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Forensic Science International 222 (2012) 400.e1–400.e5
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Forensic Anthropology Population Data
Sexual dimorphism in human browridge volume measured from 3D models of dry
crania: A new digital morphometrics approach§,§§
Brian M. Shearer a,b, Sabrina B. Sholts b,c, Heather M. Garvin d, Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer b,e,f,*
Department of Anthropology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York & New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology (NYCEP), New York, USA
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3210, USA
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140, USA
Center for Functional Anatomy & Evolution Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Division of Biophysics, Arrhenius Laboratories, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Division of Commercial and Business Law, Linköping University, 581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Article history:
Received 6 March 2010
Received in revised form 7 May 2012
Accepted 11 June 2012
Available online 7 July 2012
Sex estimation from the human skull is often a necessary step when constructing a biological profile
from unidentified human remains. Traditional methods for determining the sex of a skull require
observers to rank the expression of sexually dimorphic skeletal traits by subjectively assessing their
qualitative differences. One of these traits is the prominence of the glabellar region above the browridge.
In this paper, the volume of the browridge region was measured from digital 3D models of 128 dry crania
(65 female, 63 male). The 3D models were created with a desktop laser scanner, and the browridge
region of each 3D model was isolated using geometric planes defined by cranial landmarks. Statistical
analysis of browridge-to-cranium volume ratios revealed significant differences between male and
female crania. Differences were also observed between geographically distinct populations, and between
temporally distinct populations from the same locale. The results suggest that in the future, sex
determination of human crania may be assisted by quantitative computer-based volume calculations
from 3D models, which can provide increased objectivity and repeatability when compared to
traditional forensic techniques. The method presented in this paper can easily be extended to other
volumetric regions of the human cranium.
ß 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Forensic anthropology
Physical anthropology
3D laser scanner
Volume measurement
Sex estimation
1. Introduction
Sexually dimorphic features of the skeleton are of fundamental
importance when constructing a biological profile from unidentified human remains. The most reliable skeletal indicators of sex are
located in the pelvis [1–4]. When the postcranial remains of a
skeleton are missing or badly damaged, sex is often determined
through the visual and tactile assessment of sexually dimorphic
traits of the skull [5–8]. In such cases, the mastoid process, the
mandibular mental eminence, the nuchal crest, the supraorbital
margin, and the glabellar region are particularly diagnostic. In one
widely used approach [6] these traits are rank ordered according to
five levels of expression, where ‘‘one’’ signifies the most gracile
This work is based on Brian Shearer’s BA honors thesis at UCSB in June 2009.
Grants: This study was supported in part by the National Science Foundation
(Dissertation Improvement Grant BCS 1061313, H.M. Garvin).
* Corresponding author at: Division of Biophysics, Arrhenius Laboratories,
Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +46 8 162447;
fax: +46 8 153679.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]
(Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer).
0379-0738/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
form of expression (i.e., female) and ‘‘five’’ signifies the most robust
(i.e., male) (Fig. 1). This system can predict sex with reasonable
accuracy [9], but the rank scores are based on subjective evaluation
of qualitative differences and are therefore conducive to both
inter- and intra-observer errors [10]. Because traits of varying size
and shape may all be given the same score, each of the five rank
levels in this system encompasses a broad range of forms.
Furthermore, since the trait scoring system was designed for an
‘‘average’’ human population, it does not account for regional or
temporal differences in sexual dimorphism. Many factors are
consequently excluded when a morphological trait is described by
a single subjective integer value, and it is sometimes problematic
to assign trait scores to crania from certain geographic regions
It would therefore be advantageous if male and female crania
could be differentiated based on objectively quantifiable parameters. Attempts to use Euclidean distance measurements [14–16]
and Cartesian landmark coordinates [12,17,18] to identify and
describe sexually dimorphic cranial features so far have not
produced a standardized method for sex estimation. An alternative
parameter, which has been less explored, is volume. Volumetric
analysis of crania has a long-standing tradition in forensic and
B.M. Shearer et al. / Forensic Science International 222 (2012) 400.e1–400.e5
Fig. 1. The expression of the glabellar region above the browridge can be rank
ordered from one to five for purposes of sex determination.
