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12/11/12 Chapter 11 Byzantine , Russian & Turks Interact Byzantine Empire 1 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law 2 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law n 1. Code = useful Roman laws Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law n 1. n 2. Code = useful Roman laws Digest = summarized Roman legal opinions 3 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law n 1. Code = useful Roman laws n 2. Digest = summarized Roman legal opinions n 3. Institutes = guide for law students Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law n 1. Code = useful Roman laws Digest = summarized Roman legal opinions n 3. Institutes = guide for law students n 4. Novellae = laws passed after 534 AD n 2. 4 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Growth of Byzantine Empire n Justinian 527-565 #96 (483-565) n Preserving Roman Law n Justinian Code = basis for Byzantine law n 1. Code = useful Roman laws n 2. Digest = summarized Roman legal opinions n 3. Institutes = guide for law students n 4. Novellae = laws passed after 534 AD n Byzantine law preserved Roman idea that PEOPLE should be ruled by laws rather then by the whims of a leader Chapter 11 Section 1 n Theodora - Justinian s wife 5 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Theodora n One - Justinian s wife of his key advisors Chapter 11 Section 1 n Theodora - Justinian s wife n One of his key advisors n Status of women improved n Altered divorce laws to benefit women n Dowry = money or goods the wife brought into a marriage. 6 12/11/12 Chapter 11 Section 1 n Theodora - Justinian s wife n One of his key advisors n Status of women improved n Altered divorce laws to benefit women n Dowry = money or goods the wife brought into a marriage. n Christian women n Allowed to own property equal to the value of their dowry. Nika Revolt ¤ 532 AD (fairly early in Justinians rule) £ Previous riot had been put down by government by force and fans in the Hippodrome demanded the overthrow of Justinian. £ Justinian wanted to flee £ Theodora convinced him to stay ¤ Fierce battle - Justinians troops defeated the rebels 7 12/11/12 Nika Revolt ¤ 532 AD (fairly early in Justinians rule) £ Justinian wanted to flee £ Theodora convinced him to stay ¤ Fierce battle - Justinians troops defeated the rebels £ Belisarius was general of the army- crushed the Nika Revolt. 30,000 rebels slaughtered. ¤ Won back lands from the Germanic tribes £ North Africa and Italy £ Rome changes hands 6 times pg 301 £ Empire will reach greatest size Nika Revolt ¤ 532 AD (fairly early in Justinians rule) ¤ Empire will reach greatest size £ 526 gold, 527-565 Red 8 12/11/12 Strength of Empire ¤ Powerful Emperors - lucky Strength of Empire ¤ Powerful Emperors - lucky ¤ Central Government- skilled diplomats rule, well paid, clever (marriage with foreign powers = Alliances) 9 12/11/12 Strength of Empire ¤ Powerful Emperors - lucky ¤ Central Government- skilled diplomats rule, ¤ Effective military force - trained, well designed army and navy - protect frontier. £ Greek fire- flammable liquid Strength of Empire ¤ Powerful Emperors - lucky ¤ Central Government- skilled diplomats rule ¤ Effective force - trained, well designed army and navy £ Greek fire- flammable liquid ¤ Wealth £ Control trade routes ¤ Constantinople “Grand City” Was called Byzantium before Constantine renamed it Constantinople. £ (central trade route, Europe meets Asia= tax) ¤ East is richest part of Roman Empire £ Imperial tax = huge revenues ¤ West taxed people to death (revolt) 10 12/11/12 Christian Church l Splits Church Roman Catholic in West l Eastern Orthodox in East l Christian Church l Splits Church Roman Catholic in West l Eastern Orthodox in East l 11 12/11/12 Issues with the Church l 1. Pope - Bishop of Rome l Rome is center for the church, therefore Rome becomes Pope. (in the eyes of the West) East, the Patriarch of Constantinople was the most powerful church leader. l Differences between them create two churches. l Christian Church l 2. Icons = holy pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints- symbolic 12 12/11/12 Christian Church l Icons = holy pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints- symbolic l Iconoclast- (east) believed that having icons were the same as worshipping idols l 726 Leo III ordered the destruction of icons Christian Church l Icons = holy pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints- symbolic l Iconoclast- believed that having icons were the same as worshipping idols (east) l 726 l Leo III ordered the destruction of icons People not happy, many can t read and learned about church from Icons. The symbols helped them understand Christianity. 13 12/11/12 Christian Church l Icons = holy pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints- symbolic l Iconoclast- believed that having icons were the same as worshipping idols (east) l 726 l Leo III ordered the destruction of icons Heresy - opinion that conflicts with church l Pope in Rome rules against Iconoclast. Veneration of Icons Christian Church l Icons = holy pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints- symbolic l Iconoclast- believed that having icons were the same as worshipping idols (east) l 726 Leo III ordered the destruction of icons l Heresy - opinion that conflicts with church l Excommunication = not a member of church any more, (kicked out) 14 12/11/12 Christian Church Byzantine Culture – Constantinople is center of great civilization • Center of trade, so people are constantly passing through and exchanging ideas. 15 12/11/12 Byzantine Culture – Constantinople is center of great civilization • Center of trade, so people are constantly passing through and exchanging ideas. – Cyril & Methodius • Christian missionaries – Teach bible to Slavs in central and eastern Europe. – Create alphabet - Cyrillic alphabet used today Byzantine Culture – Constantinople is center of great civilization • Center of trade, so people are constantly passing through and exchanging ideas. – Cyril & Methodius • Christian missionaries – Teach bible to Slavs in central and eastern Europe. – Create alphabet - Cyrillic alphabet used today – Art – Religion is main subject » Mosaic- picture made from small pieces of enamel glass or stone. » Father found in the dome 16 12/11/12 Byzantine Culture – Art – Religion is main subject » Mosaic- picture made from small pieces of enamel glass or stone. » Father found in the dome – Hagia Sophia – Church, holy wisdom – Built 532-537 AD – Architectural & engineering wonder. – First to solve problem of a round dome over a rectangular building. Byzantine Culture 17 12/11/12 Decline of the Empire Ø Plague Hits. By 542 10,000 people were dying every day, kept popping up until 700. Destroyed a huge percentage of the Byzantine population. Ø By 650 AD Byzantines had lost many lands Ø East Persian Ø Lombards (Germany) in Italy Ø Slavs (Balkan Peninsula) Ø Muslims, Syria, Palestine & North Africa Decline of the Empire Ø By 650 AD Byzantines had lost many lands Ø East Persian Ø Lombards (Germany) in Italy Ø Slavs (Balkan Peninsula Ø Muslims, Syria, Palestine & North Africa Ø 1000 s Turk - Asia captured 18 12/11/12 Decline of the Empire Ø By 650 Ad Byzantines had lost many lands Ø East Persian Ø Lombards (Germany) in Italy Ø Slavs (Balkan Peninsula Ø Muslims, Syria, Palestine & North Africa Ø 1000 s Turk - Asia captured Ø 1200 s Constantinople taken by West and recaptured back Ø Empire last another 200 years but….. Decline of the Empire Ø Empire last another 200 years but….. Ø Ottoman Turks 1453 capture Constantinople. 19