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Unit 1: Levels of Organization
Chapter 5: Tissues
Word Roots
 adip– (fat)
ex. adipose tissue – tissue that stores fat
 chondr- (cartilage)
ex. chondrocyte – cartilage cell
 -cyt (cell)
ex. osteocyte – bone cell
Word Roots
 epi- (upon)
ex. epithelial tissue – tissue that covers free
body surfaces
 -glia (glue)
ex. neuroglial cells – cells that support
neurons, part of nervous tissue
 inter- (between)
ex. intercalated disc – band between adjacent
cardiac muscle cells
Word Roots
 macr- (large)
ex. macrophage – large phagocytic cell
 os- (bone)
ex. osseous tissue – bone tissue
 pseud- (false)
ex. pseudostratified epithelium – tissue with
cells that appear to be in layers, but are
Word Roots
 squam- (scale)
ex. squamous epithelium – tissue with
flattened or scale-like cells
 strat- (layer)
ex. stratified epithelium – tissue with cells that
are in layers
5.1 Introduction
 Cells arranged in tissues
 Four types:
 Epithelial
 Connective
 Muscle
 Nervous
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Epithelial Tissues
 Covers organs, lines body surfaces
 Anchored to basement membrane
 Cells tightly packed, lack blood
vessels, replaced frequently
 Function in protection, secretion,
absorption, excretion, sensory
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Simple squamous epithelium:
single layer of flattened cells,
functions in diffusion, lines blood and
lymph vessels, found in lungs
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Simple cuboidal epithelium:
single layer of cube-shaped cells
with centrally located nuclei,
functions in secretion and
absorption in the kidneys, and in
secretion in glands
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Simple columnar epithelium:
single layer of elongated cells with
nuclei near basement membrane,
may be ciliated, lines uterus,
stomach, and intestines, functions
in protection and secretion
 Can have microvilli (intestine)
 Contain goblet cells
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Pseudostratified columnar
epithelium: appear layered, cilia
may be present with goblet cells
(debris), found in respiratory tract
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Stratified squamous
epithelium: layers of flattened
cells designed for protection, outer
layer of skin, lines the mouth,
throat, vagina, and anal canal
 Keratinization occurs in outer
layers of skin
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Stratified cuboidal epithelium:
two three layers of cells lining a
lumen of the mammary glands,
sweat glands, salivary glands, and
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Stratified columnar epithelium:
several layers of cells and is found
in the vas deferens, part of the
male urethra, and parts of the
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Transitional epithelium:
designed to distend and return to
its normal size, lining of the urinary
5.2 Epithelial Tissues (Types)
 Glandular epithelium: designed
to produce and secrete substances
into ducts (exocrine) or into body
fluids (endocrine)
5.2 Epithelial Tissues
 Exocrine glands classified by way
they secrete their product:
 Merocrine glands (pancreas)–
exocytosis, both serous glands and
mucus glands
 Apocrine glands (mammary glands) –
lose small portions of cell
 Holocrine glands (sebaceous glands) –
release entire cells that disintegrate
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Bind, support, protect, serve as
frameworks, fill spaces, store fat,
produce blood cells, protect against
infection, and repair tissue damage
 Abundance of extracellular matrix
(intercellular material), have good blood
supplies (except cartilage)
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Major cell types are:
 Fibroblasts (fixed, secretes fibers)
 Macrophages (wandering, scavengers)
 Mast cells (near blood vessels, release
heparin (anticoagulant) and histamine
(promotes inflammation)
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Fibers
 Collagenous fibers – made of collagen,
hold body parts together (white fibers –
tendons and ligaments)
 Elastic fibers – made of elastin,
stretchy and add flexibility (yellow fibers)
 Reticular fibers - thin collagenous
fibers, form supportive networks
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Categories
 Loose connective tissues
 Areolar tissue
 Adipose tissue (fat)
 Reticular tissue
 Dense connective tissues (tendons and
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Cartilage
 Provides a supportive framework
 Lacks a vascular system
 Cartilage cells (chondrocytes) lie within
lacunae in the gel-like fluid matrix
 Cartilaginous structures enclosed within a
connective tissue called the perichondrium
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Types of Cartilage
 Hyaline
 Elastic cartilage
 Fibrocartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Bone
 Most rigid CT
 Internally supports body, protects, forms
muscle attachments, site for blood cell
 Bone cells = Osteocytes
 Good blood supply
5.3 Connective Tissues
 Blood
 Composed of cells (red and white)
suspended in plasma
 Transport
5.4 Types of Membranes
 Epithelial membranes – thin, sheetlike
structures composed of epithelium and
underlying connective tissue covering body
surfaces and lining body cavities
 Serous – secrete serous fluid
 Mucus – goblet cells
 Cutaneous (skin)
 Synovial
5.5 Muscle Tissues
 Muscle tissues contract – elongated
cells called muscle fibers - shorten
to move body parts
5.5 Muscle Tissues
 Skeletal muscle is attached to
bone, controlled by conscious effort
 Fibers are long /cylindrical,
striated, have many nuclei and
contract from nervous impulse
5.5 Muscle Tissues
 Smooth muscle tissue lacks
striations, is uninucleate, consists
of spindle-shaped cells
 Involuntary muscle found in walls
of internal organs, and in digestive
tract, blood vessels, and urinary
5.5 Muscle Tissues
 Cardiac muscle tissue is found
only in the heart, consists of
branching fibers that are connected
with intercalated disks
 Involuntary muscle with a single
nucleus but is striated
5.6 Nervous Tissues
 Found in brain, spinal cord, nerves
 Neurons conduct nervous
impulses, neuroglia support and
nourish the neurons