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Forms of Energy Research As you have studied potential and kinetic energy, you have realized that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Instead, energy transfers from one form to another. You are already familiar with mechanical energy, (the energy of motion), but what about when objects are not in motion? What are the other forms that energy takes? Problem: What are different forms of energy? How does energy transfer from one form to another? Your Task: Use Internet resources to research each form of energy. Energy Form Mechanical Energy Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Light Energy (Electromagnetic Waves) Chemical Energy Description The sum of an object’s kinetic (moving)energy and potential (stored) energy. Examples and/or Sources of Energy A pendulum traveling back and forth has mechanical energy. Source of Information www.softschools.co m/ facts/energy/mech anical_ energy_facts/396 Analysis: Identify each as mechanical, thermal, electrical, light, or chemical energy. 1. Batteries _______________ 2. A ball rolling down a hill _____________ 3. The sun _______________ 4. Lightning ______________________ 5. X-rays _________________ 6. Food _________________________ 7. Gasoline _______________ For #8-12, Tell how energy converts from one form to another in the following sentences. Ex: The sun shines on plants, causing photosynthesis. Light energy turns into chemical energy. 8. Plants grow, and are eaten to give energy to humans. __________________________________________________ 9. A human takes the energy from food, and uses it to pedal and move his bicycle. ___________________________________________________ 10. To slow down a bicycle, brakes are applied, causing friction and heat. ___________________________________________________ 11. Coal is burned in a power plant. ____________________________________________________ Extension: Use the Internet to research the following questions: 1. What is a primary energy source? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Where did you find your information? _______________________________ 2. What is a secondary energy source? ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Where did you find your information? _______________________________ 3. List some primary source examples: 4. List some secondary source examples: 5. What does it mean to say that electricity is a secondary energy source?s 6. What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? 7. Give some examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources.