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This handout is designed to HELP you study for the Exam. It is not a comprehensive study guide; rather it is
an outline of important topics. You will need to know details on each topic. It is important to
UNDERSTAND the concepts associated with each topic.
Know what a rock is and what a mineral is, and know they are different.
Know the properties that make something a mineral.
Know the most common and second most common chemical element in the earth’s crust
Understand how the charge and size of ions controls arrangement of ions in minerals
Understand the significance to a minerals environment for determining its structure.
Know what silicates are, and what the silica tetrahedon is, and the role it plays in silicate minerals.
Know the basic silicate structures and their relation to mineral composition
Know where the different silicates fit in terms of ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, and felsic
Know the importance of nonsilicate minerals
Know the three types of rocks, how each forms, and how they interrelate (Rock Cycle).
Know the rocks and their characteristics: IGNEOUS (granite, diorite, gabbro, rhyolite, andesite, basalt)
SEDIMENTARY (conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone) and
METAMORPHIC (slate, schist, gneiss, quartzite, marble)
Know the major parts of the earth (Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, Ocean Crust, Continental Crust) and important
properties of each
Know what the lithosphere and asthenosphere are, and their role in plate tectonics and the movement of plates
Know what happens at mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones and the features that develop with each.
MAGMA PROPERTIES: Know the important properties (composition, temperature, viscosity, gas content) of different
magma types (mafic, intermediate, and felsic) and how they relate to volcanoes
ORIGIN OF MAGMA: Understand how different types of magma form within the earth (Phase Diagrams, Role of Water,
Partial Melting, Origin of mafic magma vs. intermediate vs. felsic magma) and how it relates to
plate tectonics.
CRYSTALLIZATION OF MAGMA: Know the significance of Bowen’s Reaction Series. Be able to place important
minerals in the order of Bowen’s reaction series (Olivine, Pyroxene, Ca-Feldspar at top; Amphibole, Biotite, Nafeldspar in the middle; and Quartz and K - feldspar at the bottom.). Know the significance of grain size in
igneous rocks and how it can be used to determine where the rock formed.
CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Know the basis for classification (Texture, Composition) Know the six
major igneous rocks and the SIGNIFICANCE of each.
TYPES OF INTRUSIONS: Know the major types (Batholith, Dike, Sill) and how they form.
STYLES OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS: Know the two styles (Explosive vs. Nonexplosive), the properties of magma
that determines style, and features associated with volcanoes with each style of eruption (lava flows, aa, pahoehoe,
shield volcanoes, pyroclastics, pyroclastic flows, lahars, cinder cones, composite cone, calderas.
Be able to interpret an igneous rock.