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Chapter 4 Quiz #1
Nutrition & the Human Body
place letters of multiple choice answers to left of question number.
1. T or F Simple carbohydrates include the monosaccharides and disaccharides.
2. T or F Refined grains are more nutrient dense than whole grains.
3. T or F When blood glucose levels rise, insulin is released by the gallbladder to lower
the level.
4. T or F The main role of carbohydrates is to supply building material for muscles.
5. __________________ provide immediate energy to the cells of the body.
a. Carbohydrates
b. Lipids c. Proteins d. Nucleic Acids
6. The storage form of glucose in plants is ________.
a. glycogen
b. sucrose c. starch
d. fiber
7. ________ make glucose in a process called photosynthesis.
a. Animals b. Bacteria c. Humans d. Plants
8. The process of photosynthesis produces which of the following
a. glucose
b. fructose c. glycogen
d. triglycerides
9. Your ________ cells and red blood cells primarily rely on glucose for energy.
a. adipose (fat)
b. brain c. cardiac d. muscle
10. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the
a. stomach b. small intestine c. mouth
d. large intestine.
11. The enzyme that begins the digestion of carbohydrates is called (it’s your teacher’s favorite)
a. lactase. B. amylase. C. lipase. D. protease.
12. Choose the disaccharide that is composed of glucose and glucose. (think Whoppers candies)
a. maltose b. sucrose
c. lactose d. fructose
13. Which of the following is NOT a polysaccharide?
a. starch
b. fiber c. glycogen d. galactose
14. What is the function of glycogen?
a. to provide energy storage in plants
b. to store glucose in humans and animals
c. to lower blood glucose levels when they rise after a meal
d. to create membrane structures in plants
15. Both fat and ________ are important sources of stored energy.
a. amylose b. glycogen c. glucose d. fructose
Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber
Nutrition & the Human Body
16. Insulin and glucagon are hormones released by the
a. brain
b. liver
c. pancreas d. stomach.
17. Which statement is NOT true about enriched wheat bread?
a. It is missing phytochemicals that are found in whole wheat bread.
b. It is missing the thiamin, niacin, and folate that are found in whole wheat bread.
c. It is missing the fiber that is found in whole wheat bread.
d. It is made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel.
18. People with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase cannot properly digest
a. starch. b. table sugar. c. milk sugar. d. fiber.
19. The creation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources, such as protein(building blocksamino acids), in the presence of glucagon is called
a. glycolysis. b. glycogenesis. c. glycogenolysis. d. gluconeogenesis.
20. Name the organ that converts galactose and fructose into glucose.
21. Name the three parts of a grain kernel and circle the starch component. 4 pts.
Extra Credit: ½ point each.
The by-products of incomplete ________ breakdown are known as ketone bodies.
a. amino acids b. fat c. glucose
Epinephrine can stimulate ________ to quickly flood your blood with glucose.
a. lipolysis b. lipogenesis c. glycogenesis d. glycogenolysis
Which part of the grain kernel contains vitamin E and healthy unsaturated fats?
a. germ b. endosperm
c. bran
d. husk
Approximately how long does it take for your liver glycogen stores to be depleted?
Which of the following hormones will NOT increase your blood glucose level?
a. glucagon b. epinephrine c. adrenaline d. insulin
T or F The glycogen in meat and poultry is a significant source of calories in our diet.
After the release of insulin, which of the following will NOT occur?
a. Excess glucose will be stored in your muscles as glycogen.
b. Excess glucose will be stored in your fat cells as fat.
c. Excess glucose will be stored in your liver as glycogen.
d. Excess glucose will be stored in your liver as starch.
Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber
Nutrition & the Human Body
Answer: B
Page Ref: 99
4) Why is whole grain bread a better choice than enriched bread?
Answer: Whole grain bread has more phytochemicals and fiber than enriched bread, and has
some vitamins and minerals at higher levels than in enriched bread.
Page Ref: 98
5) List five ways you can improve your tolerance to lactose in dairy foods.
5) Discuss the process of carbohydrate digestion beginning in the mouth.
2) Answer: FALSE
Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber