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The Story of the World
Volume 2: The Middle Ages
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 1 Test: The Glory That Was Rome
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. {.................} was the most important city in the Roman Empire.
2. The {.................} meant that all parts of the Roman Empire had to obey Roman laws.
3. The {.................} lived in Britain and rebelled against the Romans.
4. The Romans called the wandering tribes who invaded them {.................} because they didn’t live
like the Romans lived.
5. The emperor {.................} decided to divide the Roman Empire into two parts so that it would be
easier to rule and to protect.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
6. The center of the Roman Empire was located near the {.................} Sea.
a. Mediterranean
b. Caspian
c. North
d. Caribbean
7. Which countries were part of the Roman Empire?
a. Britain, Spain, Greece, and China
b. Gaul, Spain, Africa, and India
c. Spain, Russia, Greece, and Egypt
d. Gaul, Britain, Spain, and Egypt
8. What would you definitely not see if you visited the Coliseum?
a. gladiator fights
b. musical plays
c. chariot races
d. fights between soldiers and wild animals
9. What was one major problem in the Roman Empire?
a. There were no good roads so it was hard to travel.
b. There was not enough land for all of the people.
c. The Empire was so large that the army couldn’t protect its borders.
d. There were no large cities or ports where ships could trade their goods.
10. After the Roman Empire was divided into two parts, what happened to the Western Roman
a. It became stronger and well-protected.
b. It lasted for 500 more years.
c. It was destroyed and all of its treasures were taken.
d. It was soon divided into 3 smaller parts.
11. Which of these tribes did not invade Rome?
a. the Huns
b. the Aryans
c. the Visigoths
d. the Vandals
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 12. The Roman Empire was ruled by an emperor.
13. Traveling on roads in the Roman Empire was often dangerous because of bandits and
{................} 14. The people who invaded Rome lived in houses and always cooked their food.
{................} 15. Most of the men who ruled Rome were strong leaders who made wise decisions.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
16. Describe what you might see if you visited the ancient city of Rome.
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 2 Test: The Early Days of Britain
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The Celts had specially trained singers called {.................} who told stories about chieftains and
battle heroes of long ago.
2. One of the Celts’ stories told of the warrior, {.................}, who with his three companions
defeated a giant named Giant Fovor of the Mighty Blows.
3. {.................} was a Celtic king who asked two barbarian tribes to come help him fight his
4. The Anglo-Saxons told a story about a great warrior named {.................}.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. The Celts finally drove the last Roman soldiers out of their country when {.................}.
a. the Eastern Roman Empire fell
b. the Western Roman Empire fell
c. the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain
d. the Anglo-Saxons left Britain
6. The Celts praised men who were {.................}.
a. kind and compassionate
b. strong and courageous fighters
c. intelligent and wise
d. funny and entertaining
7. Celtic storytellers would memorize their stories because {.................}.
a. they didn’t write anything down
b. they didn’t want to carry books with them
c. they wanted to show off the large amount of material they could memorize
d. they didn’t want the Romans to find copies of their stories
8. What were the names of the two tribes who came to help one Celtic king fight his enemies?
a. the Celts and the Scots
b. the Scots and the Angles
c. the Saxons and the Welsh
d. the Angles and the Saxons
9. Why did these two tribes first agree to come and fight?
a. The king promised to pay them in gold.
b. They wanted to live with their relatives who were already there.
c. The king promised to give them land in Britain on which to live.
d. They had heard stories about how nice the Celts were.
10. What happened after these two tribes helped the king fight his enemies?
a. They went back to their own land.
b. They stayed and settled down and invited their friends to come as well.
c. They killed the king and stole his land.
d. They joined with the Romans to defeat the Celts.
11. Where did these two tribes settle?
a. England
b. Scotland
c. Wales
d. Ireland
12. What happened to the Celts?
a. They were destroyed by the Romans.
b. They were destroyed by the two tribes.
c. They moved to Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
d. They drove the two tribes out so that they could have Britain for themselves.
