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Homework 3
Introduction to Sociology
Spring 2010
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) ________ is the term used to describe changes brought on by the Information Revolution.
A) Tradition
B) Modernity
C) Social change
D) Postmodernity
2) Sociologists point out that:
A) most people agree that social change is good.
B) social change is inevitable.
C) some societies change and others do not.
D) All of the above are correct.
3) Which of the following is NOT true?
A) Social change is almost always controversial.
B) All social changes end up having about the same effect on society.
C) Material culture usually changes faster than nonmaterial culture.
D) People cannot always predict the full consequences of societal changes.
4) Karl Marx highlighted the importance of ________ in the process of social change.
A) ideas
B) cultural diffusion
C) invention
D) social conflict
5) Of the various types of social movements, which is LEAST threatening to the status quo?
A) alterative social movement
B) redemptive social movement
C) reformative social movement
D) revolutionary social movement
6) Alcoholics Anonymous, an organization that seeks to help alcoholics achieve a sober life, is one example of
which type of social movement?
A) alterative social movement
B) redemptive social movement
C) reformative social movement
D) revolutionary social movement
7) The stage of a social movement called "bureaucratization" refers to:
A) the emergence of the movement.
B) developing a trained staff to keep the movement operating.
C) the movement defining itself and "going public."
D) the decline of the movement.
8) Modernity is the term used for the social patterns that emerged in the wake of the:
A) discovery of the plow and wheel.
B) fall of Rome.
C) Information Revolution.
D) Industrial Revolution.
9) Mass-society theory claims that modern individuals face the problem of:
A) poverty.
B) establishing a clear identity.
C) powerlessness.
D) too much rationality.
10) Which of the following is a real trend that suggests life in the United States is getting better?
A) child abuse is down
B) infant mortality is down
C) income inequality is down
D) child poverty is down
11) Which of the following is a real trend that suggests life in the United States is getting worse?
A) poverty among old people is up
B) dropping out of high school is up
C) poverty among children is up
D) infant mortality is up
TRUE/FALSE. Choose 'A' if the statement is true and 'B' if the statement is false.
12) Social change results from invention, discovery, and cultural diffusion.
13) All social movements call for basic change to all of society.
14) Modernization means that fewer people live in small, traditional communities.
15) Modernization typically decreases social diversity.