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Student Name Student ID
Cheryl Beland
0109719 - pg1
Jason Rafael
Tara Burton
PIX or
Tissues Classification
Sub Type
Sub Type
Sub Type
Name of Slide / Notes / Description
Picture or Illustration From Web XC
where would you find that tissue type?
Sub Type
Adipose-fat cells
Slide1 is of a cross section of the mammalian trachea (wind pipe)
contains examples of several different kinds of tissues. In addition to
the pseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the trachea and
hyaline cartilage, also seen on this slide is an extensive area of
adipose tissue, which is specialized for fat storage. Slide 2: the fat
has been removed from the cells giving the tissue the appearance of
fish net. (100 X MAGNIFICATION)
Reticular fibers - reticulum
(a network)
The slides show loose (reticular) connective tissue fibers which
form a branching network, an interwoven framework in lots of
organs. A network of reticular fibers in a typical loose ground
substance; reticular cells lie on the network.
These slides show (white fibrous) at 400x magnification. It consists
of primarily parallel collagen fibers and a few elastic fibers. Its major
cell type is fibroblast.
Slide 1 shows dense irregular connective tissue found beneath the
basal surface of the epidermis. Notice how the fibers are cut in
various planes.
Slide 2: Skin, hair follicles - Microscope at 400X
Dense irregular connective tissue contains an interwoven meshwork of
collagen fibers. This structural pattern provides support to areas subjected to
stresses from many directions. As you grasp objects in your hand or pivot your The dermis of the skin is dense irregular connective tissue and is what
foot, forces are placed across the skin from any of a number of directions. The gives skin its strength.
protein fibers anchoring skin in these locations counter variable forces by being
arranged randomly.
These slides show Elastic connective tissue - 400x
This tissue clearly shows the thick elastic fibers found in this kind of
tissue. Elastic Connective Tissue is a specific connective tissue
underneath the banner of Connective Tissue Proper and, to be
specific, a dense connective tissue (as Connective Tissue Proper is
divided into Loose & Dense CT). It is labeled this due to it's intense
concentration of elastic fibers in the extracellular matrix.
Elastic connective tissue can be found in the vocal cords and in the nuchal
Elastic connective tissue is used by the body to create structures that
ligaments that help to hold the head up. A good amount of this tissue is found in
can stretch.
arteries which are really elastic.
These slides show Hyaline cartilage - 400x, which is the most
common type of cartilage. The matrix contains closely packed
collagen fibers, making hyaline cartilage tough but somewhat flexible.
You can see the lacunae spread out, with no fibers visible in the
matrix. Hyaline cartilage is distinguished by its homogenous matrix
surrounding the small nests of chrondrocytes. Notice the
perichondrium which surrounds hyaline cartilage.
Hyaline Cartilage connects the ribs to the sternum (breastbone), supports the
conducting passageways of the respiratory tract, and covers opposing bones
surfaces within joints.
These slides show Elastic cartilage - 400x Slide 1: (auricle of ear)
Slide 2: Note the lacunae where the chondrocytes are located. A
closer look shows the heterogeneity of the matrix. Again confirm
elastic fibers by focusing through them on the actual microscope.
These slides show Fibrous cartilage - 400x
This tissue is found in the intervertebral discs of the spinal column
and in the menisci (pads) found between certain bones such as the
femur and tibia. Fibrocartilage ideally assumes a herring bone
pattern. It has a linear orientation related to it's function. You can see
the lacunae interspersed with the prominent fibers. Always look for
the isolated chondrocytes in their lacunae.
Pads of fibrous cartilage lie between the vertebrae of the spinal column,
between the pubic bones of the pelvis, and around or within a few joints and
These slides contain a section of dried compact bone. Note that the
bone matrix is deposited in concentric layers called lamellae. The
basic unit of structure in compact bone is the osteon. In each osteon,
the lamellae are arranged around a central Haversian canal that
houses nerves and blood vessels in living bone. The osteocytes
(bone cells) are located in spaces called lacunae, which are
connected by slender branching tubules called canaliculi. These
"little canals" radiate out from the lacunae to form an extensive
network connecting bone cells to each other and to the blood supply.
