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Name _____________________________
Mrs. Knight
Date __________
Class _____
Unit 6 Test: The Cell Cycle
1. What are the four main stages of the cell cycle (correct order)?
A. G1, S, G0, M
C. G2, S, G1, M
B. G1, S, G2, M
D. M, G2, S, G1
2. During what stage of the cell cycle is DNA copied?
A. G1 Phase
C. G2 Phase
B. S Phase
D. M phase
3. Proper DNA Replication is checked during the
A. Cell Growth (G1) Checkpoint
B. DNA Synthesis (G2) Checkpoint
C. Cytokinesis Checkpoint
D. Mitosis Checkpoint
4. Cells that might never divide or rarely divide include which of the following?
A. skin cells
B. nerve cells
C. hair cells
D. all of the above
5. Interphase consists of
A. G1, S, G2
B. G1, S, G2, M
C. C, M, G1
D. M, S, C
6. What is the number of chromosomes found in the human body?
A. 23
B. 46
C. 48
D. 64
7. The sex of a human offspring is determined by
A. the male
B. the female
C. both the male and female
D. neither the male nor the female
8. Bacteria reproduce through an asexual process called
A. meiosis
B. cytokinesis
C. interphase
D. binary fission
9. As a cell prepares to divide, a DNA and its associated proteins coil to form a
A. chromatid
C. chromosome
B. gene
D. centromere
10. Sister chromatids are
A. dense patches within the nucleus
B. bacterial chromosomes
C. joined strands of duplicated genetic material
D. prokaryotic nuclei
11. Sister chromatids are attached together at the
A. cytokinesis
B. centromere
C. gamete
D. centriole
12. Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes that have
A. the same length
C. the same appearance
B. the same copies of genes
D. all of the above
13. The X and Y chromosomes are called the
A. sex chromosomes
C. extra chromosomes
B. autosomes
D. phenotypes
14. Female: XX::
A. female: gametes
B. female: eggs
C. male: YY
D. male: XY
15. How many chromosomes are in the body cells if the haploid number is 8?
A. 4
C. 12
B. 16
D. 8
16. Diploid: somatic::haploid:
A. body cell
B. chromosome
C. gamete
D. zygote
17. If nondisjunction occurs
A. there will be too many gametes produced
B. no gametes will be produced
C. a gamete will receive too many or too few chromosomes
D. mitosis cannot take place
18. Trisomy is a mutation that results in cells having an extra
A. chromosome
B. codon
C. nitrogen base
19. What is mitosis?
A. division of the cell
B. division of the nucleus
C. division of the cytoplasm
D. division of the mitochondria
D. gene
20. What phase of the cell cycle is the longest (Hint: cells spend the majority of their life
in this phase)?
A. interphase
B. mitosis
C. cytokinesis
D anaphase
21. What types of cells carry out mitosis?
A. plant cells ONLY
B. animal cells ONLY
C. bacterial cells
D. eukaryotic cells
22. What phase of mitosis is represented in the picture?
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase
23. Daughter cells formed during mitosis have ____ number of chromosomes as each
other and as the parent cell from which they were formed.
A. half
B. double
C. the same
D. one fourth
24. What structure is responsible for moving the chromosomes during mitosis?
A. spindles
C. nucleolus
B. nuclear membrane
D. cytoplasm
25. Examine the picture of the cell. What phase of mitosis is the cell in?
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. telophase
D. anaphase
26. The cell cycle is monitored as each cell passes through
A. cellular respiration
C. checkpoints
B. photosynthesis
D. homeostasis
27. Normal cells become cancer cells when
A. regulation of the cell growth and division is lost
B. cells do not respond normally to the control mechanisms
C. cells continue to divide
D. all of the above
Matching: Processes
28. meiosis
A. two gametes fuse and produce offspring
that are a genetic mixture of both parents
29. asexual
B. offspring are produce by a single parent;
genetically identical
30. sexual
C. produces genetically unique cells with a
haploid (n) number of chromosomes
Matching: Chromosomes
31. Karyotype
A. contains genes that determine the
sex of an individual (Humans = #23)
32. Autosomes
B. chromosomes not directly involved
in determining sex (gender) of an
individual (Humans = #1-22)
33. Sex Chromosomes
C. picture of chromosomes arranged in
homologous pairs and in order of
diminishing size
34. Cytokinesis in plant cells involves the formation of
A. a cell plate
C. centrioles
B. spindle fibers
D. replicated chromosomes
35. When crossing-over takes place, chromosomes
A. mutate in the first division
B. produce new genes
C. decrease in number
D. exchange corresponding segments of DNA
36. When does crossing-over take place during meiosis?
A. Prophase I
B. Prophase II
C. Telophase I
D. Telophase II
37. In humans, gametes join during the process called _______ to form a diploid zygote.
A. crossing-over B. fertilization C. asexual reproduction D. meiosis
38. What phase of meiosis is represented in the picture?
A. metaphase I B. metaphase II C. anaphase II
D. telophase I
39. The cell shown in #38 is
A. haploid (n)
B. diploid (2n)
C. tetrapod (3n)
D. octoploid(8n)
40. Dogs have 78 chromosomes in their somatic cells. How many are in their gametes?
A. 78
B. 39
C. 19.5
D. 156
41. Homologous pairs of chromosomes move to opposite poles during
A. metaphase I
B. anaphase I
C. anaphase II
D. metaphase II
42. The difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis is that
A. the chromosomes line up at the equator in anaphase I
B. centromeres do not exist in anaphase I.
C. sister chromatids do not separate in anaphase I
D. crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of mitosis
43. During cytokinesis of a female (egg cell), what is divided unequally?
A. the cytoplasm
B. the sperm cell
C. the chromosomes
D. all of the above
44. The random distribution of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called
A. budding
B. fission
C. crossing-over
D. independent assortment
45. Spermatogenesis produces
A. four haploid cells
B. four diploid cells
C. four polar bodies
D. two haploid cells