Download Grades 9-12 Social Studies Learning Targets 6.1.4 Civil War and

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Content Area: Social Studies – Grade
will know (1850
and be
able to ...
– 1877)
•Learning Targets
Standards 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to
• analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment
shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed
that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local,
national, and global communities.
Strand: A. Civics, Government, and Human Rights
Statements: 4. Civil War and Reconstruction The Civil War was caused by ideological,
economic, and political differences about the future course of the nation. Efforts to reunite the
through Reconstruction were contested, resisted, and had long-term consequences.
• #
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Analyze the ways in which prevailing attitudes, socioeconomic factors, and
government actions (i.e., the Fugitive Slave Act and Dred Scott Decision) in the
North and South (i.e., Secession) led to the Civil War.
Analyze how ideas found in key documents (i.e., the Declaration of
Independence, the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution, the
Emancipation Proclamation, and the Gettysburg Address) contributed to
demanding equality for all.
Evaluate how political and military leadership affected the outcome of the Civil
Judge the effectiveness of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in obtaining
citizenship and equality for African Americans.
Unit Essential Questions • What causes civil
Unit Enduring Understandings • Ideological,
war? • Where do rights come from? • What
political, geographic and economic differences
factors influence the outcome of war? • How
between the North and The South led to The Civil
does war impact a nation and its people? •
War. • Reconstruction, which both united and
How are money and war related? • How much divided America in the post war years, had long
power should the government have over the
term consequences on the development of the
lives of its citizens?
Desired Results: Identify Grade Level ( ):
Content Area: Social Studies – Grade
Era: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850 – 1877)
Learning Targets
Content Area: Social Studies – Grade
Era: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850 – 1877)
Learning Targets
Standards 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to
think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment
shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed
decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local,
national, and global communities.
Strand: B. Geography, People, and the Environment
Content Statements: 4. Civil War and Reconstruction The Civil War was caused by ideological,
economic, and political differences about the future course of the nation. Efforts to reunite the
country through Reconstruction were contested, resisted, and had long-term consequences.
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Use maps and primary sources to assess the impact that geography, improved
military strategies, and new modes of transportation had on the outcome of the
Civil War.
Analyze the impact of population shifts and migration patterns during the
Reconstruction period.
Unit Essential Questions • What causes civil
Unit Enduring Understandings • Ideological,
war? • Where do rights come from? • What
political, geographic and economic differences
factors influence the outcome of war? • How
between the North and The South led to The Civil
does war impact a nation and its people? •
War. • Reconstruction, which both united and
How are money and war related? • How much divided America in the post war years, had long
power should the government have over the
term consequences on the development of the
lives of its citizens?
nation. •
Desired Results: Identify Grade Level ( ): On their own, students will know and be able to ... • • • •
Explain why moderates and Radical Republicans joined forces and their actions of behalf of African
Explain the economic differences between the agricultural south and the industrial north. i.e. fieldsslave labor. Vs. factory work.
Evaluate the conditions, of both military and civilian, in the Union/Confederacy at the end of the
Civil War.
Content Area: Social Studies – Grade
Era: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850 – 1877)
Learning Targets
Standards 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to
think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment
shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed
decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local,
national, and global communities.
Strand: C. Economics, Innovation, and Technology
Content Statements: 4. Civil War and Reconstruction The Civil War was caused by ideological,
economic, and political differences about the future course of the nation. Efforts to reunite the
country through Reconstruction were contested, resisted, and had long-term consequences.
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Assess the role that economics played in enabling the North and South to wage
Compare and contrast the immediate and long-term effects of the Civil War on
the economies of the North and South.
Explain why the Civil War was more costly to America than previous conflicts were.
Unit Essential Questions • What causes civil
war? • Where do rights come from? • What
factors influence the outcome of war? • How
does war impact a nation and its people? •
How are money and war related? • How much
power should the government have over the
lives of its citizens?
Unit Enduring Understandings • Ideological,
political, geographic and economic differences
between the North and The South led to The Civil
War. • Reconstruction, which both united and
divided America in the post war years, had long
term consequences on the development of the
nation. •
Desired Results: Identify Grade Level ( ): On their own, students will know and be able to ... • • •
Identify accurately the different resources available between the North and South during major
battle .i.e. Vicksburg-Bull Run-Gettysburg,
Analyze and explain the political impact of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
Interpret the geographical maneuvers of Sherman’s March and the destruction of Confederate
strongholds, from Atlanta to the sea.
Content Area: Social Studies – Grade
Era: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850 – 1877)
Learning Targets
Standards 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to
think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment
shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed
decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local,
national, and global communities.
Strand: D. History, Culture, and Perspectives
Content Statements: 4. Civil War and Reconstruction The Civil War was caused by ideological,
economic, and political differences about the future course of the nation. Efforts to reunite the
country through Reconstruction were contested, resisted, and had long-term consequences.
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Compare and contrast the roles of African Americans who lived in Union and
Confederate states during the Civil War.
Compare and contrast the impact of the American Civil War and the impact of a
past or current civil war in another country in terms of the consequences for
people’s lives and work.
Analyze the debate about how to reunite the country, and determine the extent
to which enacted Reconstruction policies achieved their goals.
Relate conflicting political, economic, social, and sectional perspectives on
Reconstruction to the resistance of some Southern individuals and states.
Analyze the impact of the Civil War and the 14th Amendment on the
development of the country and on the relationship between the national and
state governments.
Unit Essential Questions • What causes civil
war? • Where do rights come from? • What
factors influence the outcome of war? • How
does war impact a nation and its people? •
How are money and war related? How much
power should the government
Unit Enduring Understandings • Ideological,
political, geographic and economic differences
between the North and The South led to The Civil
War. • Reconstruction, which both united and
divided America in the post war years, had long
term consequences on the development of the
have over the lives of its citizens?
Desired Results: On their own, students will know and be able to ...
 Analyze the speeches of Frederick Douglass and evaluate the position of why African
Americans should serve in the Union Army.
Evaluate the three different Reconstruction Plans and the political and economic
impact of the following: The Lincoln Plan-The Johnson Plan and the Congressional Plan.
Compare and Contrast the life of African Americans in the Confederacy in relationship to
those who decided to live in the Union.
Describe the details of the controversial election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877.