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Catapult Your Health!
Worksite Success Guide
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Catapult Health and You –
a Winning Team
It’s nice to meet you! Together, we’re going to make a positive
impact on the health of your fellow employees. A little effort on
your part can make a big impact on your team.
What we do and why we do it.
At Catapult Health, we empower individuals to improve
their health by bringing state-of-the-art Preventive Health
Checkups to the worksite. In essence, we’re bringing the
physician’s office to you. And in the process, we make it a
lot easier for your employees to get the preventive care they
need, but most are not currently getting.
What’s our goal?
Our goal is to help your employees to live
healthier by getting a Preventive Checkup and
understanding their health risk factors. As
many as 25% of your co-workers have
diabetes, hypertension or early stages
of heart disease and don’t know
it. Through some simple, easyto-implement steps, you’ll see
employee lives changed as their
health improves.
So, where do you fit in?
Your role is an important one. We
need your help to ensure that all of
your employees know that we’re coming,
and understand the benefit of getting our
Preventive Checkup.
Don’t worry – in this Success Guide, we’ve
given you all of the tools and resources you’ll
need to make your job an easy one.
Let’s get started!
What Your Employees Can
Expect from Catapult Health
Quick and Easy Appointment Scheduler
A custom online Appointment Scheduler is created just for you. It only
takes 1-2 minutes to make an appointment on a laptop, tablet or smart
Lab-Accurate Blood Tests
Your employees receive lab-accurate blood tests onsite, processed
immediately in real time with only 3 drops of blood obtained with a simple
finger stick.
Private Consultation with a Nurse Practitioner
Every employee has a private video consultation with one of our
board-certified Nurse Practitioners to review their results and create a
personalized action plan.
Personalized Health Report
Employees receive an easy-to-understand Personal Health Report
including a personalized Action Plan created together with their Nurse
Private Patient Portal
After each checkup, employees have immediate and secure access to their
results online in our Patient Portal. Results can even be viewed on their
smart phone!
Summary Audio Recording
During the consult, the Nurse Practitioner will offer to record an audio
summary of the visit. This recording is securely stored and can be
accessed later to share with a family member or another healthcare
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Four Easy Steps
Set a Date for Catapult to Come Onsite
Your Catapult Account Manager will work with you to choose
a date that works for your employees. In some cases,
multiple dates will be needed to ensure that everyone can
participate. Usually, clinic dates are set 60 days in advance to
ensure there’s enough time for everyone to sign
up. Be sure to reserve the clinic space at your location.
Send Out Your Appointment Scheduler Link
Your employees can quickly and easily make an appointment for an
upcoming clinic through your customized Appointment Scheduling Tool.
For those who don’t have access to email, your Catapult Account Manager
can provide other scheduling methods.
Promote Your Event!
It’s important that all of your employees know about the
upcoming clinic and how to sign up. In this Success Guide,
you’ll find customizable tools and resources that make this
process easy. We’ll help you find the right set of tools that
work for your team and your location.
Meet Us on Clinic Day
On the morning of your clinic, meet
the Team Lead and let the Catapult
staff into the clinic testing area. We’ll
bring all of the necessary supplies
and equipment. We just ask that you
provide the clinic space as well as some
tables and chairs.
That’s it! You’re on your way towards
developing a healthier workforce.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Marketing Tools & Resources
Take advantage of these customizable tools and resources to ensure that all of your employees are aware
of your upcoming clinic(s). Your Catapult Account Manager can help you pick the right mix of marketing
tools for your team. Everything is available for downloading at
Email Templates
Your upcoming Catapult onsite event
View email in a web browser
EMAIL #1: Sample Email from the CEO
to Senior Leadership
Take a step
What Your Employees Can
Expect from Catapult
If your team uses email, we have a variety
of email
templates you can customize for your event.
4-5 weeks prior to Catapult’s first Onsite Event
Email Subject Line:
I’m asking for your support of our upcoming health checkups!
