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“Journey to Outstanding What Makes the Greatest Difference?”
Venue: The Tomlinson Centre, London E8 3ND
Keynote speakers confirmed:
Sir Michael Wilshaw and Sir Mike Tomlinson
Early Bird Discount. 20% Off . Pay only £100 instead of £120.
Call us on 020 8820 7474 or email [email protected] to book your place or for
more information. Online booking facility coming soon.
Schools in England have improved considerably over the last decade, with some areas such as
Inner London witnessing a dramatic improvement.
Nationally, 79% of all schools are now good or better. The overall picture is one of largely effective
schools with committed and competent leadership.
In Hackney relentless and inspirational leadership ensured an even more dramatic change – from
57% good or better schools in 2007/08 to 89% by July 2013 whilst improvement in outcomes for
pupils has been equally remarkable. Our recent A Levels results were a great success! Well over
half our A Level entries achieving the highest A*, A, B grades outperforming students nationally and
11 Hackney students gained places at Oxbridge.
We know that schools that sustain good or outstanding performance are those that are constantly
looking to improve.
Whether you lead a school or support school improvement, you are facing significant challenges in:
reducing the attainment gap for vulnerable groups
improving the life chances of every pupil
ensuring your teachers contribute to the leadership of learning
This conference will give you an insight into how schools reach and sustain excellence for their
pupils and their staff, how school leadership and system wide improvement works in practice, and
how the changing education framework can be an opportunity for you and your school.
Learn how strong leadership and effective management works in thriving schools and in those
progressing on their improvement journey to become successful
Hear ideas and strategies that will take your school to the next level of performance and provide
real challenge to your thinking
Question our expert speakers on their experience and how future developments may affect your
Benefit from networking with colleagues facing similar challenges
- Gain insights into how outstanding teaching is underpinned by the use of SEAL (Social and
Emotional Aspects of Learning) skills and the five domains of SEAL.
- Take away knowledge to help you build more effective assessment systems which supports pupil’s
progression without stifling creativity.
- See examples of how schools working with iPads are raising standards in literacy, and
engagement in all subjects.
- Explore the provision of an outstanding Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum,
including the outdoor environment.
- Gain insight into how Hackney Learning Trust’s LIT programme works in practice in a school
setting by strengthening learners’ confidence so that they can work with greater independence.
Amongst others – see full list of workshops on page?
The conference is for all of those involved in school leadership and associated educational decision
making processes, including:
Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers
Heads of Departments
School Governors
School Improvement specialist and advisors
School Business Managers
08:30 – Registration Tea and Coffee
Hackney Learning Trust staff will be available to talk about our range of service for schools
09:30 – Chair’s Opening Remarks
09:40 - How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better?: McKinsey
school systems model and Hackney’s journey
- Gain insights into the systemic nature of school improvement
- Explore schools’ improvement journey and how strategies need to change as a system improves.
10:15 – Questions and Discussion
Tricia Okoruwa
Head of Hackney Learning Trust
10:30 – Early Intervention
- The importance of intervening early
- The positive impact of early intervention on pupil’s achievement and school improvement
11:00 – Questions and Discussion
Angela Scattergood,
Head of Early Years, Hackney Learning Trust
11:15 – Coffee Break
11:40 – Keynote Speech – School Improvement and Inspection
- The improvement in school performance in Hackney and in London;
- Regional variations in performance;
- The attainment gap;
- What Headteachers and school leaders have to do to improve the system further?
12:10 – Questions and Discussion
Sir Michael Wilshaw
Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Ofsted
12:25 – Lunch and Networking
You will be able to attend 2 workshops in the afternoon. We will make every effort to allocate your
preferred choices however workshop bookings are on a first come, first served basis.
Please see workshop outlines below:
1 – Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
High quality Early Years provision makes a difference to children’s life chances and the higher the
quality of this provision, the longer its impact can be seen.
In this workshop you will:
- Explore the provision of an outstanding EYFS curriculum, including the outdoor environment.
- Gain insights into how the assessment, planning and evaluation cycle supports learning for
individuals and groups of children.
- Discuss, reflect and evaluate provision, plan improvements and developments that support
learning, and the extent of the opportunities for children to continue developing new skills,
knowledge and understanding.
Emma Wilson and Tim Wooldridge
Early Years Strategy Managers
Hackney Learning Trust
2 - Daily Supported Reading Programme
This is a scripted programme that raises the quantity of successful Independent reading
accomplished by each child in Key stage 1, also supporting a coherent approach to the reading
curriculum. The programme has a record of proven success in schools in raising standards in
In this workshop you will:
- Learn how the programme builds capacity of school staff, reading volunteers and parents to meet
the needs of children at the beginning of the learning to read journey.
