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ROAD TO REVOLUTION: Colonial Resistance Grows
Disagreements push Great Britain and the American colonies apart and eventually lead to the
signing of the Declaration of Independence.
THE REVOLUTION-TARGET 4: I can list the American colonists’ reaction to tighter
control of the Colonies by England.
Many Americans begin to organize to oppose British Policies
I. The Townshend Acts Are Passed
A. To raise revenue, Parliament passes the Townshend Acts (1767)
B. Suspends New York’s assembly until New Yorkers house troops
C. Places duties, or import taxes on various goods
D. British use writs of assistance, or search warrants to enforce acts
II. Tools of Protest
A. Colonist in Boston announce another boycott of British goods (1767)
B. Leader of Boston Sons of Liberty, Samuel Adams, organizes boycott
C. This boycott spreads throughout the colonies
D. Daughters of Liberty ask colonists to use American products
E. Custom officials try to seize an American ship, protestors cause a riot
III. The Boston Massacre
A. 1,000 British soldiers arrive in Boston, tension grows
B. On March 5, 1770, a fight starts between colonists and soldiers
C. Soldiers fire on colonists, kill five. Incident called Boston Massacre
D. One of the colonists killed, was African-American Crispus Attucks
E. Soldiers are charged with murder, lawyer John Adams defends soldiers
F. Soldiers set free, Boston Massacre become symbol of British tyranny
IV. The Tea Act
A. Parliament repeals the Townshend Acts except the tax on tea
B. Samuel Adams forms committees of correspondence
C. Groups exchange letters on colonial affairs, from throughout the colonies
D. Parliament passes the Tea Act (1773) which:
1. Gives Britain control over American tea trade
2. Places tax on colonists for regulated tea
E. Angers colonial shippers and merchants
V. Boston Tea Party
A. Protests against the Tea Act take place throughout the colonies
B. The Sons of Liberty organize a protest known as the Boston Tea Party
C. December 16, 1773, men disguised as Native-Americans board 3 tea ships
D. Destroy 342 chests of tea, many colonists rejoice at the news
E. Britain wants repayment and men responsible brought to trial