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Q I Fill in the Blanks(a)The mode of nutrition in green plants is_______________
(b) The requirements for photosynthesis are_______________,___________
________________and ____________________
(c)____________is the process of movement of food in alimentary canal.
(d) The wall of the ileum has finger like projections called________ which have
absorptive cells.
(e)The largest gland in the human alimentary systems is_____________.
Give word for each of the following-
(a) Process of intake of food
(b) Organisms that depend on other living organisms for food.
(c) Finger like extensions of the cell surface of amoeba used to take in food.
(d) Mode of nutrition found in Cuscuta
(e) Chemical simplification of food.
Q3. Match the columns A and B:
A. Column A
1. Amoeba
2. Cusuta
3. Plasmodium
4. Pepsin
5. Amylase
Column B
a. Parasite
b. Intracellular digestion
c. Starch
d. Phagocytosis
e. Proteins
Q.IV Answer the following questions and supplement with diagrams wherever necessary1.
Write a complete balanced equation of photosynthesis.
What are the raw materials used in photosynthesis? How does the plant obtain them?
What is the mode of nutrition found in fungi?
Name any 2 plants that you would wish to select to show that chlorophyll is necessary
for photosynthesis?
Name the enzyme present in saliva?
6. Draw neat labelled diagrams of (a) Internal Structure of leaf
(b) Human Alimentary canal
(c) Process of digestion in Amoeba d) open and closed stomatal apparatus
7 .Why is a food vacuole formed in Amocba but not in our digestive system?
8. Show the locations of secretions of the following digestive enzymes and juices in the Human
Alimentary canalPepsin, Bile Juice, Salivary amylase, Trypsin, Intestinal Juice
9. The liver secretes bile which is required for digestion but it doesn’t contain any digestive
enzyme. Explain, why?
10. Where are villi located and how do they appear structurally? State their role in the human
alimentary canal.
11. Why do herbivores have a longer small intestine than carnivores?
12. How would the digestive system be affected if villi were not present in the small
13. How does intestinal juice complete the digestion process? What are the simplest forms of
food obtains once digestion is completed?
14. Why is stomach both a gland as well an organ of the digestive system? Name the
secretion of the stomach.
15. Name the three secretions of the gastric juice and list their functions.
16. State the two functions of HCl in our stomach.
17. Why is it so that inspite of stomach producing acid our stomach inner lining doesn’t get
burnt? Why do we sometimes complain of “acidity”?
18. What is peristalsis? Where do we observe such kind of movement? Is it under our
control, why?
19. Name the sphincters pushing food from
i) oesophagus to stomach ii) stomach to small intestine iii) anus
20. Draw a leaf cross-section and label- chloroplast, lower epidermis, upper epidermis,
guard cells.
1. Why are molecular movements needed for life ?State life processes crucial for life to
2.” Nutrition is the intake of nutrients” . Which two properties make a substance a nutrient?
3. How would you classify a green plant, a fungus, a roundworm and an animal based on
their modes of nutrition? Explain the manner in which they get their nutrition.
4. Why are Viruses considered to be on the borderline of living and non-living?
1. a) Describe in sequence the three important events occurring in a green leaf during
b) Desert plants donot follow the above mentioned sequence of photosynthesis. So, how do they
synthesise their food .
2. Describe the digestion of food and glands involved in the following organsi) mouth
ii) stomach iii)small intestine
3. Highlight the role/s ofi) Salivary glands ii) liver iii) pancreas iv) large intestine
4. How would fats be digested in the human body? How is its digestion different from the
digestion of proteins.
5. a) Define- Emulsification. Which foods undergo emulsification and why?
b) Where does emulsification occur in the human digestive system? Elaborate upon any daily life
example where we observe emulsification?
(A) Take 1 ml starch solution (1%) in two test tubes A and B. Add 1 ml of saliva to test
tube a and leave both the test tubes undisturbed for 15 min. Now, add a few drops of
iodine solution to the test tubes.
a) In which of the test tube , do you observe a colour change?
b) What does this indicate about the presence or absence of starch in both the test tubes.
c) Conclude about the action of saliva on starch.
(B) a)Illustrate the demonstrative set-up to show that sunlight is necessary for
b) Why do we take a destarched plant? How is the plant destarched?
c) Would we get same results if we use different colour strips like red or blue or green to
cover the leaf instead of black?
d) What would happen if we apply a coat of wax or Vaseline on the leaf and then let it
e) Why do we need to decolourise the leaf during this experiment? How do we do it?
f) Why can’t we heat alcohol directly to decolourise the leaf?
g) Given below are four leaf samples covered with black paper. Redraw them to show starch
ANSWER AS DIRECTEDQ. 1 Fill in the blanks
……………. is the energy rich compound produced during respiration.
The final product of glycolysis is………………………..
Aerobic respiration takes place in the ………………………..
The end products of fermentation are ………………………..
The………………………… corpuscles have the respiratory pigment …………….
Q.2 Name the structure that(a) Supports the wall of the trachea and does not allow it to collapse
(b) Separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity.
(c) Helps in production of sound
(d) Allows exchange of gases
(e) Used for respiration by fish
Q. 3 Match the following:
1. Anaerobic respiration
Moist Skin
2. Earthworm
3. Glycolysis
4. Haemocoel
Q. 4.Very short answer type questions
i)Name 2 organisms which use anaerobic mode of nutrition.t between breathing and
ii) Differentiate between breathing and respiration.
Which chemical pathway of respiration is common to both aerobes and anaerobes.
How does oxygen enter the blood in humans?
What is fermentation? Write an equation depicting it.
Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic animals faster than in terrestrial animals?
Q. 5.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Human Respiratory System.
Q. 6.
Two openings of the pharynx, one leading to the trachea and the other leading to
the oesophagus lie very close to each other, yet food does not enter the trachea.
Q. 7.
The respiratory surface in animals in thin and vascularized and has alveoli. Why?
Q. 8
What would happen if there was no diaphragm?
Q.9 Give reasons-i) the lungs not collapse when all the air has been exhaled
ii) the nasal lining has numerous tiny hair
Q. 10
What happens to glucose in-
a) Yeast cells b) Muscle cells
c) germinating seeds
Q. 11. How does inspiration occur in human beings?
Q. 12 Describe the process of exchange of gases at the tissue level.
Q. 13 Name the main respiratory substrate used in the respiration process. What is its source?
Q. 14 Which condition of respiration produces maximum energy? Give the chemical
Q. 15 Define fermentation'. What are the end product/s formed?
Q. 16 Compare the transportation of O2 and CO2 through the blood from alveoli to cells and
vice versa.
Q.17 What dissolves better in blood – CO2 or O2? Name the role of respiratory carrier in our
Q.18 What is formed wheni) O2 combines with haemoglobin ii) CO2 combines with Haemoglobin.
Q.19 State the similarity between alveoli and villi.
Q.20 How do plants respire? Name the special structures that they have in leaves, roots and
Q.21 Rohan’s mother told him that plants give out CO2 at night only and so we shouldn’t be
around them. Is this a myth or a fact? Justify
Q.22 In what cases does the Haemoglobin in the blood drop? What happens to the body in
such a condition? How can it be improved upon?
1.Why do we use KOH to prove that CO2 is released from germinating seeds?
2. Why does the water level rise in the U-bent tube while the germinating seeds are
3. Besides germinating seeds what else can be used to demonstrate that CO2 that is released
by living cells?
4. Draw the demonstrative set-up of the experiment that CO2 is released during respiration.