Download PNAMP Portal Workshop – Enhancing Information Discovery

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Pacific Northwest
Aquatic Monitoring
PNAMP Web Portal Workshop
Enhancing Information Discovery, Delivery and Flow
Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center, Portland, OR
October 28, 2009
The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) will host a Web Portal Workshop
October 28, 2009, in Portland, OR. The intent for this all day workshop is to gather technical experts,
existing and planned portal administrators, and others who may have feedback on the many considerations
for web portal development and use by aquatic monitoring data practitioners and managers. The Internet
has increasingly become an effective tool for the collection, assimilation, discovery, sharing, and delivery
of data and information in the environmental and ecological sciences and we would like to focus on
information sharing. As a portal manager, developer, user, or potential manager/developer/user, we would
like to invite you to this workshop.
It is anticipated that the Workshop will address the following topics and questions:
1. What is the intended or existing audience of web portals developed for or by the Pacific
Northwest’s environmental, ecological, and biological monitoring communities?
2. What level of funding, staff, technology, and agreements are required to ensure efficient
adoption and use of web portals, including stewardship of data and information?
3. What processes (work and data flow) are in place to ensure value-added results from a portal’s
4. Can existing or planned web portals be feasibly extrapolated or extended to a broader
geographical or topical multi-audience application? Can the goals of portals that are in the
planning phase be achieved by refining or adopting stewardship of a thematic or geographic
'channel' within a pre-existing broad content portal to achieve an economy of scale and place
data/information within a broader context?
5. Can the subject headings or “channels” employed by a portal be agreed upon across topical
domains (e.g. between terrestrial habitat monitoring and aquatic habitat monitoring, etc.)?
6. How can you improve your portal?
Speakers and presenters at the workshop will consist of project managers and/or technical staff
responsible for existing, planned, and/or proposed web portals that are closely related to the ecological,
aquatic, environmental sciences in the Pacific Northwest, and at national and local levels of geographic
and political extent. We will gather information about portals before the workshop and distribute to
Workshop results will be made available to all participants and any other interested in this topic. Some
expected outcomes from the workshop are:
 Inventory of existing, planned, and proposed web portal applications and better familiarization
with options available for discovery and reporting of data and information
 Identification of the potential audience and users of portals including the needs of administrators,
stewards, technical experts, and high-level decision makers (i.e. how to market such a product)
 Identification of high priority information elements that may be fed by web portals
 Assessment of the value-added and cost/benefit aspects of web portal implementation and use,
including the feasibility of broader application
Establish and support a community of experts who manage and maintain web-based information
To register for the workshop, please visit
If you are a portal administrator or are in the planning or development stage of a portal, we would like to
gather information about your portal in this survey. Please indicate you are a portal administrator and you
will be taken to additional survey questions after you register.
If you have any questions, please contact Jacque Schei ([email protected]; 509.538.2299 x 282).
Thank you on behalf of the planning team,
Jen Carlino, Tom Carlson, Henry Franzoni, Van Hare, Lief Horwitz, Susannah Iltis, Cathy Kellon, Binh
Quan, Chris Van Holmes, Peter Westhagen, Sean Quigley, Jen Bayer
Generalized Web Portal Development
and Management Process
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Execution
Project Delivery
• Needs assessment
• Identif y purpose & scale
• Identif y audience
• Work identif ication
• Identif y stakeholders
• Identif y data sources/ref s
• Establish contacts
• Scope development
• Project plan/milestones
• Determine development &
inf rastructure strategy
• Design & prototype
• Development
• Gather data & load
• Inf rastructure
• Security & logistics
• User acceptance
• Training
• Marketing
Portal Development
& re-scope
Portal Maintenance
(life-cycle mgmt)
• Growing stewards/partners
• Inf rastructure upkeep
• Data requests/assimilation
• Customized tools
• Monitoring site activities
• User f eedback & product
Portal Maintenance