Download 1. Base your answer to the following question on A) regulate the rate

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1. Base your answer to the following question on What is the main function of the cells indicated by the
black pointer?
regulate the rate of gas exchange
store food for winter dormancy
undergo mitotic cell division
give support to the veins in the leaf
2. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between
internal leaf cells and the external environment will
occur most efficiently if
A) the surfaces of these cells are dry and the stomates
are closed
B) these cells are dry and the stomates are open
C) the surfaces of these cells are moist and the
stomates are open
D) these cells are moist and the stomates are closed
3. During the process of photosynthesis, energy from the
Sun is converted into
A) chemical energy in the bonds of inorganic
B) chemical energy in the bonds of organic molecules
C) enzymes used to produce inorganic molecules
D) enzymes used to produce organic molecules
4. A biological process that occurs in plants is represented below.
Which row in the chart below identifies the lettered substances in this process?
A) (1)
B) (2)
C) (3)
D) (4)
5. Which phrase, if placed in box X, would correctly complete the flowchart shown below?
Increased use of starch in root cells
Increased concentration of glucose in leaf cells
Decreased ATP in root cells
Decreased concentration of oxygen in leaf cells
6. Which statement best describes the starch, a type of
carbohydrate, content of two leaves taken from the same
plant shown in the chart below?
Neither leaf contains starch.
Both leaves contain the same amount of starch.
Leaf A contains more starch than leaf B.
Leaf B contains more starch than leaf A.
7. The diagram below represents a plant cell.
For the process of photosynthesis, the arrow labeled A
would most likely represent the direction of movement
carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy
oxygen, sugar, and solar energy
carbon dioxide, oxygen, and heat energy
sugar, water, and heat energy
8. Base your answer to the following question on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge
of biology.
A small water plant (elodea) was placed in bright sunlight for five hours as indicated below. Bubbles of
oxygen gas were observed being released from the plant.
What substance did the plant most likely absorb from the water in order to produce the oxygen gas?
A) dissolved nitrogen
C) an enzyme
B) carbon dioxide
D) a hormone
9. In the transfer of energy from the Sun to ecosystems,
which molecule is one of the first to store this energy?
A) protein
B) fat
D) glucose
10. Which set of terms best identifies the letters in the diagram below?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
11. Base your answer to the following question on An
experimental setup is shown below.
Which hypothesis would most likely be tested using this
Light is needed for the process of reproduction.
Glucose is not synthesized by plants in the dark.
Protein synthesis takes place in leaves.
Plants need fertilizers for proper growth.
D) 4
12. Leaves of green plants contain openings known as
stomates, which are opened and closed by specialized
cells allowing for gas exchange between the leaf and
the outside environment. Which phrase best represents
the net flow of gases involved in photosynthesis into
and out of the leaf through these openings on a sunny
A) carbon dioxide moves in; oxygen moves out
B) carbon dioxide and oxygen move in; ozone moves
C) oxygen moves in; nitrogen moves out
D) water and ozone move in; carbon dioxide moves
13. Base your answer to the following question on The
diagram below represents part of a life process in a leaf
If the process illustrated in the diagram is interrupted by
a chemical at point X, there would be an immediate
effect on the release of
A) chlorophyll
C) carbon dioxide
B) nitrogen
D) oxygen
14. Base your answer to the following question on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
A small green plant was placed in a flask as shown below. A sensor that measures the CO 2 content of
the air in the flask was inserted, and then the flask was sealed with a rubber stopper. The other end of the
sensor was connected to a computer to monitor and record CO2 levels in the flask over a period of time.
For part of the time the flask was placed in bright light and for part of the time it was placed in total
darkness. The graph below shows data that were recorded by the sensor over a period of time.
Which condition most likely produced the effect on CO 2 level over the first 23 minutes?
The light was on for the entire 23 minutes.
The light was off for the entire 23 minutes.
The light was off at the start and turned on after 10 minutes.
The light could have been either on or off because it would have had no effect on the CO 2 level.
15. Eating a sweet potato provides energy for human
metabolic processes. Which is the original source of
this energy?
protein molecules stored within the potato
starch molecules absorbed by the potato plant
the sun through photosynthesis
vitamins and minerals found in the soil
16. Which terms would most likely be included in the
explanation of the production of starch in a potato?
proteins, hydrolysis, and amino acids
photosynthesis, glucose, and dehydration synthesis
protein synthesis, urea, and deamination
fatty acids, glycerol, and respiration
17. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram of a chloroplast below.
21. Base your answer to the following question on The
graph below shows the results of an experiment in
which a container of oxygen-using bacteria and strands
of a green algae were exposed to light of different
Carbon dioxide is represented by letter
A) E
B) B
C) C
D) F
18. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below, which represents some metabolic
activities in a chloroplast, and on your knowledge of
Which substance acts as an immediate energy source for
the reactions that occur in the part of the diagram
labeled B?
A) O2
B) CO 2
19. In the photosynthetic reaction, which event normally
occurs before the other three?
A) oxygen release
C) PGAL synthesis
B) water absorption
D) glucose formation
20. In photosynthesis, chlorophyll functions in changing
glucose molecules to starch
water and carbon dioxide to sugar
light energy to chemical bond energy
hydrogen bonds to water
Which statement best explains the results of this
A) The rate of photosynthesis is affected by variations
in the light.
B) In all environments light is a vital resource.
C) The activities of bacteria and algae are not related.
D) Uneven numbers and types of species can upset
ecosystem stability.