Email Body:
Dear Leadership Team:
At [company], we care about our employees!
Free, quick and confidential preventive health checkups
• The Big Announcement!
At [company], we care about you, our employees! That’s why we have partnered with Catapult
Health to provide free, quick and confidential preventive health checkups right here at our
workplace. Appointments are available on [date] and these checkups are available to all
employees covered under the [medical plan].
If you think you’re healthy, fantastic! This 30-minute checkup will help confirm that. But if you
have any warning signs or risk factors, this checkup can help you identify what’s going on. A
licensed Catapult Health Nurse Practitioner will even help you create a personal action plan for
improving your health.
• Why Participate?
Please take a few minutes right now to make an appointment at[company].
We all recognize the importance of staying healthy so that we can provide for our families,
watch our children grow, and enjoy a long and fulfilling retirement. This preventive checkup
is designed to identify and lower potential health risks that could prevent those dreams from
becoming a reality.
• Take a Step Towards Better Health
Your checkup will be performed by Catapult Health, a third-party health care provider, so be
assured that your individual results are strictly confidential. No one at [company] will have
access to your personal health information.
We want you to be healthier, happier, and more productive – at home and at work. I’ve already
made my appointment. Please take a moment now to make yours at[company].
That’s why we have partnered with Catapult
Health to provide free, quick and confidential
preventive health checkups right here at our
workplace. Appointments are available on
[date] and these checkups are available to all
employees covered under the [medical plan].
If you think you’re healthy, fantastic! This 30-minute checkup will help confirm that. But if you
have any warning signs or risk factors, this checkup can help you identify what’s going on and
a licensed Catapult Health Nurse Practitioner will help you create a personal action plan for
improving your health. And be assured that your individual results are strictly confidential
– no one at [company] will have access to your personal health information.
To learn more about the process, I encourage you to CLICK HERE and watch a short video so
that you can answer any questions your employees may have. I’d like you to lead by example
and take a few minutes right now to sign up for an appointment at[company].
In the next few days, I will send an email to all employees inviting them to participate. I’d also
like you to promote this important health improvement initiative by encouraging your teams
to sign up. In addition to creating happier and healthier employees, this proven solution will
help us lower absenteeism and better manage our healthcare spend. It truly is a win-win for
I’ve already made my appointment. Please take a moment now to make yours at www.[company].
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Customizable Flyers
Use any of the flyers below to create a customized version that you can print out and post around
your worksite. Download them at
What you don’t know
can kill you.
Know your
And what
to do about
Know your NUMBERS…
And what to do
about them.
8 out of 10 people with DIABETES
or PREDIABETES don’t know it.
Where do you stand?
for a Preventive
for a Preventive
for a Preventive
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
are fun…
for a Preventive
Health Checkup
Schedule your appointment today!
Schedule your appointment today!
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Don’t leave your family
in a lurch.
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
It’s amazing
what you
can learn
from a
drops of
Unless it’s
about your
for a Preventive
for a Preventive
Health Checkup
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
for a Preventive
Schedule your appointment today!
Schedule your appointment today!
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Schedule your appointment today!
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Let us help you
for a Preventive
Schedule your appointment today!
Schedule your appointment today!
Schedule your appointment today!
Don’t wait! The best appointment times go fast.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Marketing Tools & Resources
Find an all-employee
meeting or team huddle
where you can show the
video you’ll find on your
Appointment Scheduler.
We also have a library of
short videos on our website
which help to answer your
employees’ questions and
get them excited about
Breakroom Notes
If your worksite has lockers or a
breakroom, tape clinic flyers around
the area to grow awareness and
generate excitement.
Appointment Reminders
Immediately after making a checkup appointment,
each employee receives a confirmation email and
text message. Two days prior to their appointment,
they’ll receive another email reminder, followed
by a text message reminder one day prior. These
reminders will automatically occur!
