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1. Express 24 as a product of prime factors.
B. 2 x 3
C. 22 x 3
A. 22 x 33
D. 23 x 3
2. P = { 0,2,4,6} and { 1,2,4,5} find P∩Q.
A. { 0,6}
B. { 2,4}
D. { 0,2,6}
C. {0, 2,4}
3. Two sets which have no common members are called?
A. empty set s
B. disjoint sets
C. equal sets
D. intersection sets
4. State the property of operations used in the statement below. P( q +r) = (pq) + (pr).
A. commutative
B. distributive
C. identity
D. associative
5. What is the equivalent of 22 x 62 in terms of indices?
C. 24 x 3
A. 2 x 3
B. 24 x 32
6. If V2 – 1 = 80, find V.
A. 9
B. 7
C. 40
D. 2 x 34
D. 39
7. How many faces has a closed cylinder?
A. 1
C. 3
D. 4
8. A set ‘A’ is called _____ of set ‘B’ when all the numbers of set ‘A’ are also found in set ‘B’
A. subset
B. universal set
C. union set
D. null set
9. Simplify 2 x 32 x 34
B. 2 x 36
A. 2 x 35
C. 2 x 38
10. ( a + b) + c = a + ( b +c) is
A. inverse
B. commutative
D. 66
C. distributive
D. associative
The diagram below shows a circle with centre O. S and T are points on the circle. Use it to answer
questions 11 and 12.
11. What name is given to the shaded region?
A. Radius
B. Sector
C. Segment
D. Arc
12. The point O is called___________
A. centre
B. chord
D. Arc
C. diameter
13. What is the value of 4 in the number 2,043,507
A. forty
B. four hundred
C. four thousand
D. forty thousand
14. The circumference of a circular track is 154m. find the diameter of the track.
A. 24.5m
B. 49.0m
C. 242.0m
D. 22.0m
15. Find the missing number in the set { 5,10,15__, 25, __,__,40}
A. { 20, 30, 35}
B. {20, 30}
C. { 20, 30, 40}
16. Find the H.F.C. of 63 and 81
A. 7
B. 9
C. 21
D. 3
17. Find the sum of all the even numbers between 70 and 80.
A. 300
B. 200
C. 223
D. 280
18. By hoe much is 5/6 greater than ¾
B. 1/12
C. 1/6
A. 2/3
D. 5/12
19. Express 5/8 as decimals.
A. 0.625
B. 0.750
C. 0.125
D. 0.375
20. Which of the following is not a quadrilateral?
A. square
B. rectangle
C. rhombus
21. If P = {multiplies of 3 less than 15}, find P.
A. { 3 6 9}
B. { 3 6 12}
D. triangle
C. { 3 6 9 12} D. { 3 6 9 12 15}
22. The length of a rectangle is four times its width. If its perimeter is 70cm, find its area.
C. 28cm
D. 196cm2
A. 7cm
B. 14cm2
23. Express 35m 6cm 7mm in millimeters.
A. 356007mm
B. 3567mm
C. 35067mm
D. 35607mm
24. What is the sum of two smallest prime factors of 250?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10
25. When 2011 is divided by 200, the remainder is
A. 0
B. 1
C. 11
D. 21
26. Calculate 33 – 22x 3
A. 81
B. 27
C. 23
D. 15
27. If b = 3a and c = 2b, then a + b + c is equal to
A. 6a
B. 8a
C. 10a
D. 12a
28. If half of a number is 30, then three quarters of that number is?
A. 39
B. 40
C. 42
D. 45
29. Simplify 2 + 3 (a + 5) – 5 ( 2a – 1)
A. – 7a + 12
B. 13a + 22
C. 7a + 12
D. – 7a + 22
30. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. 7/8 83% 0.47
B. 7/8 , 0.47, 83%
C. 7/8 , 83%, 0.47
A. 0.47, 83% 7/8
D. 83%, 0.47, /8
31. If 32x = 27, what is the value of x?
A.1 ½
B. 1
C. 2/3
32. Evaluate ( 3 ½ + 11/5) ÷ ( 3 ½ - 11/5)
B. 1 1/23
C. 21/23
A. 23/47
D. – 1
D. 4
33. How many edges has a rectangular prism?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 15
34. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 260m. if the length is 30m longer than its width, find its