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 13. The Romans eventually conquered all of Britain.
{................} 14. The Celts who lived in Britain all belonged to the same kingdom.
{................} 15. The two new tribes in Britain came from across the North Sea.
{................} 16. The people of Britain did not keep written records.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
17. Why is this time in England known as the Dark Ages?
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 3 Test: Christianity Comes to Britain
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The {.................} was the leader of the Christian church in the city of Rome.
2. {.................} was sent to Britain to tell the people there about Christianity.
3. When he arrived in Britain, he was greeted by King {.................}, the most powerful king in
4. The Christians built {.................} where men could live and worship God.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. The first Christians who came to Britain settled down in the town of {.................}.
a. Canterbury
b. England
c. London
d. Wales
6. The Roman Christians taught the Anglo-Saxons how to {.................}.
a. dig wells
b. construct bridges
c. read and write
d. fight courageously
7. Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury?
a. He was the leader of all the Christians in England.
b. He was the leader of all the Christians in Rome.
c. He was the most powerful king in England.
d. He was the most powerful king of the Celts.
8. What were monks supposed to do during meals?
a. offer all of their food to the poor
b. whisper quietly to the other monks
c. pray silently
d. eat silently while listening to someone read from the Bible
9. What is one thing that monks were not allowed to do?
a. study the Bible
b. marry and have children
c. work
d. pray and worship God
10. How were books made during this time?
a. Monks copied them by hand.
b. They were copied on a printing press.
c. Bards would dictate stories to a scribe.
d. There were no books during this time.
11. What kind of paper did monks use?
a. papyrus
b. parchment made from animal skins
c. scrolls
d. paper made from linen
12. What is a scriptorium?
a. an expensive book
b. a special room where monks copied books
c. a technique of decorating books
d. a monk who copied books by hand
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 13. Many people believed that God had given the pope the job of taking care of
Christians all over the world.
{................} 14. Monks went to church eight times a day to pray and to worship God.
{................} 15. Monks served God, but they rarely helped the people in nearby villages.
{................} 16. The Celts taught the Anglo-Saxons how to read and write.
{................} 17. Books were sometimes decorated with real gold or silver.
{................} 18. During this time, most books were just plain black letters on white pages.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
19. Why were books so expensive during the Middle Ages?
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 4 Test: The Byzantine Empire
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. {.................} was the capital city of the Eastern Roman Empire.
2. The last surviving part of the Eastern Roman Empire was called the {.................}.
3. Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire did not believe that the pope should be able to make
decisions for the whole church. They split from the Christians in the west and became known as
4. These Christians called their leaders {.................}.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. Why did the Roman Empire divide into two parts?
a. It got too big for one ruler to lead and protect.
b. Barbarians invaded and divided it.
c. The Eastern side did not get along with the Western side.
d. The two parts had different customs and spoke different languages.
6. Which of the following would you not see in Constantinople?
a. children going to school
b. shops selling food, jewelry, and silks
c. beautiful palaces and churches
d. warriors painted blue
7. Who or what was the Hagia Sophia?
a. the largest palace in Constantinople
b. the largest church in Constantinople
c. the leader of the church in the Byzantine Empire
d. the empress of the Byzantine Empire
8. Why did Justinian beg his family to send him to Constantinople?
a. He wanted to become the next emperor.
b. He wanted to join the army.
c. He wanted to go to school.
d. He wanted to become a great speaker.
9. After Justinian became the emperor, what did he do?
a. He built many palaces.
b. He joined the army.
c. He sent his army to conquer lands that were once ruled by Rome.
d. He married his wife, Theodora.
10. What was one big problem that Justinian faced?
a. The lands he conquered all followed different laws.
b. He was constantly attacked by barbarians.
c. The people did not honor or respect him.
d. He could not read or write.
