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2.5 Introduction to Problem Solving
I. Read the problem carefully, as many times as you need, until you feel
you understand the problem fully. Make sure you know what the
problem is looking for and what parts of the information given is of
importance to you.
II. Define your variable – that is let x (or any variable) represent one of
the unknown quantities in the problem.
III. Write expressions for any other unknown quantities in terms of x.
IV. Write an equation in terms of x that describes the conditions of the
V. Solve the equation.
VI. Answer the problem’s question(s) in a full sentence.
VII. Check your solution in the original wording of the problem, not in the
equation that you obtained on your own.
The sum of a number and 43 is 107. Find the number.
Eight subtracted from six times a number is 298. Find the number.
Five more than four times a number is that number increased
by 35. Find the number.
If the quotient of three times a number and four is decreased by
three, the result is nine. Find the number.
The sum of the page numbers on the facing pages of a book is 525.
What are the page numbers?
Find two consecutive odd integers whose sum is 72.
A car rental agency charges $180 per week plus $0.25 per mile to
rent a car. How many miles can you travel in one week for $395?
A basketball court is a rectangle with a perimeter of 86 meters. The
length is 13 meters more than the width. Find the width and length
of the basketball court.
The average yearly earnings of physical education teachers
increased by 40% from 2011 to 2012. If salaries averaged $68,000
in 2002, what was the average salary in 2001?
An automobile repair shop charged a customer $448, listing $63 for
parts and the remainder for labor. If the cost of labor is $35 per
hour, how many hours of labor did it take to repair the car?
After a 25% reduction, you purchase a table for $180. What was
the table’s price before the reduction?