Download Enquiry Form (Non-Registered Generator With Capacity less than 5

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Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Connection Applicant (Embedded Generating Unit Owner/Proponent)
Business name:
Contact name:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Connection Applicant acting and working on behalf of the above Proponent (Agent).
Business name:
Contact name:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Connection Applicant’s (Owner) confirmation the
nominated agent is acting on their behalf for the connection
(Submit the owner’s confirmation statement, letter or email
to UE).
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Installation Miscellaneous Information
Does the Generating unit seek to provide non-network
support of published network constraint? (Y/N)
Is the Generating unit exempt from AEMO registration (less
than 5MW)? (Y/N)
Connection Applicant to is aware of generator license
obligation as part of the Essential Services Commission
compliance (This is independent from AEMO)? (Y/N)
Is the Generating unit to be (please note SGA framework):
Market or non-market
Is the Generating unit to be (please note SGA framework):
Scheduled, semi-scheduled or non-scheduled dispatch.
Expected operating hours:
(Hours and days of operation: Mon – Fri, 7am to 11pm
Expected energy production per annum (MWh).
Calculated or measured facility load demand during normal
working hours (kW or kVA).
Estimated facility load to be offset via embedded generator
during facility normal working hours (kW or KVA).
Export of excess generated power (Y/N).
Maximum net power exported over meter measuring
interval based on calculated or measured. This needs to
reflect the maximum generator export during facility
minimum self-consumption period. (kW or kVA).
Confirm presence (Y/N) of any other disturbing load/system
with potential to disturb the voltage waveform and or power
quality, such as: PFC, DOL motor, rectifier, other generator
If Yes, specify the nature of equipment and capacity.
Purpose of Generating unit and envisaged operating date?
(What is the functional intent of the Generating unit:
demand off-set, power export, district power system, etc...)
The Connection Applicant has/shall address all
environmental compliance requirements applicable for the
embedded generator installation? (Y/N)
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Small Generator Aggregator Framework
Is the installation to be registered with AEMO as a Small
Generator Aggregator (SGA)? (Y/N)
If yes to SGA, does metering comply? (Y/N). Submit
supporting documentation.
If registered SGA, provide generator NMI
If registered SGA, provide load NMI
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
The following sections are primarily applicable for inverter based generation systems
such as: Solar PV, wind, fuel cell, micro turbines etc…
Inverter Generating Plant
Address of generator installation:
Proposed connection point and NMI number:
Energy source / fuel (e.g. Solar, Wind, Fuel Cell, Natural
Gas etc.).
Energy storage features (Battery)?
Type of generating plant or technology (e.g. Synchronous
generator, Photovoltaic or Wind Inverter etc.).
Inverter AS4777 compliant (Y/N).
Number of generating units/inverters:
Nominal voltage of generating unit/inverter (V).
Rating of each unit/inverter (kW or kVA).
Power Factor of generating unit/inverter to be operated:
Number of panels or turbines (if applicable).
Max rating of each panel or turbine (W/kW).
Maximum total power generation of installation (kW or
Over/Under voltage (V).
Over/Under frequency (Hz).
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Additional protection in the form of inverter independent
protection such as: overcurrent, anti-islanding (ROCOF &
Vector Shift), phase failure detection and or negative
sequence protection could be warranted or specified by
United Energy. (refer to UE ST 2008 Table 14, P112)
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
This section is applicable to all forms of generation technology and to be completed by all
Connection Applicants.
Network and plant technical data of equipment at or near the connection point
Installation main switchgear and components
Manufacturer and model number.
Main circuit breaker nominal current rating (A).
Rated short time withstand current rating (kA).
Rated short time withstand current maximum time (sec).
Power Quality
Inverter THD level and installation design of load balancing
complies with Australian Standards, Electrical Distribution
Code, Victorian Services and Installation Rule. (Y/N).
Submit installation voltage rise report (consult reference
Facility bi-directional metering upgrade required (Y/N).