A. 50m
B. 80m
C. 110m
D. 130m
35. If a = 28 x 33 and b = 27 x 37 find a/b.
A. 6
B. 4 ½
C. 2/9
D. -2/9
36. Find the sum of the following integers. – 18, 24, 16, - 30, 15, -8.
A. 1
B. – 1
C. 55
D. – 56
37. Convert 0.48 into a common fraction in its lowest term.
B. 100/48
C. 12/25
D. 25/12
A. 48/100
38. Evaluate 6.47 + 13.6
A. 20.07
B. 7.83
C. 78.3
D. 200.7
39. Find the difference between 18.03 and 14.46
A. 3.57
B. 6.43
C. 5.73
D. 4.36
40. Write 11/50 in decimal form.
A. 0.22
B. 22.0
C. 11.50
D. 50.11
1. Simplify the following without using a calculator.
a). 4 + ( - 9)
b). 24a5 ÷ 3a2
d). 37 x 34 ÷ 35
e). ( 6 + - 3 ) x [ 2 – ( - 3 )]
c). – 15 + 33 – 12 + ( - 12 )
( 3 marks each)
2. Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only;
a(i) Construct a triangle ABC such that , BA = 10cm, angle ABC = 90º and angle BAC = 30º.
ii). Measure BC
b(i) Bisect the angle ACB to meet BA at D.
ii). What type of triangle is CDA?
c). Calculate the area of triangle ABC.
4. The ages of 30 teacher trainees were recorded as follows.
a). Make a frequency table for the data
b). use your frequency table to find
i). the mode
ii). The mean
1. Find the greatest common factor of 35 and 70.
A. 10
B. 35
C. 5
D. 7
2. Write 1101101two in base ten.
A. 109
B. 31
C. 145
D. 125
3. Expand the expression 2 ( 3a + 2b)
A. 10ab
B. 6a + 2b
C. 5a + 4b
4. How many faces has a closed cylinder?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
D. 6a + 4b
5. Express 24 as a product of prime factors.
B. 22 x 32
C. 2 x3
A. 23 x 32
6. Simplify ½ - ¼ + 1/8
B. 3/8
A. 1/6
C. 5/8
7. Simplify 7( y + 1) – 2 ( 2y + 3)
A. 3y +1
B. 3y + 4
D. 22 x 3
D. 1/8
C. 3y – 5
8. If 4(m + 4) = 18, find the value of m
B. 5/2
C. 7/2
A. 3/2
D. 3y – 2
D. ½
9. A square of sides 6cm has the same area as a rectangle of length 9cm. find the breath of the
A. 3cm
B. 4cm
C. 6cm
D. 2cm
10. In the diagram LM and PQ are parallel lines.
Find the value of V.
A. 32º
B. 40º
C. 48º
D. 148º
The figure is the net of
A. pyramid
B. cone
12.Convert 206 to base five
B. 411five
A. 1311five
C. cylinder
C. 4011five
C. 3321five
13. Which of the following inequalities is represented by the number line below?
A. x ≤ -3
B. x ≥ - 3
C. x < - 3
D. x > - 3
D. triangle
14. The product of three numbers is 1197. Two of the numbers are 3 and 21. Find the third
A. 399
B. 19
C. 57
D. 63
15. Simplify ( 2ab2) ( 3a2b2)
B. 5a2b2
A. 6a3b4
C. 6a2b2
D. 5a2b2
16. Simplify 7a – 3 ( b – a )
A. 8a – 3b
B. 10a – 3b
C. 4a – 3b
D. 4a + 3b
17. If a*b = 2a – b, evaluate 4*3.
A. 5
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
18. Solve the equation 13x – 2 ( 3x + 4) = 22
D. 30/7
A. 5
B. 4
C. 26/7
19. Name the figure below
A. parallelogram
B. pyramid
C. cone
D. tetrahedron.
20. The circumference of a circular track is 154m. find the diameter.
A. 49.0m
B. 242.0m
C. 22.0m
D. 24.5m
21. The addition below was carried out in base x. find x:
A. three
B. five
C. six
D. four
22. 4 girls can weed a plot of land in 20days. How many days will 4girls take to weed the same plot
of land working at the same rate?
