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Study Guide: Ancient Civilizations - Ancient Greece - Ancient Rome
Greece was divided into many of these…
Why was it difficult for Greek city-states to unite?
A term that means having a voice in one's government…
The name for a high hill which Greek city-states were built around…
Temple built in honor of the goddess Athena…
A marketplace/meeting place in Greek city-states…
Greek city-states united to defeated this enemy…
Greek statesman who freed farmers and took the first steps toward democracy…
Greek city-state that won the Peloponnesian War…
Greek city-state that emphasized military conquest…
The founder of democracy in Athens…
This freedom allowed Athenians to criticize public officials…
Slaves in Sparta were called this…
Army that conquered Greece after the war between Athens and Sparta…
His conquests included Egypt, Persia and Greece…
Greek philosopher that believed governments should be ruled by philosopher kings…
Two reasons for Socrates going on trial were…
Which of the Greek philosophers is considered the greatest?
Who ruled Athens during it's "golden age"?
What from of government was practiced during its "golden age"?
What form of government was practiced in Sparta?
Who wrote "The Republic"?
Which philosopher believed women should have equal access to education, jobs, and political positions?
What form of government did Aristotle believe to be best?
Code of Hammurabi
King Solomon
Indirect Democracy
Twelve Tables
Historical periods of Ancient Egypt
Socratic Method
Constitutional Monarchy
Caste System
Which great conquerer was a student of Aristotle?
Why was Rome considered the "Master of the Mediterranian"?
Form of government where citizens elect leaders to make political decisions…
Term for wealthy aristocratic landowners in Roman society…
Term for artisans, commoners and merchants in Roman society…
First written code of law in Rome…
What were the two branches of government in Rome?
Who elected the consuls and who advised them?
Who decided on civil war in Roman government?
In emergencies, what could Consuls do?
What two bodies made up the legislative branch in Rome?
Who chose the Roman Senators?
What group made up the assembly in Rome?
What was the Law of Nations?
In what ways does Roman Law apply to civil law today?
What was the "Pax Romana"? How long did it last?
Who led Rome at the start of the"Pax Romana"?
Which emperor ordered the compilation of all Roman laws?
How did Justinians Code affect the world at that time?
How did Romans treat conquered people?
Which emperorer divided the Roman Empire into East and West?
What significant change did Constantine make in the Roman Empire?
Which barbarian tribes invaded Rome prior to its collapse?
What event brought about the end of the Eastern Roman Empire?
List possible reasons for the fall of Rome.
Approximately how many miles of roads wound through the Roman Empire?
Siddhartha Gautama
Nile River
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Indus River
The Four Noble Truths
Direct Democracy