Retailor and metering service provider (text)
Retailor and or metering service provider have been
notified of new generation? (Y/N)
Meter class / classification:
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Network Configuration
Single Line Diagrams (SLD) to emphasize:
Demarcation of existing and new equipment
Circuit voltages
Protection systems
Facility main isolation point with respect to Utility
Embedded generator main isolation point with
respect to facility setup
Meter location and details
Embedded generator collector system layout
Installation individual collection section/string
isolation points
Include all isolation device ratings where possible
Earthing system
Installation and Earthing Standards
Embedded generator installation will comply with all current
and relevant Australian Standards and the Victorian SIR
State the earthing standards to be employed for embedded
generator installation (AS3000, AS5033, AS2067 any other
applicable standards).
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Network Plant, Secondary Design and Apparatus Setting Data
Protection Data for Protection relevant to the Connection Point
Protection, control design and operating report (detailed
report). This detailed report shall contain:
Description of the generating plant and how it
Electrical schematics; protection and control
Devices the protection and control schemes are
implemented in;
Description of each fault scenario and the
protection that shall be used to detect and clear
the fault;
Risk assessment of equipment failure and the
failsafe features, backup equipment, or alarms
and monitoring or other methods used to reduce
the risk;
Data sheets providing full specifications for all AC
circuit and related major plant.
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Document Submissions to UE
To be submitted inclusive with the ‘Enquiry Form’:
The Single Line Diagrams (SLD), conceptual or
(Note: only formally drafted documents shall be
To be submitted upon request by UE:
(Note: For inverter based project below 500kW, which are
committed and or firm, it’s requested to submit these
documents and studies with the ‘Enquiry Form’ to expedite
the process).
Engineering studies such as:
Protection study and system study (installation
voltage rise report as minimum)
The generation system functional statement document,
which articulates as minimum:
How the generation system normally and
abnormally operates and interacts with the whole
Critical protection/control/generation system
remote monitoring.
Any implemented interlocks.
Protection/control system failsafe provision (i.e.
system response upon the control/protection
UPS system failure).
Generator protection/control, trip device (CB) and
critical system UPS maintenance frequency
proposal (particular emphasis should be made
with equipment protection systems and UPS).
Emergency and operational contact details
(customer or otherwise).
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
(Non-Registered Generator With
Capacity less than 5 MW)
Commissioning procedure:
UE reserves the right to witness commissioning of the all
critical protection/control scheme and where determined,
tripping of the main generator CB (trip test).
Prescribed Certificate of Electrical Safety (CES).
Note: Prescribed CES must be submitted to UE prior to
installation energisation.
Signed and dated installation, commissioning, inspection
and test report (reflecting the protection settings and all
applicable relevant standards).
Documented evidence (signed notification statement by
installer and customer) that end customer has been notified
of safe operation and maintenance obligation as per the
NER, EDC and UE standard, in accordance with
manufacturer manual (periodic anti-islanding test will be
one of these requirements).
Note: Customers are required to keep minimum 3 ~ 7 years
maintenance record for audit/traceability depending on
generation capacity.
Main component manufacturer specifications (Inverter,
panels, turbine, protection relay, switchgear etc…).
If applicable, SGA supporting documentation.
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0
Enquiry Form
Schedule 2
Generator and generating plant information (To be completed by all proponents)
Generating plant
Generator Manufacturer:
Machine rating:
Number of units
Maximum export capacity
Generator Impedances
Rating (MVA)
(Note: Not applicable for inverter
based Generators such as solar,
wind, fuel cell etc…)
1 pu (Ohms) =
Xd direct axis synchronous react. =
X’d direct axis transient react. =
X’’d direct axis subtransient react. =
Xq quad. axis synchronous react. =
X’’q direct axis subtransient react. =
X2 negative sequence =
X0 zero sequence =
All pu values on a base of machine rating and voltage of _____V.
Capacitor bank
Expiry date
Connection point
Connection point voltage
Maximum import capacity
Generator Premises
National Meter Identifier
Five (5) years from distribution connected generator agreement
Detailed Enquiry - Version 1.0