There are many different types of convection currents...
Transfers energy through out a room.
Nov 26­8:28 AM
Nov 15­8:22 AM
Boiling water.
In the atmosphere.
Nov 15­8:25 AM
Nov 15­8:26 AM
015 convection currents.notebook
July 11, 2013
In the asthenosphere.
Nov 15­8:27 AM
The slow convection currents in the asthenosphere drag the lithosphere, moving the Earth's crust.
Nov 15­8:28 AM
Nov 15­8:30 AM
So as long as the Earth has
a semi­liquid mantle and molten core, the convection current will cause plate tectonics. But one day
the mantle will freeze, ending
active plate tectonics....
Nov 15­8:33 AM
Nov 18­8:36 AM