Source: Image adapted from Buikstra and Ubelaker [6].
anthropological research. The focus of earlier studies, however, has
been bony cavities like the braincase and the orbit, in which
volumes easily can be obtained by filling the cavities with liquids,
seeds, or leadshot [19,20]. Modern imaging techniques such as
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) have also been used in studies of cranial capacity [19,21],
and permit volumetric analysis of less accessible features such as
the sinus cavities [22]. Few, if any, research efforts have examined
volumetric properties of cranial components or features that are
not cavities, such as many of the conventional cranial sex traits.
This is surprising, as skeletal features that are more robust
arguably occupy a larger volume, suggesting that volumetric
measurements of sexually dimorphic regions of the skull may be
useful for sex estimation purposes. The dearth of research on the
subject might be explained by a lack of suitable techniques for this
type of analysis, as the convex morphology of most sexually
dimorphic cranial traits does not allow for non-destructive volume
measurements with traditional techniques.
We have recently shown that digital three-dimensional (3D)
models of human crania created with laser scanners allow for
highly precise non-destructive measurements of overall cranial
volume [23]. In this study, we investigated if a similar technique
can be used for volume measurements of an isolated sexually
dimorphic part of the cranium, namely the browridge region. We
selected this region because the prominence of the glabellar
region, the shape of the supraorbital margins, and the size of the
supraorbital ridges are all considered to be among the most
reliable indicators of sex in the skull [10,24,25]. Digital 3D models
of 63 male and 65 female dry crania from distinct populations were
created using a portable and non-invasive 3D laser scanner. The
browridge region of the surface 3D models was delimited using
four craniometric landmarks and two geometric planes, yielding
an isolated browridge component with a well-defined volume.
After standardization for overall cranial size, browridge volume
ratios for males and females were compared, and the usefulness of
this quantitative measure was evaluated.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials and trait scoring
Crania of 128 individuals of adult age – determined by the presence of a fully
erupted third molar if age-at-death was not known – were used in the study. Thirtysix crania (17 females, 19 males) originate from modern Portuguese cemetery
remains in the Luis Lopes Collection at the Bocage Museum in Lisbon, Portugal [26].
Thirty crania (16 females, 14 males) originate from modern African-Americans in the
Terry collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History [27]. Sixtytwo crania originate from human remains of California Indians, archeologically
excavated from sites on Santa Rosa Island (SRI), California, and currently housed at the
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Twenty-nine of these crania (13 female, 16
male) were excavated at the Skull Gulch site (CA-SRI-2) dating to ca. AD 1150–1500
[28,29], and 33 crania (19 female, 14 male) were excavated at the Tecolote Point site
(CA-SRI-3) dating to between ca. 5200 and 2000 BC [29,30]. In this paper, the crania
from these two sites were used to represent ‘‘late’’ and ‘‘early’’ California Indian
The crania from the Terry and Lisbon collections are of known sex. The California
Indian crania were sexed according to standard procedures using cranial traits and,
when post-cranial remains were present, pelvic morphology and metric
characteristics of the long bones [6]. For the California Indian crania, scores of
four sexually dimorphic cranial traits, i.e., the nuchal crest, mastoid process,
supraorbital margin, and supraorbital ridge/glabella, were recorded following the
system presented by Buikstra and Ubelaker [6] (Fig. 1), using the left side of each
cranium or the right side in case the left side was damaged. These cranial traits were
used to evaluate the correlation between trait scores and brow volumes. As many of
the crania did not have associated mandibles, the trait of mandibular mental
eminence was not included in the study.
2.2. 3D volume measurements and browridge region definition
Using previously described protocols [23,31] 3D models of the studied crania
were created with a NextEngine 3D laser scanner. A resolution of 75 dots per inch
(dpi) was employed, corresponding to a mesh triangle size of 0.23 mm. Geometric
analysis of the 3D models was carried out using the Rapidworks software version
2.3.3 and Geomagic version 12.
All 3D models were aligned along the Frankfurt horizontal plane [7] and adjusted
for right-left symmetry around the mid-sagittal plane using built-in functions in the
editing software. The models were digitally sectioned using a plane defined by the
craniometric landmarks supraglabella (the point of deepest midline concavity
above glabella) and left and right zygotemporal inferior (the most inferior point on
the lateral aspect of the zygotemporal suture) (Fig. 2A). The portion of the model
posterior to this plane was then removed, leaving the anterior portion which was
sectioned once more using a plane parallel to the Frankfurt horizontal plane and
passing through nasion (the midline point on the frontonasal suture) (Fig. 2B).