Because of the closely packed osteons and multiple stacked layers with
few gaps on this tissue, the compact bone is extremely hard and dense
Compact bone, also called cortical bone, forms a shell around cancellous bone
(compared with the cancellous bone). These features are vital to serve
and is the primary component of the long bones of the arm and leg and other
its function in providing support to the body and protecting the organs. It
bones, where its greater strength and rigidity are needed. It makes up the hard
also provides levers for movement and store minerals (similar to
exterior of skeletal bones.
cancellous bone).
Spongy (Cancellous) Bone Tissue is composed of small trabeculae
(bars) of bone. Spongy bone is the tissue that makes up the interior
of bones. In long bones, spongy bone forms the interior of the
Spongy bone (cancellous bone) is in shorter, flatter bones, and at the ends of
long bones under compact bone. It is also found on the edges of rounded
bones like those of the arms and legs. Though this bone is not quite as strong
as compact bone, it is somewhat more flexible and is useful in bones that are
Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, exist throughout a blood smear.
They appear in these slides as biconcave discs of uniform shape
and size that lack organelles and granules. Red blood cells have a
characteristic pink appearance due to their high content of
hemoglobin, which is basic. The central pale area of each red blood
cell is due to the concavity of the disc. A second image from the
scanning electron microscope shows the biconcave shape of
erythrocytes. This shape allows red blood cells to bend and deform
so that they can traverse tiny capillaries.
Erythocytes are the major cellular element of the circulating blood.
Slide 1: Eosinophil - 10 to 15 um diameter
Eosinophils constitute 2.0 to 4.0% of leukocytes (white blood cells) in
the human blood, and are the largest in size of the granulocytes.
These cells usually contain a bilobate (two lobes) nucleus and a
cytoplasm full of brightly stained eosinophilic (orange-red) specific
granules. These secondary granules contain peroxidase, lysosomal
enzyme, and major basic protein. Slide 2: The electron micrograph
slides of the eosinophil shows its bilobed nucleus as well as the
many granules containing major basic protein.
Produced in the bone marrow, eosinophils migrate into circulation briefly before Eosinophils function specifically as phagocytes to destroy larvae of
moving into tissue where they survive for around six hours. Eosinophils are
parasites that have invaded tissues i.e. in trichinosis, schistosomiasis,
mainly located in connective tissue associated with routes into the respiratory, and appear to play a role in allergic responses. Other functions of
digestive, and reproductive systems as well as the urinary tract.
eosinophils include phagocytosis of antigen antibody complexes.
These slides are of Basophils, which have a simple or bilobed
nucleus that is often difficult to see because of its most
characteristic feature: a large number or coarse, purplish granules.
These granules contain histamine, similar to mast cell granules.
Basophils differ from eosinophils and neutrophils in that they are not
phagocytes; instead, they degranulate to perform their immune
function. They are intermediate in size between the other two
classes of granulocytes. The electron micrograph of the basophil
demonstrates its single-lobed nucleus and numerous histamine
Basophils can be found in unusually high numbers at sites of ectoparasite
infection, e.g., ticks. Like eosinophils, basophils play a role in both parasitic
infections and allergies. They are found in tissues where allergic reactions are
occurring and probably contribute to the severity of these reactions.
Slide 1: Neutriophil - 10 to 15 u diameter. These cells constitute 70%
of leukocytes. Neutrophils are the most numerous of all leukocytes,
therefore, easiest to identify. Slide 2: The cytoplasm is pink to grey
because of the neutral staining of specific granules (i.e. they don't
stain ) and contains fine lilac granules. Neutrophils have a
characteristic multilobed nucleus, with 3 to 5 lobes joined by slender
strands of genetic material. These granules contain lysosomal
enzymes that work against bacteria.
In addition to recruiting and activating other cells of the immune system,
Neutrophils are normally found in the blood stream. Neutrophils are recruited to
neutrophils play a key role in the front-line defense against invading
the site of injury within minutes following trauma and are the hallmark of acute
pathogens. Neutrophils have three strategies for directly attacking microinflammation. During the beginning (acute) phase of inflammation, neutrophils
organisms: phagocytosis (ingestion), release of soluble anti-microbials
are one of the first-responders of inflammatory cells to migrate towards the site
(including granule proteins), and generation of neutrophil extracellular
of inflammation. They are the predominant cells in pus, accounting for its
traps (NETs). Neutrophils function as scavengers within extravascular
whitish/yellowish appearance.
