* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Subject: Meeting date: Report to: Report of: Business and Employment Space in Hackney Wick and Fish Island 19 May 2015 Board Anthony Hollingsworth, Director of Planning Policy and Decisions This report will be considered in public 1. SUMMARY 1.1. This report outlines the Legacy Corporation strategy and approach in relation to employment land and business space, as discussed by Board Members at the February Board meeting, in particular in relation to Hackney Wick and Fish Island. As requested, the report sets out the approach to these matters as set out within the policies of the Local Plan and how these policy objectives will be monitored. 1.2. The Local Plan includes policies on the location and maintenance of employment floorspace, interim uses, low-cost and managed workspace and the specific application of this Strategy within the Hackney Wick and Fish Island sub area. It highlights that the policy approach has been built on the existing planning policy within the respective Hackney Wick and Fish Island Area Action Plans and employment land and business evidence that has subsequently been gathered. This approach has now been tested through the Local Plan Examination process and the Planning Inspector’s final report is expected imminently. A monitoring scheme has been developed to allow the performance of the Local Plan strategy to be assessed and reviewed. 1.3. A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Hackney Wick and Fish Island is to be prepared which is likely to include guidance on the application of the employment and business related policies and design guidance on accommodating differing types of workspace within mixed use development proposals. This report briefly summarises the contribution that will be made in retaining and developing business space through the development of the Hackney Wick Masterplan, along with the significant and diverse employment and business space offer emerging at Here East. 1.4. The Board is asked to note the Legacy Corporation Local Plan policy position as a strong and balanced framework for managing change in Hackney Wick and Fish Island while promoting the growth of its economic base and seeks to build on its developing character as a location with a wide mix of business and other employment space and premises. 2. RECOMMENDATION 2.1 The Board is asked to note the contents of this report. 3. TIMING 3.1. This report was a requested by the Board at its February 2015 meeting for information on the Legacy Corporation’s approach to business and employment space in Hackney Wick and Fish Island. 4. BACKGROUND 4.1. At the February 2015 Board meeting, Members discussed the issue of employment land and business space within the Legacy Corporation area and in particular in relation to such space within Hackney Wick and Fish Island. This report summarises the Legacy Corporation’s policy and approach in this respect, in particular how this is reflected within the Local Plan, and how this is will be monitored over time. The report also outlines the wider approach to achieving a wide mix of business space through the delivery activities of the Legacy Corporation. 4.2. The Local Plan is in the closing stages of its production with the Examination Public Hearings having taken place in March 2015 and the report of the Planning Inspector who examined the Local Plan expected in June 2015. It is currently anticipated that the Board will be asked to adopt the final version of the Local Plan at its meeting in July 2015. This will then become the formal planning strategy for the area and will contain the planning policies against which development proposals will be developed and assessed. Local Plan Employment Policies 4.3. Developing and growing the existing economic base and capitalising on the opportunities for introducing new economic activity and business comprise one of the most important elements of the overall Spatial Planning Strategy for the Legacy Corporation area. The Local Plan identifies and protects a number of land areas for employment uses including business space, industrial activity and retail and other town centre type uses. Policies and site specific proposals also indicate where mixed use development, including business and other employment space will be required in order for development proposals to be acceptable. 4.4. The following Local Plan policies are relevant: Policy B.1 Location and Maintenance of employment floorspaces. Policy B.3 Creating vitality through interim uses. Policy B.4 Providing low cost and managed workspace. Policy 1.1 Managing Change in Hackney Wick and Fish Island. 4.5. The overall approach is to: Protect the employment function of employment land designated as Strategic Industrial Land (SIL), Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS) and Other Industrial Locations (OIL). Except in OIL areas, only industrial type uses are seen as acceptable. In OIL’s an element of non-business use such as residential may be seen as acceptable but the current balance of employment uses are expected to be maintained and predominate. Even where development proposals come forward in areas outside of these designated ‘employment clusters’ on land with existing business uses in place (including where the site is within an ‘OIL’ designation), the policies require that employment floorspace is either retained or re-provided, with a range of tests and requirements that need to be met where it is proposed that existing business space is replaced or lost. Where existing premises are proposed to be lost then it is required that evidence is provided that these are not successfully marketable for the existing business use and where existing businesses would lose their premises as a result of the proposal for redevelopment, relocation strategies will be required to show how those businesses can be suitably accommodated within the nearby area. In summary, the overall amounts of existing business floorspace will be either protected or reprovided. This retention and reprovision approach complements allocated development locations such as Here East and The International Quarter (TIQ) which will deliver significant quantities of new employment space and grow the LLDC area economy. 