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Chapter 22
Touring our Solar System
Solar System
• 1 Sun
• asteroids
• comets
• meteoroids
• The list will continue to grow
Planetary Properties
Order of planets
Sizes of Planets
* Sun contains 99.9% of solar system's mass
Planets are relatively close to the Sun
* Planetary orbits become more widely spaced with increased distance from the Sun
• Distance roughly doubles with each planet (_____________________)
Planets all revolve counterclockwise
All planets have nearly the same orbital plane as the ecliptic except Pluto (170) and Mercury (70)
Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
Terrestrial Planets (___________________________________________)
* Inner planets
* un
* Closely spaced orbits
* Small sizes
* Predominantly rocky surfaces
* High densities
* Slower rotation rates
* Weaker magnetic fields
* No rings
* Thinner atmospheres, except Venus
• Due to low escape velocity - speed needed to escape a planet’s gravity
Jovian Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
* Far from the Sun
* Large masses
* Low densities
Faster rotation rates
Stronger magnetic fields
Many rings
Thick atmospheres
• Due to huge escape velocities
Formation of the Solar System
* Cloud of gas and dust contracted
* Contraction created heat and pressure
* Sun formed at the hot center
* Giant, cooler swirling matter surrounded
* Cooler regions away from the Sun caused condensation and the formation of
proto-planets (proto-planetary disks = ___________________)
Earth and the Moon in Bulk
Physical Properties
* Earth is more massive
* Earth is larger
* Earth is more dense
* Earth has stronger gravity
• Escape velocity is more on Earth
* Rotation rate is faster on Earth
• Earth always sees the same side of the Moon’s face
• ________________________ – rotation period is equal to the revolution period
* Distance to the Moon is 384,000 km (240,000 miles)
* Overall Structure
Effect of tides on Earth's rotation
* Earth's rotation is slowing down about 2 milliseconds every century
• Caused by the tidal effect of the Moon and Sun
* The Moon is spiraling away from Earth until the two become synchronized
• Eventually the Moon will be 550,000 km away
Lunar Air
* Very little amounts of water frozen in the rocks
* Day temperatures can reach _________
* Night temperatures can reach __________
* No sound on the Moon
The Surface of the Moon
* Dark areas meaning "seas“
* Solid basaltic lava flows
* 3.2 - 3.9 billion years old
Front side has more mare than back side
Largest feature – Mare Imbrium (sea of rains)
Distinctive Mare
• Oceanus Procellarum – “Ocean of Storms”
• Mare Nubium – “Sea of Clouds”
• Mare Serenitatis – “Sea of Serenity”
• Mare Tranquilitatis – “Sea of Tranquility”
• Mare Fecunditatis – “Sea of Fertility”
• Mare Crisium – “Sea of Crises”
• Mare Vaporum – “Sea of Vapors”
Lunar Highlands
* Lighter colored uplands
• Rocks are more than 4 billion years old
• Heavily cratered
* The moon is pocked with numerous craters
* Craters result from constant meteoritic impact
* Slideshow of craters
Lunar Erosion
* No erosion is caused by weather
• 10km crater occurs every 10 million years
• 1 m crater every month
• 1 cm crater every few minutes
• A steady "rain" of micrometeoroids eats the surface of the Moon
Origin of the Moon
* A Mars sized object hit the Earth sending numerous pieces of debris into orbit around
the Earth
* Computer models suggest this possible scenario
* Debris would have coalesced into a solid object
* Very small planet (close to the size of our Moon)
* Very dense, 2nd only to Earth
* Has numerous craters
* Difficult to see detail through a telescope because it’s so close to the Sun
* Looks a lot like our Moon
* Fast revolution (88 days)
* Slow rotation (59 days)
• 2 months long night
* Night temperatures - __________)
* Daytime temperatures - (__________)
• Life could not exist at those extremes
No atmosphere because little gravity and hot temperatures would release air to space
Meteoroids and harmful radiation always bombard the surface
The poles are always very cold (-2350F) since the Sun’s angle is always very low
Mercury's surface
• Numerous craters
• No signs of water or weather
• Has some fault scarps
Internal structure
• Has a weak magnetic field (10X less than Earth)
• Large, heavy iron-rich core
• Unsure if core is liquid or solid
• Solid core prevents tectonic processes
Planet is dry and lifeless
4.6 billion years old
2nd brightest object in night sky next to the Moon
Covered in veil of clouds
225 day orbit
Very slow rotation (243 days)