tissue, destroying bacteria or other infectious organisms that invade the
Monocytes - 12 to 20 um diameter
Monocytes are larger than lymphocytes and granulocytes and
contain horseshoe-shaped nuclei. Note the grayish blue color of the
cytoplasm, and contrast this with the pink cytoplasm of a neutrophil
and the deep blue of a lymphocyte in slide 1. Slide 2: An electron
micrograph of a monocyte shows its horseshoe-shaped nucleus
(which appears as two sections because of the plane of the image)
and several phagocytic vesicles. More importantly, it shows granules
containing lysosomal enzymes
Monocytes are produced by the bone marrow from haematopoietic stem cell
precursors called monoblasts. Monocytes circulate in the bloodstream for
about one to three days and then typically move into tissues throughout the
body. They constitute between three to eight percent of the leukocytes in the
blood. Half of them are stored as a reserve in the spleen in clusters in the red
pulp's Cords of Billroth.[1] In the tissues monocytes mature into different types
of macrophages at different anatomical locations. Monocyte is the largest
corpuscle in the blood
Slide 1: Lymphocytes constitute 20 - 25% of agranulocytes and may
be small, medium or large in size. The nucleus is rounded or oval,
and usually the same size as an erythrocyte. The chromatin is
densely packed with no apparent nucleoli. When compared with
nuclei of other cells, the lymphocyte nucleus almost always appears
smudged. The cytoplasm is scanty and stains pale blue. Slide
2:Coloured Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of killer Tlymphocytes (orange) beginning to attack a cancer cell (mauve).
These lymphocytes will kill the cancer cell by chemically inducing
Programmed Cell Death (PCD, also known as apoptosis).
The small lymphocyte is about the same size as an erythrocyte and contains a
dark nucleus with a thin rim of surrounding cytoplasm. Lymphocytes do not
The large lymphocyte is considerably larger than its small counterpart
contain visible granules. It is not possible to distinguish B- and T-lymphocytes
and has a much larger nucleus and greater cytoplasmic volume. It is not
at this level of magnification. Under the electron microscope, lymphocytes
possible to distinguish B- and T-lymphocytes at this level of
appear fairly unremarkable. Importantly, however, the nucleus is round and
there are no visible granules present in these cells
Slide1: Macrophage. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM)
of a macrophage white blood cell. Macrophages are cells of the
body's immune system. They are found in the tissues rather than in
the circulating blood. The cytoplasmic extensions at the bottom of
this cell are used for locomotion within the tissues. Macrophages
recognise foreign particles, including bacteria, pollen and dust, and
phagocytose (engulf) and digest them. Magnification: x4000 when
printed at 10 centimetres wide. Slide 2: Macrophage Attacking E.coli
(SEM x8,800
Macrophages function in both non-specific defense (innate immunity) as
well as help initiate specific defense mechanisms (adaptive immunity) of
vertebrate animals. Their role is to phagocytose (engulf and then digest)
cellular debris and pathogens, either as stationary or as mobile cells.
They also stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to
pathogens. They are specialized phagocytic cells that attack foreign
substances, infectious microbes and cancer cells through destruction
and ingestion. Macrophages are also suspected to be important in the
formation of important organs like the heart, brain.
Slide 1: Magnification: x3,300 at 6x6cm size. Coloured scanning
electron micro- graph (SEM) of activated blood platelets. Platelet
cells are formed in the bone marrow, and circulate in the
bloodstream in large numbers. When unactivated they are
round/oval, whereas activated platelets develop pseudopodia or
extensions from the cell wall. Platelets are cytoplasmic fragments
derived from megakaryocytes, from which they bud off. These
fragments tend to form small aggregates randomly dispersed
throughout the blood smear. Slide 2 shows blood platelets, 2 to 5
microns in size. The platelets contain cytoplasm with some
intracellular organelles. These include granules, but no nucleus.
The first slide is of frozen plasma donated to various blood banks.
Slide 2: Blood Plasma is a sort of yellowish liquid and it is one of the
essential components of the blood. It constitutes about 55% of the
total blood volume. A major part of the plasma is only water and it
may even contain dissolved protein particles along with glucose,
mineral ions, carbon dioxide, hormones, clotting factors and glucose.