4.6. Change outside the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park area, for example in Fish Island, has been underway now for some time, with the current borough Local Plans having formalised the release of significant elements of Strategic Industrial Land and the permitting of a number of residential, mixed-use or ‘live-work’ schemes, some of a significant scale. The Local Plan has been prepared in the context of these existing plans with an updated evidence base, including a business survey and an employment land review. This evidence base has led to the development of the policy approach within the LLDC Local Plan that seeks to retain and develop the unique character of the Hackney Wick and Fish Island areas and to do so in a way that retains and further diversifies the business and wider employment mix in the area. The approach reinforces Hackney Wick and Fish Island as a finer grained character with smaller scale employment spaces, in contrast to the large floorplate office offer emerging within and around the Metropolitan Centre at Stratford (such as TIQ). This approach aims to ensure that the needs of the wide range of existing businesses within the area can be met as well as provide potential for economic expansion and diversification. 4.7. The overall approach to planning for Hackney Wick and Fish Island, in building on the previous plans for the area, has now been tested through the Local Plan Examination process. The Plan seeks to strike the right balance between protecting existing business space provision, promoting new provision of such space and achieving a significant contribution to meeting the local housing need and London Plan housing targets for this area. It should be noted that both the London Boroughs of Hackney and Tower Hamlets have expressed support for the approach to employment land and retention and promotion of employment uses through the Local Plan consultation processes. 4.8. While some landowners and developers have challenged this balance of approach in the Local Plan through the Examination process, it is not anticipated that this will result in any significant change to the Plans strategy or policies in its final form. The Local Plan will therefore provide a robust framework for the protection of existing floorspace and the delivery of new employment opportunities in a manner that is designed to be more specific than previous policy approaches both in terms of allocation of sites and the related business floorspace requirements. As a result, the Local Plan will continue to require the provision of meaningful levels and appropriate types of business space within emerging mixed use development proposals and, within employment land designations, resist the introduction of non-employment uses. 4.9. A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is planned for the Hackney Wick and Fish Island area which will provide further guidance on the application of policies within the Local Plan within this area. It is intended that this will include guidance on the application of the employment and business related policies and is likely to include design guidance on accommodating differing types of workspace within mixed use development proposals. Board approval of the draft of this SPD would be sought before formal public consultation is undertaken. 4.10. Indications are that the mixed-use schemes which are now being brought forward by landowners and developers are responding to the Local Plan policies through the inclusion of work spaces of a form and type that will help meet the Local Plan aspirations and that will be appropriate for the types of businesses that are becoming characteristic of the area. Monitoring of the Local Plan (business space changes) 4.11. Board Members requested information about how business floorspace would be monitored by the Legacy Corporation. The Local Plan includes a specific monitoring regime that will provide an annual update to the Board on information related to a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). Appendix 1 to this report outlines the elements of the KPI Monitoring Scheme that relate to the monitoring of employment and business within the Legacy Corporation area which includes a monitoring of the changes in the quantum of the different B Class uses compared to a 2015 baseline. This information will be contained within the annual Planning Authority Monitoring Report, with the report for 2015 being presented to the Board in January 2016. Ultimately, the monitoring of the Local Plan KPI’s will feed into future review of the policies and proposals within it, with a full review of the Local Plan identified to begin in 2018/19. At this point a full evidence base review will also take place, and where it is necessary to update studies such as the Employment Land Review, these larger scale elements of work will then be commissioned. The approach to the Hackney Wick Masterplan 4.12. The Legacy Corporation’s emerging masterplan for the Hackney Wick Neighbourhood Centre proposes a wide range of workspace that supports the area’s creative and business communities and aims to increase the economic activity in the area, as well as providing much needed homes. The proposals are based on an equivalent level of employment floorspace, which means that all current employment space will be reprovided, albeit some of it in a different form, as the new mix of uses will need to be compatible with residential. 