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Asepsis and infection control
Dr. Ali D. Abbas
Instructor, Fundamentals of Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of
A major concern for health partitions is the danger
of spreading microorganisms from person to person and
from place to place . Microorganisms are naturally present
in almost all environments . Some are beneficial ;some are
not. Some are harmless to most people, and 0thers are
harmful to many people . Still others are harmless except in
certain circumstances.
Systematic approach to the control of infections include:
1. Mass immunization programs
2. Laws concerning safe sewage disposal
3. Regulations for the control of communicable disease
4.Hospital infection-surveillance programs
Prevention of infection is a major focus for primary caregivers, nurse are involved in
1. Identifying
2. Preventing
3. Controlling
4. Teaching patient about infection control
Use of the
nursing process
can prove critical in breaking the cycle
of infection
Is the absence of organism causing disease
Medical asepsis(clean)
Refers to practices which help reduce the number and
hinder the transfer of disease-producing micro organism
from one person or place to another
Surgical asepsis (sterile)
Practices that render and keep objects and areas free
from organisms.
A tiny living animal or plant that can cause disease
,most are visible only with a microscope
A microorganism that causes disease
Means to make something unclean, such as area
equipment ,if it contain microorganisms that cause disease.
A substance used to destroy pathogens
but not necessarily their spores, in general
not intended for use on persons.
A substance used to destroy pathogens
on living object such as skin and mucous
membrane .
A process by which pathogens, but not spores, are
The invasion of the body by diseaseproducing microorganism and the body's
reaction to their presence .
Cross –infection
Is an infection transmitted from an infected person or
an object to other persons or objects
Inflammation is a response of a tissue to injury, often
injury caused by invading pathogens. It is characterized by:
increased blood flow to the tissue causing
increased temperature,
swelling, and
A process by which all microorganisms including
spores are destroy
Nosocomial infection
a hospital-acquired
infection or HAI, is an infection whose development is
favored by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by
a patient during a hospital visit
Isolation technique
refers to the precautions that are taken in the hospital
to prevent the spread of an infectious agent from an
infected or colonized patient to susceptible persons.
The occurrence of certain diseases as they relate to a
population or geographic area.
Chain of infection
Immunizations screen
healthcare staff
Hand hygiene
Wear gloves
Use masks and appropriate
productive gear proper
disposal of needles / sharps
Hand hygiene
Use pesticides to eliminate
Adequate refrigeration
Hand hygiene
Sterilization or use of
disposable supplies
Dry intact dressing
Hand hygiene
Wear gloves if contact with body
Cover nose and mouth when
1. Infectious agent
1. Bacteria
3. Fungi
The most significant and most commonly observed
infection-causing agents in health care institutions
Can be categorized according to :
1. Shape
-spherical (cocci)
-rod shaped (bacilli)
-corkscrew shaped (spirochetes)
2. Reaction to Gram stain
-Gram positive bacteria
- Gram negative bacteria
3. Bacterial is their need for oxygen
- aerobic
- anaerobic
2. Virus
Is the smallest of all microorganisms, visible only with
an electron microscope ,such as virus cause common cold
and AIDS
3. Fungi
Plant-like organism (molds and yeasts) that also can
cause infection ,are present in the air ,soil, and water .
Example of disease cause by fungi include athlete's
foot ,ringworm, and yeast infections.
An organism's potential to produce disease in a person
depends on verity of factors, including:
1. Number of organism
2.Virulence of the organism , or its ability to cause disease.
3. Competence of the person's immune system
4. Length and intimacy of the contact between the person
and the microorganism.
Under normal conditions, some organisms may not
produce disease .
Microorganism that commonly inhabit various body
sites and are part of the body's natural defense system are
referred to as normal flora .
Other factors may intervene causing this usually
harmless organism to generate an infection .
Bacterial that normally cause no problem but, with
certain factors, may potentially be harmful are referred to
as opportunists.
For example .one type of Escherichia coli normally
resides in the intestinal tract and causes no harm. However
, if it migrates to the urinary tract ,it can lead to UTI
2. Reservoir
It for growth and multiplication of microorganisms is
the natural habitat of the organism. Possible reservoirs that
support organism pathogenic to humans include other
people ,animals ,soil, food ,water ,and inanimate objects.
other people ‫ فيما يتعلق ب‬656 ‫مراجعة المنهج صفحة‬
Other reservoir
3. Portal of exit
The portal of exit is the point of escape for the
organism from the reservoir . The organism that cannot
extend is influence unless it moves away from its original
reservoir . Usually, each type of microorganism has a
primary exit route . In humans, common portal of exit or
escape routes include the respiratory, gastrointestinal , and
genitourinary tracts, as well as breaks in the skin. Blood and
tissue can also be portals of exit for pathogens.
4. Means of transmission
Organism can enter the body by way of the contact
route, either directly or indirectly ,
Contaminated blood, food, water, or inanimate objects
(fomites) are vehicles of transmission.
Vectors such as mosquito ,ticks, and lice.
Microorganism can also be spread through the
airborne route when infected host coughs, sneezes, or talk.
5. Portal of entry
The portal of entry is the point at which organism
enter a new host. The organism must find a portal of entry
to a host or it may die.
6. Susceptible host
Is the degree of resistance the potential host has to
the pathogen
Stages of infection
An infection progresses through the following phases:
1. incubation period
2. prodromal stage
3. full stage of illness
4. convalescent period
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The body's defense against infection
1. Body's normal flora
2. Inflammatory response
3. Immune response
658 ‫مراجعة المنهج صفحة‬
2. Inflammatory response
The inflammatory response is a prodective mechanism
that eliminates the invading pathogen and allows for
tissue repair to occur.
The inflammatory response also occurs in response to
injury .it is either an acute or chronic process.
The vascular and cellular stages are the main
component of the inflammatory process and these
physiological processes are responsible for the appearance
of the cardinal signs( redness , heat, swelling, pain, and loss
of function)
Vascular stage
Small blood vessels constrict
Vasodilation of arterioles and venues
Increase blood flow
Redness and heat
Histamine released
Increase permeability of vessels
Allow protein-rich fluid pour into area
Swelling ,pain, and loss of function
Cellular stage
White blood cells(leukocytes)
Neutrophils (phagocytes)
Engulf the organism and consume cell debris
Exudate (fluid, cell), Clear (serous), Red blood cell (sanguinous), Pus (purulent)
Scar tissue
3. Immune response
The foreign material is called an antigen
,and the body responds to the antigen by
producing an antibody .(humoral immunity)
Cell mediated defense (cellular immunity)
Increase the number oh lymphocytes (white blood cell)
Help to defend the body specifically against bacterial,
viral , and fungal infections, as well as malignant cell.