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(Skeletal System II)
1. The sternum
A) is a rounded, S-shaped bone at the superior edge of the thoracic cage.
B) consists of three parts: the manubrium, the body (gladiolus) and the xiphoid process.
C) includes the sternal notch formed by the junction of the manubrium and body.
D) articulates with the clavicles at the sternal angle.
E) directly attaches to every rib.
2. The pectoral girdle
A) includes the scapula.
B) includes the clavicle.
C) attaches the lower extremity to the trunk
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
3. The scapula
A) is commonly called the collar bone.
B) is attached to the vertebrae on its medial side.
C) has a glenoid fossa that articulates with the head of the humerus.
D) has a spinous process that articulates with the clavicle.
E) has a coracoid process that is the high point of the shoulder.
4. The humerus
A) is the most distal bone of the upper extremity.
B) is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity.
C) articulates with the lateral end of the clavicle.
D) has a surgical neck but no anatomical neck.
E) may be recognized by the distinct, large trochanters at its proximal end.
5. Which part of the humerus articulates with the scapula?
A) glenoid fossa lesser tubercle
B) capitulum
C) head
D) trochlea
E) lesser tubercle
6. When you are sitting normally in a chair, upon which bones does your weight rest?
A) ilia.
B) ischia
C) pubic bones
D) sacrum.
E) coccygeal.
7. In a male pelvis,
A) the obturator foramen is triangular.
B) the pubic arch measures less than 90 degrees.
C) the pelvic inlet is oval.
D) the pelvic outlet is wide.
E) the pubis is narrow and thin.
8. With one exception, bones of the lower extremity follow the pattern of bones in the upper
extremity. Which bone is the exception?
A) femur
B) fibula
C) tibia
D) tarsals
E) patella
9. The longest, strongest and heaviest bone of the human body is the
A) femur
B) fibula
C) tibia
D) calcaneus
E) metatarsal
10. The patella
A) is a long bone.
B) develops in the tibiofemoral ligament.
C) is also called the kneecap.
D) is located on the posterior surface of the knee.
E) limits the power of the quadriceps femoris muscle.
11. The tibia
A) is the lateral bone of the leg.
B) transfers the weight of the body to the talus.
C) articulates proximally with the fibula and calcaneus.
D) has a large tuberosity on the distal end of its posterior side.
E) is also called the thigh bone.
Use the following to answer questions 12-14.
Choose the answer that best matches the description or term.
A) flat bones
B) irregular bones
C) long bones
D) sesamoid bones
E) short bones
12. vertebrae and scapula
13. bones of upper and lower extremities
14. ribs and sternum
Use the following to answer questions 15-17.
Choose the answer that best matches the description or term.
A) ankle bones
B) collar bone
C) knee cap
D) shoulder blade
E) thigh bone
15. femur
16. scapula
17. clavicle
18. The ____ is formed by the articulation of the humerus, clavicle and scapula.
19. The ____ is formed by the articulation of the humerus, radius and ulna.
20. The hip bone is also called the _____.