11. How did Theodora help Justinian?
a. She taught him how to read and write.
b. She gave great speeches to encourage the people to follow him.
c. She convinced the army to make him the new emperor.
d. She convinced him to stay and fight when rebels attacked him.
12. What is a mosaic?
a. an expensive book decorated with gold and silver
b. a picture made by arranging colored pieces into a pattern
c. a stained glass window
d. a window covered with tiny pieces of glass
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 13. The emperor’s palace was the only palace in Constantinople.
{................} 14. Before she became the empress, Theodora was a circus clown.
{................} 15. Justinian rarely made a decision without consulting his wife.
{................} 16. Christians who do not believe in the authority of the pope are called Roman
{................} 17. A saint is a person who has a special relationship with God.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
18. What were some of the laws from the code of Justinian?
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 5 Test: The Medieval Indian Empire
A. Matching. Match each name with the correct description.
{.................} 1. Gupta
a. a family that rules in a place for many years
{.................} 2. Skandagupta
b. the first king who began to unite smaller kingdoms in India
{.................} 3. Chandragupta
c. family of kings who united the many small kingdoms in India
{.................} 4. Huns
d. defeated the barbarians who invaded India
{.................} 5. dynasty
e. barbarians who invaded India
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
6. These are the highest mountains in the world, located in northern India.
a. Andes
b. Himalayas
c. Alps
d. Pyrenees
7. This is the most important river in India
a. Indus
b. Tigris
c. Bengal
d. Ganges
8. What is the name of the Indian language?
a. Sanskrit
b. Gupta
c. Latin
d. Ganges
9. Which of these things did not happen during the Golden Age of India?
a. Poets and playwrights wrote great works.
b. Artists painted and sculpted in copper and iron.
c. Doctors learned how to reattach ears and noses that had been cut off.
d. Women had great power; one woman even became king.
10. After the king drove out the barbarians, what did the Indian people do?
a. They praised him for saving them.
b. They made coins with his picture on them.
c. They carved his portrait into rock.
d. All of the above answers are correct.
11. Why did the Golden Age of India end?
a. Fighting off the barbarians had made India poorer and weaker.
b. There were no good leaders.
c. The people began to fight with each other.
d. A famine came and wiped out many villages.
12. The Indian monks near the mountains lived in {.................}.
a. huts on the mountain tops
b. caves dug out of the mountainside
c. stone monasteries at the base of the mountains
d. tents they moved from place to place
13. Who discovered the Ajanta Caves?
a. Skandagupta
b. the Huns
c. two soldiers
d. Indian monks
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 14. No matter where you were, travel was always safe during the Middle Ages.
{................} 15. Indian monks would make cracks in cliffs by putting logs in trenches and then
soaking the logs with water.
{................} 16. A fresco is a painting made on dry plaster.
{................} 17. Monks in India studied and followed the teachings of Buddha.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
18. How did the monks in India decorate the palaces where they lived?
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 6 Test: The Rise of Islam
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The people who lived on the Arabian Peninsula were called {.................}.
2. {.................} is the most important city in Islam because Muhammad received his vision there.
3. The followers of Muhammad’s teachings are called {.................}.
4. Muhammad’s teachings are recorded in a book called the {.................}.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. What is the land of the Arabian Peninsula like?
a. dark, rich, fertile soil
b. a hot and dry desert
c. rocky and mountainous
d. lush forests
6. Where was Muhammad when he had his vision?
a. in a cave
b. in a tent
c. in the city
d. on a mountain
7. What did Muhammad see in his vision?
a. a bell
b. a hand holding a pen writing with fire
c. an angel
d. people traveling to Mecca
8. When Muhammad began teaching, who became worried?
a. the rich and powerful people
b. his friends and servants
c. his wife
d. the poor people
9. Why did Muhammad go to Medina?
a. He wanted to teach more people.
b. Soldiers in Mecca were trying to kill him.
c. Allah told him to go.
d. The people in Medina paid him to come.