Removal of all mesh below this plane yielded a final browridge region containing
the most significant features of this part of the cranium, i.e., the supraorbital ridge
and margins, also known as the trigonum supraorbital (Fig. 2C). As the laser scanner
captures only surface data, the thickness of the frontal bone is not manifest in the
3D model, and the boundaries of the isolated browridge component had to be
digitally sealed using hole-filling tools in the Rapidworks and Geomagic software.
This procedure allows the browridge region to be displayed as a solid body, the
volume of which is easily calculated using automated functions within the
Rapidworks and Geomagic programs.
In addition to browridge volumes, cranial ‘‘bounding box’’ volumes were calculated
by multiplying the length, breadth, and height of each cranium while oriented in the
Frankfurt Horizontal Plane (Supplemental material, Fig. S1). These measurements
were obtained from built-in features in the 3D-modeling software. When the same 3D
model was analyzed with both Rapidworks and Geomagic, the average difference in
measured volume was less than one percent. Even though the bounding box volumes
do not constitute cranial volumes per se, they are proportional to the cranial volumes
and therefore useful as proxy measurements. Dividing each browridge volume by the
bounding box volume of the same cranium allowed the browridge volumes to be
standardized for cranial size in a systematic fashion. These size-corrected browridge
volume ratios were the parameters used for statistical analysis.
3. Results
The results of the volume measurements and the sex trait
scores are presented in Tables 1 and 2, and in the online
Supplemental material, Tables S1–S5. The female crania generally
display smaller browridge volumes than males, which is expected
as female crania are typically smaller in size. However, the sizestandardized browridge volume ratios are also smaller for females
Fig. 2. A plane passing through supraglabella and right and left zygotemporal inferior was used to isolate the craniofacial part of each cranium (A). Next, a transverse plane
passing through nasion was used to isolate the final browridge region (B and C).
B.M. Shearer et al. / Forensic Science International 222 (2012) 400.e1–400.e5
Table 1
Mean volume ratios in per mil (%), standard deviations, and p-values for the difference between male and female crania from four different populations.
Modern African-Americans, Terry collection
Modern Portuguese, Lisbon collection
Late California Indians
Early California Indians
California Indians overall
All samples combined
2.22 0.69
2.22 0.69
2.55 0.67
2.06 0.57
2.26 0.65
2.24 0.66
(n = 16)
(n = 17)
(n = 13)
(n = 19)
(n = 32)
(n = 65)
2.40 0.99
2.78 0.54
2.87 0.69
2.70 0.79
2.78 0.71
2.70 0.75
(n = 14)
(n = 19)
(n = 16)
(n = 14)
(n = 30)
(n = 63)
n = sample size; t-tests were one-tailed and assumed unequal variances.
Table 2
Mean trait scores and standard deviations for male and female crania from the early
and late California Indians, separately and combined.
Trait being scored
Nuchal crest
(both California groups combined)
Mastoid process
(both California groups combined)
Supraorbital margin
(both California groups combined)
Glabellar prominence
(both California groups combined)
Glabella prominence
(late California Indians)
Glabella prominence
(early California Indians)
2.09 0.98
3.23 1.08
2.34 0.89
3.00 1.02
1.94 0.62
2.87 0.85
1.31 0.54
2.53 0.91
1.46 0.49
3.00 0.71
1.21 0.54
2.00 0.86
than for males in all studied populations (Table 1). The differences
between male and female browridge volume ratios are statistically
significant for the early California Indian and the modern
Portuguese crania, but not significant at the p < 0.05 level for
the modern African-American and late California Indian crania.
In addition to differences between males and females, the
results show differences between the different geographic
populations, and between temporally distinct populations from
the same location (Fig. 3a–d).
For example, the Portuguese and African-American females
have very similar browridge volume ratios (around 2.2%), but the
Portuguese males display more robust browridges (2.78%) than
the African-American males (2.40%) (Table 1). Furthermore, late
California Indians display larger browridge volume ratios than the
early group, and this difference is larger for females (2.55% versus
2.06%) than for males (2.87% versus 2.70%) (Table 1). The male/
female difference is however highly significant for the combined
early/late California Indian sample, and also when all population
groups are combined.
