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1. What evolu-onary changes are evident in the worm groups? 2. Worms have bilateral symmetry 2. Worms have 3 cell layers (not 2) 3. inner cells, middle cells, outer cells 2. Worms have Organs (structures with different cells for a common purpose) 1. What evolu-onary changes are evident in the worm groups? Body cavity Flatworms Roundworms Segmented Worms no cavity “false” cavity True body cavity 1. What evolu-onary changes are evident in the worm groups? Flatworms Roundworms Segmented Worms Diges-ve system One opening 2 openings 2 openings Circulatory & respiratory system Gases diffuse in & out-­‐ no blood Gases diffuse in & out –no blood Hearts with blood vessels & blood carry gases that diffuse across skin 1. How do worms transmit gene-c informa-on? Reproduc-on Flatworms Roundworms Asexually (fission) & sexually Most sexually, some Most sexually, asexually some asexually Reminder: sexual reproduc-on increases gene-c diversity Segmented Worms Examples: Flatworms Roundworms Segmented Worms Planarian, flukes, tapeworms Ascaris, Earthworm, leech heartworms, Guinea worm, pinworms, trichina worm, hookworm 1. How do worms get food energy? Refer to dissec-on sheet •  Trace (Follow) the pathway of food through an earthworm’s diges-ve system. 2. Tapeworms (parasites) 3. Absorb food from host 2. Flukes 3. Sucker takes in blood 2. Planarian 3. feed on dead material in lakes 3. indicate a nonpolluted environment • , 2. Roundworms 3. nonparasi-c – vinegar eels 3. parasi-c-­‐ pinworms, heartworms 3. Nonparasi-c C. elegans C. ELEGANS (WON THE NOBEL PRIZE)
1ST ANIMAL TO HAVE ITs DNA COMPLETELY SEQUENCED 3. Ascaris worm-­‐ parasi-c 1. How do you get a worm infec-on? 2. Fer-lized eggs are shed in feces, another animal picks up eggs, worms hatch into larvae, animal is eaten & worms grow 1. How do you get a worm infec-on? 2. Ingest Trichina worm cysts in meat 3. Cook meat to kill worm How many “cysts” do you count? 1. How do you get a worm infec-on? 2.  Drinking contaminated water 3. example: Guinea worm 2. Hookworm-­‐ enters through skin from water 1. How do you get a worm infec-on? 2. Vectors (insect carriers) transmit worms 3. Filarial worms cause elephantaisis-­‐ blocked lymph vessels CONTAMINATED AREA WITH EGGS -­‐-­‐ INTERMEDIATE HOST CONSUMES EGGS -­‐ LARVAE FORM CYSTS IN MUSCLE TISSUE -­‐ HUMAN EATS MEAT-­‐ TAPEWORMS MATURE & ABSORB FOOD 1.Intermediate hosts can vary