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Pre-AP Algebra 2
Unit 3 – Lesson 3 – Converting Standard Form to Intercept Form
Objectives: The students will be able to
β€’ Convert from standard form to intercept form by factoring quadratic functions
β€’ Factor with any value as a in 𝑓 π‘₯ = π‘Žπ‘₯ ! + 𝑏π‘₯ + 𝑐
Materials: Do Now worksheet; pairwork; hw #3-3
5 min
10 min
15 min
30 min
Review Homework
Show the answers to hw #3-2 on the overhead. Students correct their answers. Pass around the tally
Homework Presentations
Review the top 2 or 3 problems.
Do Now
Students will practice multiplying binomials to help review the patterns they will need in factoring
Direct Instruction
β€’ Factoring: to break a number or expression down into a product of factors (a multiplication
problem). For example: 12 = (3)(4), 2x + 6 = (2)(x + 3)
β€’ Polynomial: a sum of monomial terms, such as 2x2 – 5x + 3
β€’ When factoring a quadratic
1) If the GCF of the terms is greater than 1, factor it out.
2) If you have 2 terms, is it a Difference of Squares: a2 – b2. This is one of the most
important factoring patterns. Memorize it!
§ο‚§ a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b).
3) If you have 3 terms, look at a, the coefficient of x2.
§ο‚§ If a = 1 (i.e. no number in front of the x2), use the t-table method.
β€’ Find the factors of c whose sum is b.
β€’ Try it in your head first. If you can’t find it, make a t-table.
§ο‚§ If a > 1, use the box/ grouping method
β€’ find two numbers whose sum is b and product is ac.
β€’ Break the middle term into two parts based on those factors.
§ο‚§ Some trinomials can’t be factored: they are called β€œprime”, just like numbers
that can’t be factored.
§ο‚§ Check result by multiplying factors.
20 min
6x5 + 9x 3 (show how to write out prime factorizations as an aid)
Factor x βˆ’ 25
Factor 64 βˆ’ 9x
Factor: x βˆ’ 4x βˆ’ 12
Factor: x + 2x βˆ’ 4 (prime)
Factor: 3x βˆ’ 27x + 60 (factoring out the GCF makes this much easier to do)
Factor 6x βˆ’19x +15
Find the x-intercepts of f (x) = 14x + 5x βˆ’1
Show students how to generate factorable trinomials by starting with a pair of binomials and multiplying
them. You can make it more difficult by distributing a number across the entire trinomial. Ask students
to generate 3 factorable trinomials, 1 of which has a GCF greater than 1, and one prime trinomial. Write
the problems on a sheet of binder paper and switch with their partner. Partners should then try to factor
the trinomials that they receive.
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Do Now
Name: _______________________
Multiplying Binomials
Part 1: Find the greatest common factor and describe the process you used:
(1) 24, 36, 60
(2) 8x2y3, 12x3y, 20x2y2
Part 2: Expand the following
(x + 4)(x + 3)
(x – 4)(x – 3)
(x + 4)(x – 3)
(x – 4)(x + 3)
Discuss what makes the middle and last terms + or βˆ’.
Part 3: Expand the following
π‘₯βˆ’3 !
2π‘₯ + 3
(π‘₯ + 3)(π‘₯ βˆ’ 3)
2(π‘₯ + 3)(π‘₯ βˆ’ 3)
2π‘₯ + 3 2π‘₯ βˆ’ 3
(2π‘₯ + 1)(3π‘₯ βˆ’ 5)
(2π‘₯ βˆ’ 1)(3π‘₯ + 5)
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Pairwork
Name: _______________________
Basic Factoring Practice
1) Convert to intercept form. Then, match each function to its graph.
𝑓 π‘₯ = π‘₯! βˆ’ 4
𝑓 π‘₯ = 2π‘₯ ! βˆ’ π‘₯ βˆ’ 15
𝑓 π‘₯ = π‘₯ ! + 5π‘₯ + 4
𝑓 π‘₯ = 15π‘₯ ! βˆ’ 31π‘₯ βˆ’ 12
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Pairwork
Name: _______________________
2) Convert to intercept form. Then, find the x-intercepts and vertex.
a. f (x) = x 2 βˆ’ 15x + 56 .
b. 𝑓 π‘₯ = 3π‘₯ ! + 2π‘₯ βˆ’ 16
3) Here is a window into the mind of Ms. Nicewarner… oooohh.. scary… This is how I come up with
trinomial problems for you to factor:
I start with the answer I want (the two binomial factors), I multiply them together, and that’s it! To
make it more challenging, I may multiply all the terms in the trinomial by some number or expression
– that will create a trinomial with a GCF that can be factored out.
Now you try it. Create a mini-worksheet with three factorable trinomials. Make one of them have a
GCF greater than 1. Then, trade papers with a partner and factor each other’s trinomials. Do the work
on a different piece of paper and just write the trinomials in the spaces below.
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Pair Work
Name: ________________________
My First Factoring Worksheet
Factor each of the following trinomials completely.
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Homework
Name: _______________________
HW #3-3: Quadratics in Intercept Form
Check for Understanding
Can you complete these problems correctly by yourself
1) Find the x-intercepts for each function by factoring. Then, match each function to its graph.
Remember, always check first to see if the GCF is greater than 1.
a. f (x) = x 2 + 2x βˆ’ 48
b. f (x) = 10x 2 βˆ’ 50x + 60
c. f (x) = 4x 2 βˆ’ 4x βˆ’15
d. f (x) = 6x 2 βˆ’ 34x βˆ’12
Pre-AP Algebra 2
Lesson #3-3: Homework
Name: _______________________
2) For each problem, write a quadratic equation that has the given x-intercepts. Expand out your
equation (i.e. don’t leave it written in factored form). Also, make sure that all of the coefficients
are integers.
a. x = 5 and x = -5
b. x = ±½
c. x = 7 and x = -3
d. x = -¼ and x = ¾
What do you remember from Algebra 1and our previous units? (these are skills we will need
in this unit) Work on a separate sheet a paper
1. Find the vertex and x-intercepts of 𝑓(π‘₯) = βˆ’ π‘₯ + 8 ! + 1. Then graph 𝑓(π‘₯). Use your
graph to answer the remaining questions.
2. 𝑓 βˆ’7 =
3. 𝑓 βˆ’9 =
4. 𝑓 βˆ’5 =
5. What value(s) of x make the following true
a. 𝑓 π‘₯ = 0
b. 𝑓 π‘₯ > 0
d. 𝑓 π‘₯ = βˆ’3
e. 𝑓 π‘₯ β‰₯ βˆ’3
c. 𝑓 π‘₯ ≀ 0
f. 𝑓 π‘₯ < βˆ’3