Similar to Earth in size, density, mass, and location (__________________)
• Can't see the surface because of clouds
• Map of Venus vs. Earth
• Has mostly a smooth surface with rolling plains
• Erosion by the atmosphere is prominent
– Most pronounced features are volcanic
– Large pancake lava domes exist
– Flattened due to high atmospheric pressures
– Resembles shield volcanoes on Earth
– No active volcano has yet been observed
– Rocks resemble basalt and granite
– The 2 Landers lasted about an hour and eventually melted the circuitry
due to intense heat
– Very few visible craters
Internal Structure
– Most likely due to the slow rotation
• Believed to be similar to Earth but with a softer crust due to the high
• Average surface temperatures are near 9000F
• 96.5% carbon dioxide and 3.5% nitrogen
• Constant lightning strikes with atmospheric pressures 90 times more than on
Venus has no moons
Life probably never existed on Venus
It’s sobering to realize how a planet so much like the Earth but just a little closer to the
Sun could have evolved so differently
* Rotation period of 24.6 hours
* Atmosphere
• Thin layer of CO2
• 1/150th of Earth’s atmospheric pressure
• Mars has clouds and storms
• 95.3% carbon dioxide
• 2.7% nitrogen
• 1.6% argon
• Water vapor, oxygen, and carbon monoxide
* Surface
• Frozen polar ice caps of H2O and CO2
– Polar caps grow and shrink with changing seasons
• Numerous large volcanoes
– Tharsis Ridge (Bulge)
– Currently unknown if volcanoes are active
• Huge canyons exist
– _______________ is a canyon much larger than the Grand Canyon
– Was not formed by running water
– Large crack formed as the Tharsis Ridge formed
– Flowing water is thought to create most canyons
• The northern hemisphere is more flat while the southern hemisphere is more
• Evidence of flowing water on Mars
– Runoff and outflow channels observed
– Water seepage from hillsides
– Springs from within a hill
– Ancient meandering stream channels
– When the volcanism stopped the atmosphere was no longer provided
with water vapor and the land dried up
• Mars has huge global wide dust storms
Several missions have landed on Mars
• Currently “Opportunity” and “Spirit” missions
Internal Structure
• No known magnetosphere
• Core must be non-metallic, non-liquid, or both
• Temperatures can reach 700F near the equator during the day
* Mars has 2 moons (Phobos, Deimos)
• Very small and irregularly shaped
• Thought to be captured asteroids
* Mars photo slideshow
* 21/2 times the mass of all the other planets, asteroids, and satellites combined
* If Jupiter was 10 times more massive, it would have been a star
* 3rd brightest object in night sky (telescope view)
• Rotation = 9.9 hours, Revolution = 11.86 years
• Atmosphere experiences differential rotation
* Small tilt axis of 3 degrees
* Atmosphere
• Primarily H (86%) and He (14%)
• Parallel cloud bands exist
– Bands caused by convection from below
• ______________________ – a storm system 2 times the size of Earth
– A huge storm with smaller storms embedded
– Rotates like a huge hurricane
• Extensive colors in the atmosphere
• Extremely turbulent atmosphere
• Winds can reach 700 mph
• Probes reveal Jupiter’s atmosphere is layered
* Interior Structure
• Internal heat source produces huge convection
– Jupiter emits twice as much energy as it receives
• Huge magnetosphere (larger than the Sun)
• Outer core is liquid metallic hydrogen
• Very intense pressure in Jupiter
• Central temperature can reach 40,000 K
• Surface may be a gigantic ocean of liquid H
• Small central rocky core
* Jupiter has a thin ring system
• Recent evidence reveals the rings may be slowly disappearing
Saturn as viewed from Earth
• The changing views of Saturn’s rings
Fast rotation
• Rotation = 10.5 hours, Revolution = 29.6 years
Has great differential rotation
Tilt axis of 27 degrees
• Similar atmosphere to Jupiter
– 92.4% H
– 7.4% He
• Atmospheric color not as vivid as Jupiter
• Clouds are thicker than on Jupiter
• Winds can exceed 930 mph
• Huge storms exist
• Very turbulent atmosphere
Interior Structure
• Extensive magnetosphere produces aurora
• Much like Jupiter
• Thinner metallic hydrogen outer core
• Smaller rocky core
Uranus (telescope view and VLT image)
* Kepler's law could not predict the exact path, so this meant another planet must be
farther out past Uranus
* Much less massive than Jupiter and Saturn
* Nearly a twin to Neptune
• Currently unknown why it's tipped over
* Uranus has rings as well
* Atmosphere
• Hydrogen 84%
• Helium 14%
• Methane 2%
• Blue color is due to the methane content
