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”Father of Democracy”
Athenian Assembly
most important body in the Athenian democracy
all important laws had to be passed by a vote of the people as a whole
all male citizens could participate
would meet a number of 3x each month
first 6000 or so Athenians citizens to arrive (all that could fit in the meeting place of the Assembly) would deliberate and vote
on all important state actions
powers of our congress and was not checked by any powerful executive or judicial branches
Council of 500
(Boule – meet at “Bouleuterion”)
equal representation throughout Greece
propose laws - controlled what “assembly” voted on
make day to day decisions
chosen by lot to one year terms
foreign policy
”lottery” system
reduce influence of $$$$$ and speaking skills
most positions were 1 year terms
Citizens could write down the name of a politician they felt was becoming too powerful, dangerous, or unpopular
o name written on piece of “ostraca” (clay)
o anyone who got majority (if 6000 votes were cast) was sent into exile for 10 years
Jury System
size from 101 to 1001 (odd numbers was to prevent ties)
>jury dropped tokens into jars
>Solid Disk = Innocent
>Hole in Disk = Guilty
accuser proposed the penalty the defendant should be given if found guilty
f found guilty the defendant also proposed a sentence and the Jury would choose one of the proposals
”Writ of Unconstitutionality”
Any law passed by Assembly had to be proposed by one person whose name appeared at the beginning of the law. During
the 1st year, if the citizens of Athens felt the law was a mistake because it became contrary to Athenian principles. If the law
was deemed “unconstitutional” – the person that proposed the law was fined an amount that would come close to bankrupting
that person
• this discouraged frivolous laws and glory seekers
• it encouraged serious thinking and political responsibility
Cleisthenes established a “Direct Democracy” [resembled a glorified “Mens Club”]
all citizens participated directly in government
Athenian Democracy was limited:
1)citizenship = land owning males
2)women excluded
Arguments against “Direct Democracy”
form of “mob rule” – minority could be discriminated against
majority of people were ignorant/unskilled about politics and how democracy works
Masses could be easily swayed due to ignorance
Socrates/Plato opposed democracy
Differences in Athenian Democracy and U.S. Democracy:
1)# of Citizens Athens = 250,000 people and about 30,000 were citizens (Men’s Club)
2)Level of Participation
• Athens  Direct (all citizens)
• U.S. Indirect (representatives)
• Athens = Men only (Men’s Club)
• U.S.
o Born or Naturalized
o 18 years old
***Democracies succeed ONLY if the
people are willing to choose and
support able leaders***
“GO VOTE!!!!”