4.13. The Legacy Corporation is working with local businesses within the masterplan area to understand their future accommodation needs. However, it will be difficult to accommodate industrial or distribution uses within this kind of centre due to servicing and operational issues such as noise. A relocation strategy is being prepared alongside the proposals, to tie in with the Local Plan policies. The business offer at Here East 4.14. Here East will provide 1.2m sq ft of commercial space in the former Olympic Press and Broadcast Centres. In addition to the well-publicised occupiers such as BT Sport, Loughborough University, and Hackney Community College, the scheme will provide a wide range of business space aimed at supporting economic growth in the area. This ranges from flexible co-working space and managed incubation services aimed at innovation businesses and creative start-ups; studios and offices from 1000-5000 sq ft on flexible lease terms; to larger workspaces aimed at more established businesses. Wider Business Support activity 4.15. The Legacy Corporation is committed to promoting growth in the local economy by boosting the competitiveness of east London-based SMEs. The approach is based on supporting SMEs to overcome multiple barriers to winning contracts starting with procurement and moving through to delivery. 4.16. The Corporation uses its procurements to secure commitments from Park businesses to diversify their supply chains, cascade opportunities to local SMEs and engage in business-to-business capacity-building programmes. These commitments are contractualised and the Legacy Corporation then works closely with Park businesses both to ensure their buying practices facilitate access for local firms to emerging opportunities, as well as helping to source fit-to-supply SMEs that can competitively bid for works. 4.17. Business support provision is tailored so that it caters for the specific sectoral requirements of the local business base. Therefore, following its role as a matchfunder in the ERDF-funded Fit for Legacy supplier engagement project, the Legacy Corporation is now commissioning a specific business support project that will: Work with construction and FM businesses on the Park and support them make opportunities available to local firms Source local SMEs that are fit-to-supply for those opportunities 4.18. In addition, with the proliferation of cultural and creative industries surrounding the Park, particularly in Hackney Wick and Fish Island, the Legacy Corporation is funding a project through the Echo time-bank scheme to provide enterprise support through a shared economy model. The programme will provide businesses in the food and creative sectors with a series of master classes that support enterprise development. 5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 5.1. There are no direct financial implications related to the issues within this report. The financial implications related to the specific activities that are referenced have been considered in relation to the Boards specific approval for these where relevant. 6. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 6.1. There are no direct legal implications related to the contents of this report. The legal implications related to the specific activities that are referenced have been considered in relation to the Boards specific approval for these where relevant. 7. PRIORITY THEMES 7.1. The Legacy Corporation is continuing the priority themes set by its predecessor the Olympic Park Legacy Company. These are: Promoting convergence and community participation; Championing equalities and inclusion; Ensuring high quality design; Ensuring environmental sustainability. 8. CONCLUSION 8.1. The Board is asked to note the Legacy Corporation Local Plan policy position that sets a strong and balanced framework for managing change in Hackney Wick and Fish Island while promoting the growth of the area’s economic base and seeking to build on its developing character as a location with a wide mix of business and other employment space and premises, with some areas protected exclusively for employment uses and others for a mix that has a strong business component alongside new residential development in mixed use schemes. This is reinforced by the emerging Hackney Wick Masterplan work which is seeking to incorporate an equivalent level of employment floorspace in comparison to the existing alongside the delivery of new homes and the creation of the core of the new neighbourhood centre. Here East is also beginning to provide a significant quantum of new flexible, small scale business space, including affordable and managed workspace, alongside the major floorspace users such as BT Sport. Taken as a whole this provides a strong strategy for the managed change of the area that reinforces the distinctiveness of Hackney Wick and Fish Island as a significant employment resource and a major contributor to the local and wider London economy. 9. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Relevant elements of the Local Plan KPI Monitoring Scheme Appendix 2: Extract from the Local Plan Key Diagram Appendix 3: Examples of workspaces in HWFI List of Background Papers: Legacy Corporation Publication Local Plan (August 2014) with associated published modifications. Legacy Corporation Local Economy Study Part A - Business Survey, May 2014 Legacy Corporation Area Employment Land Review, May 2014 Report originator: Telephone: Email: Alex Savine 0203 288 8821 [email protected]