Slide 1 shows Lymph, which is composed of water and solutes. It is
very similar in composition to blood, but contains fewer proteins and
cells. As the blood circulates, it flows through capillary beds where
transport of solutes and water into or out of the blood occurs. As
solutes move out of the blood and into the tissues, water is lost from
the blood (moving into the tissues). Much, but not all, of this water is
reabsorbed into the capillaries. The remaining fluid is absorbed into
lymphatic capillaries when interstitial pressure is higher than in the
lymphatic capillaries and deposited back into the venous blood
supply through the subclavian veins. Disruption of the lymphatic
drainage of tissues leads to edema. Slide 2 shows lymph and its
surrounding tissues.
Areolar-Areola "little space"
Cells-Formed elements
Erythrocytes-red blood cells
Leukocytes-white blood cells 13
Loose connective tissue (areolar) is located directly beneath the epidermis of
the skin, digestive tract, respiratory and urinary tracts; between muscles
around blood vessels, nerves, and around joints
Adipose tissue is a highly specialized loose connective tissue. This tissue is
scattered around the body, deep in the skin, especially at sides, buttocks,
breasts and within other organs. It also provides padding around eyes and
Reticular connective tissue is found around the liver, the kidney, the spleen,
and lymph nodes, as well as in bone marrow.
Dense regular connective tissue is found making up the tendons and
ligaments. Tendons, which connect muscle to bone, derive their strength from
the regular, longitudinal arrangement of bundles of elastic fibers. Ligaments
bind bone to bone and are similar in structure to tendons.
Elastic cartilage is found predominately in the highly bendable cartilage of the
outer ear (pinna). The epiglottis, which bends down to cover the glottis
(opening) of the larynx each time we swallow, is also made of elastic cartilage.
what's the function?
Slide 1 shows loose (areolar) connective tissue, which is used
extensively throughout the body for fastening down the skin,
membranes, vessels and nerves as well as binding muscles and
other tissues together. The tissue consist of an extensive network of
fibers secreted by cells called fibroblasts. The most numerous of
these fibers are the thicker, lightly-staining collagenous fibers.
Thinner, dark-staining elastic fibers composed of the protein elastin
can also be seen. Slide 2 shows loose connective tissue of the sole
of the foot.
Loose (areolar) connective tissue separates the skin from underlying
muscles, providing both padding and independent movement. It
cushions organs, provides support, but permits independent movement;
phagocytic cells in the loose connective tissue provide defense against
Slide 1: Slide 2:
Adipose tissue is designed to store large quantities of triacylglycerols
(triglycerides) and fat-soluble substances. It is the largest storage
reservoir of metabolic fuel in the body, it serves as a thermal insulator, in
the case of the skin, and a protective cushion, in the case of the adipose
that surrounds organs
Slide 1: Slide 2:
Reticular connective tissue fibers form a soft skeleton (stroma) to
support the lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, red bone marrow, and
spleen). Adipose tissue is held together by reticular fibers.
Slide 1:
Dense regular connective tissue function is it attaches muscles to
bones or to muscles
Dense regular connective tissue also provides connection between
different tissues. The collagen fibers in dense regular connective tissue
are bundled in a parallel fashion.
Slide 1: Slide 2:
Slide 1:
Slide 1:
The function of hyaline cartilage is to provide flexible support. It has great
tensile strength (due to the collagen) and is highly resistant to pressure
(due to the ground substance). Hyaline cartilage provides a framework
for the developing embryo prior to the appearance of bone. Later, it
supplies the mechanism by which bones grow in length
Slide 1:
Elastic cartilage is similar to hyaline cartilage, but its matrix contains
many elastic fibers along with the delicate collagen fibrils. This cartilage
is more elastic than hyaline cartilage and better able to tolerate repeated
Slide 1:
Fibrocartilage tissue provides support and rigidity to
attached/surrounding structures. It has little ground substance, and its
matrix is dominated by collagen fibers. These fibers are densely
interwoven, making this tissue extremely durable and tough. In the
positions mentioned on the left , they resist compression, absorb
shocks, and prevent damaging bone-to-bone contact.
Spongy bone has more blood vessels and usually contains bone
marrow, where red blood cells are produced and cushions red marrow.
Spongy bone is the spongy interior layer of bone that protects the bone
marrow. It structurally resembles honeycomb and accounts for about
20% of bone matter in the human body.
The function of an erythocytes to transport oxygen from the vascular
circulation to the lungs for gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Basophils appear in many specific kinds of inflammatory reactions,
particularly those that cause allergic symptoms. Basophils contain
anticoagulant heparin, which prevents blood from clotting too quickly.
They also contain the vasodilator histamine, which promotes blood flow
to tissues.
