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Bensalem Township School District
5 Grade SS Curriculum
Chapter 5
Standards Link: Historical Analysis and Skills Development
A. Understand chronological thinking and distinguish between past, present
and future time.
D. Describe and explain historical research. World History
A. Identify and explain how individuals and groups made significant political
and cultural contributions to world history.
Big Idea:
Enduring Understanding(s):
Routes of Exploration
Eight European Explorers came to the New
World and their arrival affected the native
Students will understand the Conquistadors,
the Northwest Passage and how contagious
diseases affected the native people
Essential Question(s):
What were the cause and effects of European exploration of the Americas?
What developments pushed exploration forward?
How did Columbus impact trade and exploration?
Christopher Columbus
John Cabot
Juan Ponce de Leon
Hernan Cortes
Jacques Cartier
Henry Hudson
Robert de La Salle
Explain how the voyages of Columbus
encouraged the powers of Europe to explore
the Americas between the 15 and 17
Identify areas in North America claimed by
explorers sponsored by Spain, France, Holland,
and England.
Describe the impact of the expeditions of
Columbus, Cabot, Ponce de Leon, Cortes,
Cartier, Coronado, Hudson, and de La Salle
upon Native Americans.
Assessment/Evidence of Learning:
Routes of Exploration to the New World Assessment
Student Interactive Notebook
Processing Activity
Bensalem Township School District
5 Grade SS Curriculum
Learning Activities:
Preview Activity
Processing Activity
Internet Tutorial:
Explain how advances in technology lead
to an increase in exploration (e.g. ship
Determine reasons for the exploration of
North America (e.g., religious, economic,
Compare the geographic and cultural
differences between the New England,
Middle, and Southern colonies (e.g.,
religious, economic, political).
Analyze contributions of American Indian
people to the colonial settlements.
Chapter 5
Literature Connection:
• Discovery of America by Betsy Maestro
• Scholastic Atlas of Exploration by Dinah
• The History News: Explorers by Michael
• I, Columbus: My Journal, 1492-1493 by Peter
• Journeys in Time: A New Atlas of American
History, by Susan Buckley & Elspeth Leacock
• Magellan and the Exploration of South
America, by Colin Hynson
• The World in 1492, by Katherine Paterson &
Jean Fritz
Internet Connection
Explorer Route Maps
Explorer Tools
Tools that explorers used, illustrations and
explanations of these tools.
The Explorers
Links to information on various explorers
and their travels.
Explorers of the Millennium, Explorers
Provides links to explorers by century.
Age of Exploration
A webquest to examine why explorers left,
what qualities they had, and the results of
their exploration.
Why Explorers Explored the World
Social Studies for Kids: The 13 American
This site compares characteristics of the
Let”s Make a Deal: Colonial Real Estate
A webquest where students research the
different aspects of the New England,
Middle, and Southern colonies in order to
sell real estate.
You Are the Historian: Investigating the
First Thanksgiving
Bensalem Township School District
5 Grade SS Curriculum
Chapter 5
An excellent interactive site that helps
students correct misconceptions of the role
of Native Americans in Plymouth.
Compares and contrasts lifestyles of Native
Americans and colonists.
Narragansett Bay: A Friend’s Perspectives,
Indians and Colonists
Describes things learned from the Native
Americans by the colonists.
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary
Sources (Word)
An Annotated Resource Set developed by
Steven Suggs
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary
Sources (Word)
European Explorers in the Americas: An
Annotated Resource Set developed by
Andrea Hogan
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary
Sources (Word)
Differences between New England, Middle
and Southern colonies: An Annotated
Resource Set developed by Ruth King
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary
Sources (Word)
Contributions of American Indians to
colonial settlements: An Annotated
Resource Set developed by Ruth King