• Uranus is greenish compared to Neptune
* Rotation = 17 hours, Revolution = 84 years
* Has a central rocky core
* Has 27 moons
Neptune (Hubble view)
* 1st planet discovered using mathematical predictions
* Bluish fuzzy disk through a telescope
* Slightly smaller than Uranus
* Rotation period = 17 hours
Revolution period = 165 years
• High frozen cirrus clouds
• Winds can reach 1250 mph (windiest planet)
• Hydrogen 84%
• Helium 14%
• Methane 2%
Neptune has rings
Neptune has 13 moons
Discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh
• Partially named after famous astronomer, Percival Lowell, who searched for
the 9th planet until his death in 1916
Dirty frozen snowball
Recently demoted to dwarf planet status
• More resemblance to a large Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) than a planet
• Recent findings reveal 2 more possible moons
Small Solar System Bodies
* Rocky fragment less than 100 m in diameter
• Caused by friction heating up an object entering Earth's atmosphere
* Typically lasts for only a few seconds
* Meteorite * ____________________ - Earth passes into the remnants of an old comet’s tail
• Prominent events calendar
* Most are sand sized particles
* Primarily composed of iron and nickel
* Friction scars the meteoroid’s surface
* 4.4 - 4.6 billion years
* Over 250,000 known asteroids
* Fragments of rocky material more than 100 meters in diameter
* Most are found in the Asteroid Belt
* Revolve counterclockwise, except one
* Most stay close to the ecliptic plane
* More eccentric orbits than the planets
• Share an orbit with Jupiter
• Remain 600 ahead and behind Jupiter in orbit
• Also known as “Near Earth Objects” (NEO)
• Most asteroids will remain within the belt
• Some have highly elliptical orbits
• Over 3000 known
• Current map of objects
• Become deflected by the gravities of Mars and Jupiter
• most are less than 1km wide, but one is greater than 10 km
• Icarus (mile-wide) is an Earth-crossing asteroid
Largest asteroid “Ceres” is 587 miles wide
Asteroid views
• close-up view -- Irregular shaped -- Rotating
Landed on asteroid Eros in 2001
Asteroids originate from the fragments of broken planets and rocks that never formed
Discovered as a faint, fuzzy patch far from the Sun
Mostly icy with some rocks and typically 1-10 km wide
They brighten and develop a tail as it nears the Sun
Have no internal light, only reflected
Comet features
* Nucleus –
• Only the nucleus exists far from the Sun
* __________ - heated mass forms a gaseous and dusty glow around the nucleus
• coma gets larger as it nears Sun
• can be as large as Jupiter
* Tail
• Largest portion of a comet
• can stretch a distance of 1 AU
– ion tail –
– dust tail - curved white tail of comet
• Tails are faced away from the Sun
* Hydrogen envelope - engulfs the coma and the tail
Famous comets
* Hale-Bopp (1997)
* Hyakutake (1998)
• 76 year period
• Documented every time since 240 B.C.
• In 1986, it was probed by ESA
• Will return in 2061
* Origins
• Short period comets originate in the _________________
– Periods less than 200 years
• Long period comets originate in the __________________
– Can stretch up to 100,000 AU
– Surrounds the entire solar system
Comets have highly elliptical orbits
They get smaller with each pass since they melt a little each time they pass by the Sun
Is Earth on a Collision Course???
The solar system is cluttered with meteoroids, asteroids, comets, and comet remnants which
travel at great speeds
We know that comets and asteroids have collided with Earth more frequently than 1st
Evidence of impacts
* Earth is littered with over 100 impact structures called "____________“ and many are
very old
• Meteor Crater
– Winslow, AZ
– 25,000 years ago
– 1.2 km wide, 0.2 km deep
– Meteoroid was about 50 m wide
• Gosses Bluff (Australia) – 140 million years ago
• Manicouagan Crater (Canada) – 200,000 million
* Recent incidents
– In 1908, a spectacular explosion occurred in Siberia from a "fire-ball"
brighter than the Sun
– Shock waves broke windows 1000 miles away
– Trees were scorched, de-limbed, and flattened up to 19 miles away
– Object exploded just above the surface
– Produced brilliant flashes and dark zones
• Asteroid 2002 MN
– 100 meter object passed within 75,000 miles of Earth (1/3rd the distance
to the Moon)
– It was detected 3 days after it passed our planet
– In April 2029, this object will pass only 15,000 miles above Earth’s
surface (15 times closer than the Moon)
– Has a 350 meter diameter
“Sooner or later” these objects will come back and make an impact
End of Chapter 22
Touring our Solar System