Download hot liquid rock beneath the earth`s surface

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Grade 5: SOL 5.7 Earth’s Changing Surface and the Rock Cycle
hot liquid rock beneath
the earth's surface
hot liquid rock above
the earth's surface
igneous rock
rock formed by the
cooling and hardening
of magma or lava
rocks formed from
sediments that have
been pressed and
cemented into rock
Created by A. Wong, Sugarland ES
sedimentary rock
rock formed when
sedimentary or igneous
rocks are changed due
to heat, pressure, or
chemical reactions.
metamorphic rock
rock cycle
continuous changing
of rock from one type
to another over time
imprint or shape of a
plant or animal left
behind in rock
breaking down of rock
into small pieces by
wind or weather
Created by A. Wong, Sugarland ES
layer of the earth under
the crust that has hot,
molten rock
layer of mud that
settles over time on the
bottom of a lake, river,
ocean, stream or pond
two most common
forces that cause rocks
to break down into
smaller pieces
wind and rain
wind and water
these two forces cause
lava to cool
Created by A. Wong, Sugarland ES
to push or press down
heat, pressure,
weathering, and
processes that
change rocks
classification key
a chart used to help
identify different kinds
of rocks
fossil evidence
provides information
about life and changes
in the Earth long ago
Created by A. Wong, Sugarland ES