Monocytes play multiple roles in immune function. Such roles include:
(1) replenish resident macrophages and dendritic cells under normal
states, and (2) in response to inflammation signals, monocytes can
move quickly (approx. 8-12 hours) to sites of infection in the tissues and
divide/differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells to elicit an
immune response.
Platelets-cell fragments-do
not reproduce-formed
element-membraneous formed elements
Lymph-formed in
lymph glands and
ducts-dissolves fat
and carries white
blood cells and
lymphatic fluids,
more salts-dumps
into subclavian
Platelets are found in blood and important for its role in blood coagulation;
platelets, which are formed by detachment of part of the cytoplasm of a
megakaryocyte, lack a nucleus and DNA but contain active enzymes and
Platelets function in two ways: they plug defects in the walls of damaged
blood vessels, and they are involved in the clotting of blood. They also
release serotonin which constricts blood vessels.
Blood plasma is the straw-colored liquid component of blood in which the blood
cells in whole blood are normally suspended. It makes up about 55% of the
Plasma is the main medium for excretory product transportation. It also
total blood volume. It is the intravascular fluid part of extracellular fluid (all body serves as the protein reserve of the human body. It plays a vital role in
fluid outside of cells). It is mostly water (93% by volume) and contains
intravascular osmotic effect that keeps electrolyte in balance form and
dissolved proteins, glucose, clotting factors, mineral ions, hormones and
protects the body from infection and other blood disorders.
carbon dioxide.
Lymph fluid bathes all the cells of the body, washing away the waste products
of the cells. After cleansing the tissue, the lymph fluid is transported through
lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes where it rejoins the rest of the blood in the
chest. We have 3 times as much lymph fluid in our body as blood. 45 pints of
lymph fluid in our body vs blood
Lymph acts to remove bacteria and certain proteins from the tissues,
transport fat from the small intestine, and supply mature lymphocytes to
the blood.
Slide 2:
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Slide 1:
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Slide 1:
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Slide 1;
Slide 1:
Slide 1:
A majority of macrophages are stationed at strategic points where microbial
invasion or accumulation of dust is likely to occur.
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 1:
Slide 1:
Slide 1:
Slide 1:
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Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
Slide 2:
PIX or
Tissues Classification
where would you find that tissue type?
what's the function?
This first slide shows islands of healthy skeletal muscle scattered
with vascularized connective tissue and the second slide is Necrotic
skeletal muscle fiber bundles or dying smooth Mucles due to loss of
vascular support.
Sketetal muscle is found throughout the body.
Sketetal muscle helps with movement, helps maintain posture and body
position, support of organ tissues and heat production.
This first slide shows Smooth Muscle derived from embryonic stem
cells, the second picture is Human Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells.
Smooth muscles cells derived from human embryonic stem cells
showing the nuclei (blue) and proteins of the cytoskeleton (green).
These cells could one day be used to replace smooth muscle of the
blood vessels, bladder, intestines or uterus.
Smooth Muscle can be found almost every organ, forming sheets, bundles, or
sheaths around other tissues. They are found in the skeletal, muscular,
nrevous, endocrine, digestive and urinary system.
Smooth muscle around blood vessels regulate blood flow through vital
organs. Smooth muscle also regular movement along internal
passageways (Sphincters)
Like skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle is striated. Unlike skeletal
muscle, cardiac muscle also has intercalated discs, which both
strengthens the tissue and provides a route for electrical stimulation
impulses to travel throughout the heart. Slide 1: Cardiac Muscle with
intercalated discs, Slide 2: cardiac smooth Muscle with all central
nuclei and cross striations.
Cardiac muscle can only be found in the heart, in the midline of the thoracic
region of the chest.
Cardiac muscle controls all blood flow throughout the body. Cardiac
muscle tissue contracts without neural stimulation (automaticity) by
specialized cardiac muscle cells called pacemaker cells. Cardiac
muscle cannot undergo tetanus.
These slides show human embryonic stem cell-motor neurons
stained to fluoresce in green. Using Immunofluorescent light
micrograph. Neurons are the neurotransmitters in the body that
transmit action potentials. They are the intricate network of
communication within the body.
Neurons can be found in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
All neuron function involves the communication of neurons with one
another and with other cells.