A. 16 days
B. 6 days
C. 8 days
D. 12 days
23. Express 9474.5 in standard form
B. 9.4745 x 102
A. 9.4745 x 10-2
24. A mapping is defined by x
A. 15
B. 17
C. 11
2x2 – 1. What is the image of 3 under the mapping?
D. 13
25. If r = m +1 express m in terms of r.
A. m = r +1
B. m = 2r + 1
26. Expand (2a – b) (a + b)
A. 2a2 – 3ab – b2
C. 94.754 x 10 D. 9.4745 x 103
C. m = r + 1
D. m = 2r – 1
2r + 1
B. 2a2 – ab –b2 C. 2a2 + ab - b2
D. 2a2 + 3ab +b2
27. 7. Yakubu,Seidu and Amina shared an amount of money in the ratio 4:5:6. Find how much was
shared if Amina received ¢ 42,000.00
A. ¢ 80,000.00
B. ¢ 88,000.00
C. ¢ 96,000.00
D. 105,000.00
28. Which of these has the least number of lines of symmetry?
A. a kite
B. an equilateral triangle
C. a rectangle
D. a circle
The table below gives the number of goals scored by a football team in a league season.
No. of goals scored in a match
Use this information to answer questions 29 – 31
29. find the total number of goals scored by the team.
A. 41
B. 40
C. 30
D. 20
30. What is the mean number of goals scored by the team?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 2
31. What is the total number of matches played in the league season?
A. 15
B. 16
C. 19
D. 20
32. In a basket, there are 24 good oranges and the rest of them are bad oranges. The ratio of good
oranges to the bad oranges is 3:1. How many oranges are there in the basket?
A. 8 oranges
B. 28 oranges
C. 32 oranges
D. 36 oranges
33. It takes 8 hours to fill 4/5 of a container with water. The time in hours that it takes to fill the
remainder of the container at the same rate is
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 10 hours
A rectangular tank has length 3m, width 2m and height 1.5m. use the above information to answer
questions 34 and 35
34. If the tank is filled with water to 2/3 of its capacity, calculate the volume of the water in the
B. 3.0m3
C. 4.5m3
D. 6.0m3
A. 2.5m3
35. A water company charges ¢ 20.00 for every 1m3 of water. Find how much it will cost to fill the
tank completely.
A. ¢ 180.00
B. ¢ 240.00
C. ¢ 300.00 D. ¢320.00
36. If b = 3a and c = 2b, then a + b + c is equal to
A. 6a
B. 8a
C. 10a
D. 12a
Use the diagram to answer questions 37 and 38.
37. Find the value of x
A. 80º
B. 70º
C. 55º
D. 50º
38. What type of triangle is PQR?
A. scalene triangle B. right- angle triangle
C. isosceles triangle D. equilateral triangle
39. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 260m. if the length is 30m longer than its width, find its
A. 50m
B. 80m
C. 110m
D. 130m
40. The perimeter of a semi – circle field is 36m. Find the radius of the semi – circular field
[Take = 22/7]
A. 3.5m
B. 4m
C. 7m
D. 14m
1. Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only;
a(i) Construct a triangle ABC such that BA = 10cm, angle ABC = 90º and angle BAC = 30º
ii). Measure BC
b(i). Bisect the angle ACB to meet BA at D
ii). What type of triangle is CDA?
c). Calculate the area of triangle ABC.
2. The diagram below is a pyramid on a square based prism with height of pyramid 15cm. The
volume of the pyramid is 80cm3. Find
a). The length of the sides of the base
b). The volume of the square prism
c). Total volume of the diagram.
3.(a).Paton, Godwin and Frank enter into partnership and agree to share the total profit in the
ratio of their investment. Paton invested GH¢ 450, Godwin invested GH¢ 150 and Frank invested
GH¢ 600. Frank received a profit of GH¢ 247.00. Find
i). The total profit
ii). The profits made by Paton and Godwin
b). If 3 boys shared x oranges among themselves in the ratio 3:5:8 and the smallest share was 45
oranges, find the value of x.
4a. Copy and complete the table below for the relation y = ½ x+1. Plot the points on a graph sheet
and draw a straight line through the points.
b). Find the gradient of the straight line.