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Eighth Grade Science
First Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Know and demonstrate correct safety practices; Identify laboratory
equipment; Evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society
and the environment
Identify and use the steps of the scientific method; Measure and calculate
using the metric system; Differentiate between observation and inference
using promotional materials
Optional Extension: Read and interpret instructions to construct a model,
then evaluate the steps taken
Explain how scientists discovered subatomic particles; Explain how the
atom model was developed; Describe the structure and properties of the
Identify the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for atoms and
compare to isotopes; Describe process of radioactive decay and how these
isotopes are used; Explain what is meant by half-life
Describe the history of the periodic table; Interpret an element key for the
periodic table; Explain how the periodic table is organized
8.1A; 8.3D
8.2A, B, D, E; 8.3B;
8.3D, E; 8.8A, B
8.8A, B
8.2E; 8.3C; 8.9B
Second Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Recognize properties of some representative elements; Identify uses for the 8.9B, D
representative elements; Recognize location of transition elements on the
periodic table; Recognize properties of some transition elements
Determine the difference between physical and chemical changes;
8.9A, C; 8.10C
Determine the number of atoms for a chemical formula; Determine how to
read and understand a chemical equation; Examine that some chemical
reactions release energy and some absorb energy; Describe the chemical
composition of water and identify its use as a solvent
Determine how to describe and measure the speed of a chemical reaction;
Identify factor that cause chemical reactions to speed up or slow down
8.9A, C
Recognize that matter is made of particles in constant motion; Relate the
three states of matter to the arrangement of particles within them; Explore
viscosity and surface tension
Compare Thermal Energy and Temperature; Relate changes in thermal
8.10A, B
energy to changes of state; Explore energy and temperature changes on a
Explain why some things float and others sink; Describe how pressure is
transferred through fluids
Third Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Contrast distance and displacement; Define speed and acceleration;
Calculate speed and acceleration
Define force; Describe Newton's first law of motion; Predict changes in
motion using Newton's second law of motion; Contrast balanced and
unbalanced forces; Contrast different types of friction; Interpret motion
using Newton's third law of motion
Interpret motion using Newton's third law; Analyze motion using all three
of Newton's laws
Describe characteristics that all minerals share; Describe physical
properties used to identify minerals; Identify minerals using physical
properties; Describe characteristics of gems that make them more valuable;
Identify some uses of minerals
Recognize that igneous rocks form from magma and lava that cools;
Contrast the formations of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks; Describe
conditions that form metamorphic rocks; Classify metamorphic rocks as
foliated or non-foliated
Explain how sedimentary rocks form; Classify sedimentary rocks as
detrital, chemical or as organic in origin; Describe the difference between a
rock and a mineral; Analyze and predict the sequence of events in the rock
Fourth Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Describe the hypothesis of continental drift; Identify evidence of
continental drift; Explain a sea floor spreading; Recognize that rock age
and magnetic stripes support sea floor spreading
Compare and contrast different types of plate techtonics; Explain how heat
inside the Earth causes plate techtonics; Recognize features formed by
plate techtonics
Explain how earthquakes are caused by a buildup of strain; Compare and
contrast types of faults; Compare and contrast types of seismic waves;
Recognize earthquake hazards and how to prepare for them
Explain how volcanoes can affect people; Describe types of materials that
are produced by earthquakes; Compare how three types of volcanoes form
8.3A; 8.14A
8.3C; 8.14A
Explain howthe locations of volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are
related to techtonic plate boundaries; Explain how heat within the Earth
causes Earth's plates to move
Compare and contrast phenotype and genotype; Describe some effects the
environment has on traits
Differentiate between genetics and heredity; Explain the results of
Mendel's pea plant experiments; Identify the results shown by a Punnett
Explain how living and nonliving factors may influence evolution;
Describe how natural selection occurs in a species; Compare selective
breeding and natural selection
8.7A; 8.14A
8.11A, B
8.11A, B
Fifth Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Identify the gases in the Earth's atmosphere; Describe the structure of
Earth's atmosphere; Explain what causes air pressure
Describe what happens to energy the Earth receives from the Sun;
Compare and contrast radiation, conduction and convection; Explain the
water cycle
Explain why different latitudes on Earth receive different amounts of solar
energy; Describe the Coriolis Effect; Locate doldrums, prevailing
westerlies, polar easterlies, and jet streams
State the importance of Earth's oceans; Discuss the origin of Earth's
oceans; Describe the composition of sea water; Explain how temperature
and pressure vary with depth
State how wind and the rotation of the Earth influence surface currents;
Discuss how ocean currents affect weather and climate; Describe the
causes and effects of density currents; Explain how an upwelling occurs
Describe how wind can form ocean waves; Explain the movement of
particles in a wave; Describe how the Moon and Sun cause Earth's tides;
List the forces that cause shoreline erosion
Describe the characteristics of plankton, nekton, and bottom dwelling
organisms; Distinguish among producers, consumers and decomposers;
Explain how organisms in the ocean interact in food chains
Describe organic and inorganic substances; Identify minerals that your
body requires; Describe the basic structure and function of a typical human
cell; Describe the levels of organization in the body
Describe how body systems work together to carry out important life
functions; Compare negative feedback mechanisms and positive feedback
8.10B; 8.12B
8.7B; 8.10B; 8.14A
8.6C; 8.12C
8.6A, B
Examine Earth's Physical Characteristics; Use models to differentiate
between rotation and revolution; Demonstrate what causes seasons to
change using models
Identify the phases of the moon and their causes; Explain why solar and
lunar eclipes occur; Infer what the moon's surface may reveal about its
Examine facts about the moon that might influence future space travel
8.3C; 8.13A
8.3C, D; 8.12A;
Sixth Six Weeks
Lesson Objectives
Compare the Sun-centered and Earth-centered models of the Solar System;
Describe current models of the formation of the Solar System
List the inner planets in order from the Sun; Describe important
characteristics of each inner planet; Compare and contrast Venus and
Earth; Describe the major characteristics of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune; Explain how Pluto differs from the outer planets
Describe where comets come from and how a comet develops as it
approaches the Sun; Distinguish among comets, meteoroids, and asteroids
8.3E; 8.13A, C
Explain why the positions of the constellations change throughout the year;
Distinguish between absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude; Describe
how parallax is used to determine distance
Describe the structure of the Sun; Explain how sunspots, solar flares and
prominences are related; Explain why the Sun is considered an average star
and how it differs from stars in binary systems
Describe how stars are classified; Explain how the temperature of a star
relates to its color; Describe how a star evolves
Diffentiate between chemical and mechanical erosion
8.13A, B
8.10B; 8.13A
8.13A, C