Three sub categories
Slide one shows Astrocytes in the central nervous system, magnified
100 times. Neurons appear round and red. The astrocytes (motor
neuron support cells) are yellow
There are three forms of astrocytes in the CNS: fibrous, protoplasmic, and
radial astrocytes. Fibrous, found in white matter, Protoplasmic, found in gray
matter, and radial, which exist at the intersection of gray matter and the
innermost layer of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Astrocytes secrete chemicals vital to the maintenance of the blood-brain
barrier. They also create a structural framework for CNS neurons and
perform repairs in damaged neural tissues.
fiborus astrocyte
Slide one shows two Fiborus Astrocyte Golgi Stain, Second Slide
shows Motor Neuron with neuropil Fibrous astrocytes .
Fibrous astrocytes are usually found in the white matter
Fibrous astrocytes are found mainly in the white matter, where their
processes pass between the nerve fibers.
The first slide is high magnification view of a section from the brain
shows numerous, dark stained protoplasmic astrocytes, second
shows These astrocytes are found only in the gray matter, which
contains neuronal cell bodies
These specialized attachments to blood vessels are called foot plates, and
they form part of the blood-brain barrier.
It is found chiefly in gray matter of brain and spinal cord and is important
in metabolite transport
The first slide is showing red radial Astrocyte dividing symmetrically
or asymmetrically to produce neurons (red) that migrate into the
cortex along the fibre of their progenitor. Slide 2: Radial astrocytes
have long radial processes that penetrate the granular layer. These
astrocytes divide and mature into new granule neurons, cells
develop apical processes that become the dendrites of the new
granule neurons
Radial astrocyte are known to divide symmetrically or asymmetrically to
Radial Astrocyte is a type of astrocyte with a radial orientation commonly found
produce neurons that migrate into the cortex along the fibre of their
in spinal cord and brain of lower vertebrates and sometimes in the optic nerve
These slides show oligodendrocytes with dark round nuclei
Oligodendrocytes are the second major population of glia and are ubiquitous
throughout the adult CNS.
Ooligodendroglia are the myelin producing cells of the central nervous
system that ensheath multiple axons and enable rapid impulse
Ependymal slide with a view of the cells merging with the central
canal, the second slide is a view of the ependyma, which consists of
a single layer of ciliated cuboidal epithelium.
Ependymal cells are the cells which line the ventricles of the brain. They are
typically cuboidal and often have cilia
Ependymal Cells form sheets of cells that line canals and spaces of the
CNS. Take part in creating fluid and moving fluid.
Microglia, although they are difficult to find on a routine H&E stain of
normal brain, they can be identified with a number of special
stains.They are the smallest and rarest of the neuroglia in the CNS.
Microglia are phagcytic cells derived from WBCs thrat migrated into the CNS
as the nervous system formed.
Microglia perform protective functions such as: engulfing cellular waste
and pathogens.
Schwann cells
Schwann cells are also called Neurolemmocytes are cells that rap
around neurons in the peripheral nervous cells.
Schwann cell make up the peripheral nevrous system of the brain and
The Schwann cells are the cells that make the myelin in the peripheral nervous
provide the insulation (myelin) to neurons in the peripheral nervous
system (PNS).
Satellite cells
There are vast numbers of satellite cells, and most of the axons in
this are Satellite cell slide
There are two different nueroglial cells of the peripheral nervous systemSchwann cells and Satellite cells. These cells are found in the (PNS)
Sub Type
Is there another subset of
classification for this group of
Sub Type
Picture or Illustration From Web XC
Sub Type
Sub Type
Name of Slide / Notes / Description
radial astrocytes
Satellite Cells physically surround and support the neurons in the
peripheral nervous systems.
PIX or
Tissues Classification
Picture or Illustration From Web XC
where would you find that tissue type?
what's the function?
Sub Type
Slide 1 is a blood vessel surrounded by simple squamos epithelial
with each nucleus shown by the white arrow. Slide 2 is a view of
simple squamous epithelial at 400x magnification with dark objects in
the middle, which is the nucleus. In simple squamos epithelial, the
cells are flat and thin. Viewed from the surface they look like fried
Simple squamous epithelial line ventral body cavities, the heart and blood
vessels, portions of kidney tubules(thin sections of nephron loops), the inner
lining of cornea and the aveoli (air sacs) of lungs.
Simple squamous epithelial cells are thin and flat and reduce friction.
They control a vessel's permeability and they perform absorption and
Slide 1 is an example of simple cuboidal epithelial at high power
magnification and slide 2 is the same just at a lower power of
magnification. Simple cuboidal epithelial resembles little hexagon
boxes, but seen in a sectional view they appear square, such as in
the following slides.
Bar= 50 Microns
Simple cuboidal epithelial are located in glands, ducts, portions of kidney
tubules and the thyroid gland
Simple cuboidal epithelial's function as limited protection, secretion, and
Slide 1 is simple columnar epithelial that are ciliated as noted with
the white box markers at a lower magnification and a angel as with
you were looking at them from the side. Slide 2 is an example of the
same ciliated simple columnar epithelial but from a different angle,
as if you were looking at them from the surface. Simple columnar
epithelial cells are hexagon, but taller and more slender, kind of like a
beer bottle and resemble rectangles in a section view. The nucleus
is banded close to the basement membrane.
Simple columnar epithelial lines the respiratory tract, the trachea, and nasal
Simple columnar epithelial provides some protection by helping move
materials across epithelial surfaces.
Non Ciliated
Slide 1 is non ciliated columnar epithelial cells at a high magnification
and at a horizontal angle. Slide 2 is a uterine tube with the non
ciliated columnar epithelial or "peg cells" superior on the slide.
Non ciliated columnar epithelial occurs in areas of absorption or secretion, the
Non ciliated columnar epithelial provides some protection, helps with
lining of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, uterine tubes, and collecting ducts
secretion and absorption
of kidneys.
Slide 1 is the stratified squamous flat keratinized epithelial example
from the sole of a human foot. Slide 2 is the same example with the
keratinized part shown by the arrow. In stratified squamous flat
keratinized cells, only the top layer is flat, the cells in the lower layers
will appear more round. Keratinized cells are flattened dead, densely
packed epithelial cells as shown by the markers on the following
Stratified squamous flat keratinized epithelial is found where mechanical
stresses are severe, like on surface of skin and soles of feet and hands and
helps form nails, hair, and calluses.
Stratified squamous flat keratinized epithelial is the flattened, dead,
densely packed epithelial cells that provide physical protection against
abrasion, pathogens and chemical attacks. It also helps form nails, hair,
and calluses.
Non Keratinized
Slide 1 is a non keratinized stratified squamous flat epithelial
example taken from the esophagus containing the mucus secreting
glands. Slide two is the same example minus the mucus secreting
glands from a vagina.
Non keratinized stratified squamous flat epithelial forms the lining of mouth,
throat, esophagus, rectum, anus and vagina
Non keratinized stratified squamous flat epithelial provides physical
protection against abrasion, pathogens and chemical attack,
Cuboidal tubules
Slide 1 is a cross-sectional view through a duct of a sweat gland,
slide 2 is stratified cuboidal tubules surrounding a primary oocyte in
late primary follicle. The zona pellucida (ZP) separates the cuboidal
cells from the oocyte.
Stratified cuboidal tubules are relatively rare and found in the ducts of sweat
glands and in the larger ducts of the mammary glands
Stratified cuboidal tubules provide limited protection, secretion, and
Slide 1 100x of stratified columnar epithelial, slide 2 is from a salivary
gland duct with inside dark purple being the stratified columnar
Stratified columnar epithelial is also relatively rare and found along portions of
the pharynx, epiglottis, anus, urethra, and a few large excretory ducts
Stratified columnar epithelial main function is that of protection.,
Slide 1 from the vas deferens of the male reproductive tract with dark
inner circle being the pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Slide 2 is
a higher magnetized example of pseudostratified columnar
epithelium. Cells look stratified but are not because the cells contact
the basement membrane. Epithelial cells of this tissue typically
possess cilia.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is found in the lining of nasal cavity,
trachea and bronchi and in portions of male reproductive tract.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium main function is that of protection
and secretion,
slide 1- from a urinary bladder with the transitional epithelium marked
by blue line, slide 2 from an empty bladder. Transitional epithelium
is a stratified epithelium that tolerates repeated stretching. It is called
transitional because the appearance of the epithelium changes from
the unstretched to the stretched state. An example would be an
empty urinary bladder, the epithelium is layered with the outermost
cells appearing plump and cuboidal, as in slide 2. In a full bladder the
epithelium appears flattened and more like squamous epithelium.
Transitional epithelium are found in the urinary bladder, renal pelvis of kidneys
Transitional epithelium permits expansion and recoils after stretching.
and ureters
Squamous flat
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