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Student Presentation Builder
for World History
Discovering Our Past:
Ancient Civilizations
Classroom Activities
Unit 1 Early Civilizations
Defending the Contributions of Ancient
Civilizations ………………………………...……3
Unit 2 The Ancient World
Filming the Ancients ………………………….....4
Unit 3 New Empires and New Faiths
Rises and Falls ………………………………...…5
Student Presentation Builder for World History Discovering Our Past: Ancient Civilizations
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Unit 1 Early Civilizations
Defending the Contributions of Ancient Civilizations
Background Information
Innovation and invention have developed over time to today’s newest
technologies. Consider recent creations such as wireless Internet connections
and electric cars. The people who made these inventions built on the
inventions of people who lived before them. The people of the earliest
civilizations helped us build the world we live in today.
Your Task
You are a historian who specializes in ancient civilizations. You often talk and work with
other historians. Unfortunately, a group of historians has decided that the ancient
civilizations, like the early humans, the Mesopotamian civilization, the first empires, the
ancient Egyptians, and the ancient Israelites, should not be included in history books
anymore because their achievements do not affect the people of today. As the leader of a
group of historians who disagrees with this idea, you must explain how the contributions
of these ancient civilizations impact us today.
Step 1: Organize into groups of three or four and choose one of the early civilizations.
Your group will research the contributions of the early civilization you have selected. As
you research, focus on how these contributions have affected the people of today. For
example, how might your life be different if this civilization had not made this
contribution? Assign different members of your group different aspects of the
presentation to prepare.
Step 2: Organize your research material into an outline. List each contribution made by
the civilization. Describe why this event or item is a contribution, that is, explain why this
contribution is significant or important. Be sure to write why this contribution was
important to the people of the early civilization and why this contribution affects people
Step 3: Using the PowerPoint template and the maps and charts provided within Student
Presentation Builder, prepare an 8-10 slide presentation that explains your findings. Use
at least two maps, charts, or illustrations. Your presentation should be logically ordered,
to the point, and well designed. Make sure you use proper grammar and punctuation.
Step 4: Each group will have 10 minutes to deliver its presentation. Each group
member must present a part of the presentation.
Unit 2 The Ancient World
Filming the Ancients
Background Information
Have you heard of Homer, Buddha, or the Great Wall of China? The ancient
civilizations made great contributions to our world. The people who made
these contributions have interesting stories that are heard today through
literature and film.
Your Task
You are a filmmaker. You have decided that a great topic for a multi-million dollar film
is the great civilizations of the ancient world. Your job will be to research the culture,
people, and stories of the ancient world and present an exciting and interesting movie
idea to Hollywood producers. Your presentation should include a description and map of
the beautiful location of an ancient civilization, which will serve as a backdrop to the
interesting story you present. The story you present must be based on real history.
Step 1: Organize into groups of three or four and choose one of the ancient peoples.
Your group will research the location, culture, and people of one civilization. Your goal
is to find an interesting and exciting story about a person or place of the ancient
civilization that you can bring to theater screens across the nation. Assign different
members of your group different aspects of the presentation to prepare.
Step 2: Organize your research material into an outline. Start with the location of the
civilization and list scenes that might be the settings of your story line. Then describe the
culture of the civilization before you outline the plot of a story for your film. Also
consider the characters involved in the story line and name and describe each character in
Step 3: Using the PowerPoint template and the maps and charts provided within Student
Presentation Builder, prepare an 8-10 slide presentation that explains your findings. Use
at least two maps, charts, or illustrations. Your presentation should be logically ordered,
to the point, and well designed. Make sure you use proper grammar and punctuation.
Step 4: Each group will have 10 minutes to deliver its presentation. Each group
member must present a part of the presentation.
Unit 3 New Empires and New Faiths
Rises and Falls
Background Information
Many books and essays have been written on the rise and fall of
civilizations, empires, and religions. Consider all the books about the rise of
Rome, the fall of Rome, the rise of Christianity, and the rise of Islam.
Your Task
A national museum has decided to create a new and exciting exhibit. The exhibit’s theme
is “Rises and Falls.” As a leading expert in the area of new empires and new faiths, you
have decided to present an idea to the museum’s board of directors.
Step 1: Organize into groups of three or four and choose a rise or fall. Your group will
research the location, culture, and events of one empire or faith, focusing on a rise or fall
of an empire or the rise of a faith. Your goal is to describe the setting, characters, and
events that led to the rise or fall. You should be focusing on the cause-and-effect
relationships that resulted in the rise or fall.
Step 2: Organize your research material into an outline. Study the events that led to and
followed the rise or fall. Consider the factors that caused the main event. List and
describe those factors and how they led to the event.
Step 3: Using the PowerPoint template and the maps and charts provided within Student
Presentation Builder, prepare an 8-10 slide presentation that explains your findings. Use
at least two maps, charts, or illustrations. Your presentation should be logically ordered,
to the point, and well designed. Make sure you use proper grammar and punctuation.
Step 4: Each group will have 10 minutes to deliver its presentation. Each group member
must present a part of the presentation.