Trait scores for the California Indian crania show a clear female/
male difference, with females having mean trait scores in the range
1.3 (glabellar region) to 2.3 (mastoid process), and with males
having mean trait scores ranging from 2.5 (glabellar region) to 3.2
(nuchal crest) (Table 2). The late Californian crania generally yield
higher glabellar trait scores than the early California sample, which
is consistent with the overall higher browridge volume ratios of the
late group. In Supplemental material, Fig. S2, browridge volume
ratios are plotted against the four different sets of trait scores. As
the smallest volume ratios correspond to the lowest trait scores,
some correlation can be observed, but volume ratios in the range
2–4 per mil can be found corresponding to trait scores in the range
1–4 without a clear pattern for any of the four traits. Correlation
coefficients (r) between the trait scores and the browridge volume
ratios were calculated using all of Spearman’s, Kendall’s, and
Pearson’s methods (Supplemental material, Table S5). The
correlation coefficients were found to be around 0.4 for glabella,
0.3 for the supraorbital margin, 0.2 for the nuchal crest, and 0.1 for
the mastoid process.
4. Discussion and conclusions
Fig. 3. Likelihood distributions of browridge volume ratios for females (solid lines)
and males (dashed lines): (a) modern African-Americans, (b) modern Europeans, (c)
early California Indians, (d) late California Indians, (e) California Indians overall, (f)
all samples combined.
Sex determination from skeletal morphology is a hallmark of
traditional forensic anthropology. Today many unidentified
human remains are sexed though DNA analysis, but a number
of situations remain in which morphological approaches are
preferred. These situations include cases of genocide or mass
fatality where the cost of biomolecular analysis might be
prohibitive, cases of ancient human remains where the material
may be too degraded to yield amplifiable DNA, and cases where
invasive analysis is impermissible on legal or ethical grounds.
The browridge is one of the most sexually dimorphic regions of
the skull, and qualitatively scoring the robusticity of this trait is a
standard step during skeletal sex determination. Unfortunately,
such subjective methods rely on the experience of the researcher
B.M. Shearer et al. / Forensic Science International 222 (2012) 400.e1–400.e5
and his or her familiarity with the population sample, leaving them
prone to inter-observer errors and ultimately scrutiny in the
courtroom. Our recent research suggests that cranial sexual
dimorphism can be quantitatively described using geometric
shape analysis, thereby minimizing such dilemmas [32].
In this work we demonstrate clear differences in browridge
volume ratios between male and female crania, showing that
browridge volume accounts for at least some of the variation in
supraorbital morphology that exists between adult males and
females. Hence, volumetric measurements of local cranial features
are potentially useful for sex estimation, and may help in
constructing biological profiles for unidentified human remains.
Using the defining equation for the normal/Gaussian function,
m ss
f(x) = (1/(2ps2)1/2) e (x ) (x )/2 , the browridge volume statistics obtained in this study can be employed to calculate the
likelihood that a given cranium is male/female. This allows forensic
anthropologists to not only provide a sex estimate, but also a
probability reflecting the accuracy of that estimate. However, the
browridge volume ratios were found to differ between groups from
different geographic regions, and between temporally distinct
groups from the same region. Browridge volume reference
statistics must therefore be calibrated on regional data sets. For
example, an unknown early California Indian cranium with a
volume ratio above 3 per mil would have an 88% likelihood of being
male (Fig. 3c). If the time period is unknown, the combined early
and late sample data are used as reference statistics, and the
cranium is given a 75% likelihood of being male (Fig. 3e). Naturally,
the separation between male and female volume ratio distributions becomes less distinct when data from a number of
populations are combined. Furthermore, all studied populations
display substantial overlap in the distributions of the male and
female browridge volume ratios in the range between 2 and 3 per
mil (Fig. 3). These findings suggest that browridge volume ratios
are not sufficient for reliable sex estimation on their own, but, like
traditional trait scores, are more useful as a component in a multifactorial approach to sex estimation.
The trait scores of the California samples show a clear female/
male difference (Table 2), yet only weak correlations are observed
between the browridge volume ratios and the trait scores
(Supplemental material, Fig. S2 and Table S5). Of the four traits
examined, the scores for glabella show the highest correlation to
browridge volume (r 0.4), which is expected since the glabellar
trait and the browridge volume describe overlapping areas of the
skull. In line with this expectation the late California Indian crania,
with higher browridge volume ratios, show higher glabellar trait
scores than the early crania with lower browridge volume ratios
(Tables 1 and 2). The other three traits – the supraorbital margin,
the nuchal crest, and the mastoid process – show decreasingly
lower correlations with browridge volume (Supplemental material, Table S5). Thus, traits located further away from the browridge –
both in terms of functional and geometric proximity – display a
weaker correlation between trait score and browridge size. This
observation implies, among other things, that volumetric regions
should be defined using landmarks or features located close to the
region being studied.