- Explore all the activities delivered by the programme and how they are applied in a school setting.
Richard Boxall
Teaching and Learning Consultant
Hackney Learning Trust
3 - The LIT Programme
The LIT programme delivers a small group intervention that improves the reading comprehension
and writing skills of struggling Year 7 pupils by equipping them with strategies for learning and
understanding, as opposed to just decoding a piece of text. It is currently being used in
approximately 50 secondary schools in the UK.
In this workshop you will:
- Explore and discuss the mix of approaches used in the programme such as meta-cognitive
methods and reciprocal teaching.
- Gain insight into how the LIT programme works in practice in a school setting by strengthening
learners’ confidence so that they can work with greater independence.
Sophie Holdforth
Senior Secondary Teaching and Learning Consultant
Hackney Learning Trust
4 – Modern Foreign Language (MFL) – Spanish
Hackney primary and secondary schools have agreed to collaborate on an approach to MFL
teaching through teaching Spanish as the first foreign language. This involve a pilot where two
secondary schools are working with nine primary schools to develop best practice before a roll out
to the remainder of schools during the second half of 2014. The project is being led by two specialist
consultants, one of whom was until recently an Advanced Skills Teachers lead for MFL in a north
London primary school.
In this workshop you will:
- Understand how the project is operating in detail.
- Examine the scheme of work and the resources that are being produced and used by schools.
Bernadette Clinton
Specialist Language Consultant
5 - Primary Advantage Maths Programme
Effective learning of mathematics requires a coherent and well structured curriculum, excellent
instructional materials, and excellent teachers who use sound pedagogical strategies that are
developmentally appropriate. This is at the core of the Primary Advantage Programme which
emphasises conceptual understanding, skills proficiency, learning of process skills and focuses on
mathematical problem solving.
In this workshop you will:
- Explore how the programme supports school staff in developing the three key areas of
mathematical subject knowledge: pedagogical, curriculum and mathematical knowledge.
- Learn and discuss the practical aspects of the programme and how it supports schools in the
planning and delivery of lessons for the full primary range.
Gemma Meharg
Assistant Head Teacher
Springfield Community Primary School – Primary Advantage Federation
6 - Learning with iPads
The Hackney Learning Trust has been at the forefront of working with iPads in the classroom,
having seen how they can enthuse and engage pupils and staff, and help raise standards in
teaching, learning, engagement and behaviour.
In this workshop you will:
- See examples of how schools working with iPads are raising standards in literacy, and
engagement in all subjects. And how the use of ICT across the curriculum creates a child-led,
inclusive environment to develop technological literacy and confident ICT users.
- Hear about a school’s experience of working with iPads and the results they have achieved.
- Explore the variety of apps available and how to choose the most appropriate apps to meet your
Jeremy Harris
E-Learning Resources Manager
Hackney Learning Trust
7 - Assessment for Learning
Are you looking to develop your school’s expertise in effective assessment systems? Our
programme introduces assessment systems for all subjects to the planning of learning – both in
lessons and longer term – that directly match pupils’ needs and makes assessments a part of
learning and not just a measurement.
In this workshop you will:
- Explore assessment types, methods of delivery and marking, as well as effective sharing and
implementation of feedback and use of data to inform next stages in learning.
- Take away knowledge to help you build more effective assessment systems which supports
pupil’s progression without stifling creativity.
Jenna Clark
Head of School
St John and St James Primary School – Primary Advantage Federation
8 – Securing good or better teaching
This aim of this programme is to develop an understanding of best practice and to support the
development and implementation of teacher strategies that improve the quality of teaching and
learning in the classroom.
In this workshop you will:
- Gain insights into how outstanding teaching is underpinned by the use of SEAL (Social and
Emotional Aspects of Learning) skills and the five domains of SEAL.
- Explore how identification and implementation of strategies based on SEAL principles can
improve the quality of teaching and learning.
- Take away knowledge on how reflective, school led learning teams can support the development
of teacher practice.
Rachel Thompson
Leadership and Management Advisor
Hackney Learning Trust
13:30 – Workshop 1
14:15 – Coffee Break
14:35 – Workshop 2
15:25 – Keynote Speech
15:55 – Questions and Discussion
Sir Mike Tomlinson CBE FRSA
Former Chief Inspector of Schools and head of Ofsted and former Chair of the Learning Trust
The London Challenge
The ever improving performance of schools in London
The Hackney journey: the lessons to be learned, the inspiration to be gained
16:20 – Chair’s closing remarks and close of conference