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Marketing Tools & Resources
All Employee Meetings, Huddles & Email Messages
While posters and flyers are great, we’re sure that your employees would prefer to hear
about the clinic directly from you or your Manager. You can use this script:
I have great news to share with you today! On [DATE], we’ll
be hosting Catapult Health, right here at work. Catapult
provides state-of-the-art Preventive Health Checkups
including lab-accurate blood tests with only a finger stick.
Everyone will meet privately with a board-certified Nurse
Practitioner, and everyone will receive a Personal Health
Report and an Action Plan for how to improve their health.
Best of all, it only takes 30-40 minutes, right here at work.
I encourage everyone to sign-up. You pay nothing. We are
covering 100% of the cost. To make an appointment, simply
go to this web address on your laptop, tablet or smart phone:
[Appointment Scheduler Web Address]
Nothing beats free food to
drive participation, especially
since fasting is recommended.
On the day of the clinic, we
recommend having healthy
snack and breakfast items
available for your participants
following their checkups.
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Planning Timeline
Use this handy timeline to plan your promotion and clinic strategy. Your Catapult Account Manager is
always available to help you along the way.
• Set your clinic dates.
• Reserve your clinic space.
• Ask your Manager to
encourage participation and
to sign up for his/her own
• Use meetings to create
• Use locker/breakroom notes to
encourage participation.
• Send out a link to the Catapult
Health video.
• Send out a final reminder
email. Upon request, your
Catapult Account Manager
can give you an update on
who’s made an appointment.
• Email employees the link to
your custom Appointment
• Create posters to hang in the
breakroom or other employee
• Make a last-minute push
for participation.
• Use meetings and
bulletin boards to
remind employees of the
upcoming clinic.
• Relax – the Catapult Team
will take great care of your
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Frequently Asked Questions
Take advantage of these customizable tools and resources to ensure that all of your employees are
aware of your upcoming clinic(s). Your Catapult Account Manager can help you pick the right mix of
marketing tools for your team.
Why participate?
Unfortunately, most Americans don’t get the preventive
care they need, and because of that, they’re at risk
for serious health issues. Going through a Catapult
Health Checkup will help each person understand their
risk factors. Every patient will receive a lab-accurate
Personal Health Report and a customized Action Plan,
created during the checkup with a board-certified Nurse
Who should sign up for a Catapult Health
We recommend that all employees (except women who are
pregnant or who have delivered a baby recently) sign up to
receive a Catapult Preventive Checkup!
How long will this checkup take?
The checkup takes only 30-40 minutes, a lot less time than a typical visit to the lab and to the doctor’s
office for a full physical.
Is there any cost to participate?
No. Your company is covering 100% of the fee. You pay nothing.
Where do I access my results?
Immediately after the checkup, results can be viewed, downloaded or printed at Results can even be viewed on your smart phone!
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to fast before my checkup?
To get the most accurate results, we strongly recommend that patients fast before their checkup.
That means nothing but water for the eight (8) hours prior to the appointment. If someone who is not
fasting wants to participate, we’re happy to accommodate him/her, but some of the blood test values
may be affected.
What languages are supported?
Our Patient Portal and results are available in both English and Spanish. However, our Nurse
Practitioners can complete a consult in most languages. The patient should let the Team Lead know
of their language preference when checking in at the clinic.
What do I need to bring to the checkup?
Bring your Driver’s License, your Medical Insurance ID Card, your Primary Care Provider’s name
(including fax number if known), and a list of your prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
With your permission, we’ll use the Primary Care Provider’s info to securely e-fax your results to your
Hopefully, we’ve been able to answer most of
your questions. If not, your Catapult Account
Manager is available if you have additional
questions. You can also reach us at
[email protected].
Thank you!
We know that you have a lot going on and we want
to thank you for your time and effort to make this
program a success. Know that you’re making a big
impact on the health of your employees!
©2017 Catapult Health • All Rights Reserved