In the present study, the browridge region was defined using
glabella, nasion, and right and left zygotemporal inferior (Fig. 2).
Variation in the location of any of these landmarks will affect the
measured browridge volume, but only variation in the location of
glabella and nasion are likely to correlate with variation in
browridge shape or size. The zygomatic arch is furthermore fragile
and not always well preserved in dry crania, and future studies
may benefit from replacing zygotemporal inferior with a landmark
located closer to the browridge.
When selecting landmarks to use in this kind of analysis, it
appears preferable to use geometrically defined landmarks such as
glabella, rather than landmarks defined by sutural intersections
such as bregma or lambda. We have previously reported that the
tools available in 3D-modeling software facilitate accurate
identification of geometric landmarks, which can readily be
located without tactile assessment and without relying on the
sometimes poor color contrast of 3D models [33]. Precise landmark
identification is imperative for the kind of analysis presented in
this study, since identifying the defining landmarks on the 3D
models is the only step that involves human decision-making, and
consequently the only source of observer error. The authors are
currently planning studies to investigate the degree to which such
observer errors affect this type of volume measurements.
As for the bounding box volume, it may be replaced by
alternative size measures such as centroid size [36] or overall 3D
model volume [23], although such measures can only be
obtained for relatively intact crania. We chose to employ the
cranial box volume because it has the advantages of being a
standardized measure, which (a) is based on three straightforward linear distances, (b) is automatically calculated by most
3D-modeling software, and (c) can be applied to moderately
damaged specimens.
During the last decade 3D scanners of various kinds have become
more technically sophisticated yet more affordable, and the
browridge volumes presented in this work could also be calculated
from, e.g., computed tomography (CT) cranial models, which would
allow the real bone thickness to be used in the volume calculations.
However, CT scanning is a rather expensive technology that
damages the biomolecules (e.g., DNA) present in bone [34], and
earlier research has demonstrated little variation in overall bone
thickness between male and female crania [35]. Thus, as 3D scanners
become more frequently used in forensic laboratories, it becomes
important to be aware of the pros and cons of different 3D scanning
techniques when they are used to modify and improve traditional
methods of skeletal analysis [23,31,36,37]. Nevertheless, when used
alongside traditional forensic measurements, all 3D scanners allow
for more comprehensive documentation of skeletal material and
easier data dissemination. Because 3D scanning creates permanent
and complete documents of the remains, analysis can continue after
a case is closed and the remains have been removed from an
investigator, thereby expediting the processes required for interment of remains. In our experience, 3D scanning is a versatile
forensic tool that can be used to both document and analyze skeletal
material, and we expect 3D scanning to soon become part of the
routine examination of human remains.
In summary, this study demonstrates that browridge volumes
measured from digital 3D models of dry crania exhibit statistically
significant differences between males and females, suggesting that
such objective volume calculations might be used in place of trait
scoring in future systems for cranial analysis. While volume
calculations may not necessarily out-perform the subjective
judgments of experienced anthropologists, a volumetric measurement constitutes a continuous parameter that is easily incorporated
into statistical tests of probability and significance. Hence, volume
measurements allow for craniometric analysis that is highly
objective, repeatable, and transparent – qualities that have been
difficult to achieve in traditional anthropologic practice. The findings
that browridge volume ratios differ between geographically different
groups, and between temporally distinct groups from the same
region, are consistent with previous observations that sexual
dimorphism in the cranium can exhibit secular change [13]. The
type of volumetric measurements presented in this work will likely
prove useful for monitoring such geographic variation and secular
changes in cranial features. Furthermore, the method presented can
easily be extended to other volumetric regions of the skeleton, such
as the other sexually dimorphic traits of the cranium or regions of
morphological difference related to disease or ancestral affinity.
B.M. Shearer et al. / Forensic Science International 222 (2012) 400.e1–400.e5
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Phillip L. Walker. His
student Louise Flores helped with the cranial scanning, as did Matt
Tocheri. Michael Glassow and an anonymous reviewer provided
valuable comments on the manuscript. Ray Corbett and John
Johnson provided access to the California Indian crania, while Hugo
Cardoso provided access to the cranial collection in Lisbon, and Dave
Hunt provided access to the Terry collection. The support from the
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians is greatly appreciated. This is
NYCEP morphometrics contribution number 68.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,
in the online version, at
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