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Better Fuel Economy.
Every Truck.
10 Tips To Maximize Fuel Economy.
ISX15 Engines.
10 Tips To Maximize Fuel Economy.
Vehicle Spec’ing.
1. S
pec gearing ratios properly.
ISX15 Engine Rating
Line-Haul At 65-mph Cruise
Up to 450 hp with torque of 1550 lb-ft and above
1260-1400 rpm
Up to 450 hp with torque below 1550 lb-ft
1350-1500 rpm
Above 450 hp with torque above 1750 lb-ft
1400-1500 rpm
1160-1240 rpm
For more details, consult PowerSpec or
2. S
pec advanced aerodynamics.
An aerodynamic truck-and-trailer configuration versus a non-aerodynamic configuration can
result in a fuel economy improvement of approximately 13%.
Driving Habits.
3. L
ower drive speeds.
At interstate speeds, each 1.0 mph (1.6 kph) increase = 0.1 mpg (0.04 km/L) loss.
For example, driving at 65 mph instead of 75 mph can save 1 mpg (0.43 km/L).
4. R
un in top gear more than 90% of the time.
Every 10% drop of time in top gear = 0.5% mpg (0.22 km/L) loss.
5. T
urn on Load-Based Speed Control (LBSC).
Using LBSC with aggressive settings can save as much as 3% in fuel.
6. D
ecrease idle rpm and idling time.
Using the lowest idle speed possible helps reduce fuel use by up to 0.5 gal/hr (1.89 L/hr). Every
hour of idle time that you eliminate can raise your vehicle’s fuel economy by as much as 1%.
7. F
ollow proper driving habits.
Sudden braking, rapid acceleration, downshifting too early and other poor driving habits can
negatively impact fuel economy by as much as 30%. Following proper driving techniques is
critical to maximizing fuel economy.
Measuring Fuel Economy.
8. R
un 50,000 miles (80,467 km) before measuring fuel economy.
Early results are not an accurate representation. Tire break-in and effects of first fill can skew
the results.
9. A
djust for seasonal variations.
Seasonal fluctuations from winter to summer can account for a gain of 8% to 12% in fuel
economy. A comparable decrease happens when going from hot weather back to colder
Vehicle Maintenance.
10. T
ires and maintenance are critical.
Tire tread and casing design can account for 12% difference in fuel economy. Proper
chassis alignment and tire inflation are critical to getting better fuel economy.
Key Electronic Features And Parameters
That Optimize Fuel Economy.
Load-Based Speed Control (LBSC).
LBSC is a Cummins-exclusive feature that limits the engine rpm when not needed – to save
fuel and reduce driveline wear. When needed, LBSC will allow the engine to operate at the full
governed speed when operating with heavy loads and/or on moderate grades, or when making
gear changes. LBSC encourages proper driving techniques and improves fuel economy.
Gear-Down Protection (GDP).
GDP helps maximize running the transmission in top gear. This will keep the engine operating at
lower rpm for better fuel economy and engine life. GDP can be used in conjunction with LBSC to
limit engine operating speeds throughout the vehicle’s entire operating range.
Road Speed Governor (RSG) And Cruise Control.
Setting a lower road speed limit improves fuel economy. Using cruise control to maintain a
desired road speed (eliminating throttle input variance) also improves fuel economy. RSG can
be set independently to encourage cruise-control use.
Idle Speed Control.
Lower rpm settings reduce fuel use in all idling situations. Use the lowest idle speed possible.
Vehicle Acceleration Management (VAM).
Like experienced drivers, VAM helps eliminate excessive acceleration, thus allowing the vehicle
to accelerate at a continuous rate. This reduces excessive wear on the driveline and tires, and
provides for better fuel economy.
Front-End Spec’ing.
Each spec’ing option and parameter setting can optimize the fuel economy of
new heavy-duty vehicles.
Spec’ing Option/
Parameter Setting
Estimated Gain Of Up To
Aerodynamic truck vs.
non-aerodynamic truck
Rear axle/differential gearing
Direct transmission vs.
overdrive transmission
Vehicle Acceleration Management (VAM)
Fuel-efficient tires vs. standard tires
Load-Based Speed Control usage
Gear-Down Protection usage
ISX15 SmartAdvantage™6%
*These gains are not additive, but in concert produce more consistent gains.
Economy Savings.
MPG Gain
12% (6.72 mpg) (2.86 km/L)
10% (6.6 mpg) (2.81 km/L)
8% (6.48 mpg) (2.75 km/L)
6% (6.36 mpg) (2.70 km/L)
4% (6.24 mpg) (2.65 km/L)
2% (6.12 mpg) (2.60 km/L)
Calculated using 6 mpg (2.55 km/L) at $4.00 per gallon ($1.06 per liter).
Annual mileage of 120,000 miles (193,121 km).
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Phone: 1-800-DIESELS™ (1-800-343-7357)
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