10. What do Muslims call Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina?
a. the Hegira
b. the Hajj
c. Zakat
d. Sawm
11. What or who protected Muhammad during his journey?
a. an angel
b. Muhammad’s friend, Abu Bakr
c. a spider web
d. the people of Medina
12. Muhammad’s followers wrote down his teachings on {.................}.
a. bits of paper
b. pieces of leather
c. palm leaves
d. all of the above
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 13. A little clump of trees that grows in the desert is called an oasis.
{................} 14. Muhammad saw many people being kind to strangers, the poor, and the sick.
{................} 15. The angel who came to Muhammad was named Gabriel.
{................} 16. Muhammad wrote down his teachings so that his followers could read them.
{................} 17. Muhammad was also known as Al-Amin.
{................} 18. Islam teaches that a life built on five pillars is a strong, good life.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
19. Name or describe the five pillars of Islam.
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 7 Test: Islam Becomes an Empire
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. After Muhammad died, Muslims called their leaders {.................}.
2. {.................} became the new capital of the Islamic empire.
3. {.................} was the name of a sailor in a famous book called The Thousand and One Nights.
4. One story about this sailor tells about when he landed in a valley filled with {.................}.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. Besides being a prophet, what other job did Muhammad have in Medina?
a. judge
b. doctor
c. cook
d. sailor
6. What problem did the people of Medina face?
a. The people of Mecca continued to attack them.
b. There wasn’t enough food or water.
c. There wasn’t enough land for all of the people.
d. There were too many leaders fighting for power.
7. What did Muhammad tell the people to do?
a. respect the leaders, so they won’t fight one another
b. build canals and roads
c. move to Mecca
d. attack the caravans traveling to Mecca
8. What did Muhammad declare to be a holy place?
a. Mecca
b. Medina
c. Arabia
d. Baghdad
9. What is every faithful Muslim supposed to do, at least once during his life?
a. pray to Muhammad
b. visit Mecca
c. visit Medina
d. give to the rich
10. When Muhammad died, who became the new leader of Islam?
a. Muhammad’s son
b. Abu Bakr
c. Allah
d. the king of Mecca
11. Later rulers conquered {.................}.
a. land to the east toward India
b. North Africa
c. land to the north all the way to the Caspian Sea
d. all of the above
12. Where was the new capital of the Islamic empire built?
a. near the Caspian Sea
b. on the banks of the Euphrates River
c. on the banks of the Tigris River
d. in North Africa
C. True or False. Write “true” or “false.”
{................} 13. The fight between Mecca and Medina lasted only two months.
{................} 14. Muhammad told his followers not to drink wine or eat pork.
{................} 15. Followers of Islam must face Medina when they pray.
{................} 16. When Muhammad died, many of his followers began to panic because they had no
{................} 17. The new capital city of Islam was round, with three walls surrounding it.
D. Answer the following question using complete sentences.
18. Describe the new capital city of the Islamic Empire.
Name {....................................}
Date {......................}
The Story of the World
Chapter 8 Test: The Great Dynasties of China
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. {.................} was a Chinese general who united China into one country.
2. He founded the {.................} dynasty.
3. {.................} founded the next dynasty, which lasted for over 300 years.
4. The name of this dynasty was the {.................} dynasty.
B. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best choice.
5. What problem did the emperors have in keeping northern and southern China united?
a. The two areas were too far apart.
b. Two large rivers separated the north and the south.
c. The people did not want to trade with each other.
d. They did not have a strong army.
6. What was the name of the new canal that the emperors built?
a. the Yellow Canal
b. the Yangtze Canal
c. the Grand Canal
d. the Grand River
7. How did the emperors find enough workers to dig the canal?
a. They forced millions of people to work on it.
b. They paid anyone who was willing to work.
c. They captured slaves to dig it.
d. They used horses and mules.
8. How did the emperor Yangdi celebrate when the canal was finished?